We Are A Circus is the charming tale of a rainbow family, riding around Thessaloniki on a bike. They are poor and living precariously, but they are happy together and have fun in the sun and in the rain (though sometimes they get a bit cold). As the book progresses, we follow them through the seasons, playing and cycling and fending off the weather. When their landlord turfs them out of their house, things get more serious as they have to find a new home, fast.
Nasta has created an exuberant, compassionate story, which is beautifully complemented by Rosie Fencott’s energetic artwork.
Nasta is a writer from Thessaloniki, Greece, based in Berlin, Germany. Na spends the days with children, enjoying their whimsical philosophies, playing, drawing and clowning around. Whenever Na doesn't fall asleep while reading bedtime stories, Na can be found writing lyrics and queer stories for kids. Rosie Fencott is an illustrator from Birmingham, England, and a big fan of the colour orange. They have been committed to drawing pictures of people since the age of 13. When not drawing, they’re most likely to be either playing video games or reading.