Developing Digital Resources in the Primary School Library Synopsis
Developing, promoting, maintaining and mastering digital resources is important in primary school libraries for its essential life skills impact, as well as its role in raising the library’s profile while promoting reading and effective information handling skills.
The curriculum now requires primary schools to have an ICT presence, and this publication guides the reader on how best to utilise these resources in the primary school library to the best curriculum and financial effect.
Sarah Pavey has worked as a school teacher librarian for over 15 years in the UK, both in independent and maintained schools. She holds degrees in Biochemistry and Information Science as well as a teaching qualification. She is the author of several SLA publications and co-author of The Innovative School Librarian.
She is also an independent Library and Education Consultant and facilitates regular training events for the School Library Association, CILIP, Creative Education and Independent Thinking in both the primary and secondary sectors.