The sequel to the extraordinary book that was Tunnels. Deeper follows the story of Will who is still on his mission to find his father. This journey takes him deeper underground and en route he uncovers more terrifying secrets. This book is an unusual and thrilling addition to the science fiction genre, which is currently undergoing an enormous revival.
The Tunnels adventure is far from over for Will Burrows. In his quest to find his father, Will is plunged even deeper underground. And as if things weren't bad enough already in the heat and darkness, he stumbles across a Styx plot with terrible implications for the world above. And a sister who isn’t finished yet.
'It’s a good adventure yarn, about a 13-year-old boy who discovers an underworld ruled by a violent regime.' The Times
'Does it live up to the hype? Yes.' Daily Express
'It’s well paced, exciting and - in places – frightening and bloody.' Philip Ardagh, Guardian
About Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams
The authors are an unlikely pairing. Roderick Gordon is a former investment banker and his co-author, Brian Williams, an installation artist and filmmaker. The two have remained close friends since their days at London University. Deeper is their second book for Chicken House.