The sequel to the hugely acclaimed Big Numbers, Big Questions brings the most challenging issues about life, the universe and everything to 10–13 year olds. Big Questions is full of entertaining and challenging questions about the world around us – many of them have been puzzled over for thousands of years. It will encourage children to think for themselves, to imagine, discuss and reason in a creative, challenging and fun way with simple guiding text and illustrations. Philosophical thinking by children is considered to be a very important part of growing up and so these ‘big questions’ considered here will I’m sure help that process and improve self-confidence.
Is there a reason for everything? Can you trust the experts? Can you prove who you are? Do animals have rights? Does anything really exist? Is there only one answer? Asking questions can be a very risky business. When we start to think about things we've always taken for granted, we can end up with some surprising results. Big Questions is full of entertaining and challenging questions about the world around us - many of them have been puzzled over for thousands of years. The book includes sections on How to Win an Argument, Mind, Bodies and Brains and Right and Wrong.