The first in the Nemesis quartet, a heart-stopping and highly original crime thriller series from the award-winning and highly acclaimed author Catherine McPhail. Nemesis : Into the Shadows introduces Ram, who has no memory of who he is, how he got to where he is, but is a murder suspect and on the run... Boys in particular will be drawn to the whole package – the dramatic cover look, the short time frame in which all four thrillers are set, the short, pacy chapters, the cliff hangers and the dynamic, independent, resourceful boy hero. Nemesis is the junior Bourne Identity so fans of Robert Ludlum’s writing will appreciate just how good and suitable the Nemesis quartet is for the fans thereof. Other books in the series include The Beast Within, Sinister Intent, and Ride Of Death.
Ram has no memory of who he is, his background or where he has come from. He awakes in a darkened corridor of a block of flats with no idea of how he has got there. And then, the lift doors nearby open and inside is a dying man. Ram is now the murder suspect and on the run. But, there is something that draws him back - the dying man's last words.
Scottish author Cathy McPhail (January 1946 - September 2021) won the Kathleen Fidler Award with her novel Run Zan Run, the Scottish Arts Council Award with her second novel, Fighting Back, a Royal Mail award and the 2010 Explore Award for Roxy's Baby and the 2010 Stockport Award and Royal Mail Award for Grass. Cathy's work was enormously popular with young teenagers, her trademarks being pacy and topical storylines. Cathy lived in Greenock, Scotland.
Cathy wrote Run Zan Run after her daughter Katie was bullied at school. Asked what she'd do if she wasn't a writer, she said: "If I wasn't paid to write, I'd still write books. What do I do in my spare time? I write. What is my hobby? Writing. I just love it. So, what would I be if I wasn't a writer? Bored stiff."