‘Mouse Tales’ by Valerie Greenfield is a charming adventure story of two brother mice. The stories included in 'Mouse Tales' are ones that lots of families will relate to, brothers sent outside to play, making new friends and having adventures. Each chapter holds a new tale which sees Yummy and Sniffy build dens and lakes, hunt for nectar and more. With mishaps, mayhem and some slight mischief I think that lots of children will find these stories entertaining. The writing style in this book is great for independent readers but I also feel younger children would be able to enjoy this book by reading with parents or older siblings. This book is also filled with sweet line drawings of these anthropomorphised mice on their various escapades and I think that younger readers, and those enjoying the stories as a family will find them enchanting. This is a brilliant book that I think readers of all ages can relate to and with it’s classical feel, focuses on getting outside, making new friends and learning new skills. A great book that I could also see working well as a TV show, would recommend.
Mouse Tales are the stories of two young mice, Sniffy and Yummy, who are regularly told by their mum to stop playing computer games and go outside.
During their adventures in the garden and in the meadows they meet other mice, find new friends, learn interesting and funny things and acquire new skills.
They get to know where bumblebees live, why you shouldn’t measure the water temperature with a thermometer if you don’t want to go to school and what happens if a toy soldier is launched tied to a rocket.
They find out how to stay warm in a snow hut, how one can win a dance contest with two left feet, whether fish sleep at all, how to play hockey with a broom, why an incidental pop can cause family issues and how a flower that has no teeth can eat insects... and lots more, seasoned with plenty of humour.