Devil's Mist by Liam Moiser is a short story of the paranormal, carefully written so as to be suitable for all but the very youngest independent reader. The style is direct, the characters straightforward so as to avoid ambiguity but by the same token this makes them somewhat lacking in depth and colour. Even so, the author has managed to write a suspenseful and haunting story, which would be a good introduction to the genre.
The tale begins with a camping trip by a lake. Rosie Brown, her father and best friend, Jenny, are sitting around the campfire making up spooky stories. But Mr Brown insists that his, about the house just visible across the lake and the mist rising from it, is true. As the reader is drawn further in, it becomes clear that Rosie's father does indeed know much more than he is letting on.What he knows and has done will have the most devastating consequences for his daughter.
I think we can look forward to a sequel to this book, as it's obvious the villain intends to regroup and enslave reinforcements to continue carrying out his wishes. An enjoyable read, which could have benefitted from being a bit longer, with more detailed dialogue.
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Primary Genre | Indie Author Books |