Hello, Mr Moon is a magical story written in rhyme, featuring a cast of adorable nocturnal animals that will help young children understand why the moon they see in the sky is always changing, and inspire children to learn more about our moon and solar system.
The Moon is out and so are the animals in the garden. A child peers out of her window and ask the Moon 'Why do you change so?'. Mr Moon explains the phases of the Moon cycle to a child and to Bat, Fox, Cat, Owl Badger and fish who all have questions of their own! 'Next steps' provide further infomation about the Moon cycle, including experiments to understand how the moon orbits our earth.
A wonderful story for any child with a curiosity about our world and how it works.
Lorna Gutierrez has been writing for as long as she can remember. She lives in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and, when not writing, she enjoys spending time with he family. She also enjoys anything sporty, travelling and learning about the world around her.