One of our Books of the Year 2016 | June 2016 Book of the Month
Dictionaries don’t come more fun than this celebration of Roald Dahl, his books and the joy he took in gobblefunking (ie playing with words, inventing new words and meanings). Dahl had an extraordinary understanding of what children like and used onomatopoeia to create words full of sounds that children love to say: lickswishy, wondercrump, phizz-whizzing and of course scrumdiddlyumptious are all featured in this ‘extra—usual’ dictionary. In fact there are almost 8,000 words, real and made-real-by-Dahl, mostly words featured in his books, some just there for fun, and this is a book to browse happily for hours on end. It will encourage children to invent words themselves and liven up their own writing and with colour illustrations by Quentin Blake on every page this is squiffling in every way.
A new unique Roald Dahl Dictionary from Oxford. This is not an ordinary dictionary. After all, you wouldn't expect an 'Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary' to be ordinary, would you? Lots of dictionaries tell you what an 'alligator' is, or how to spell 'balloon' but they won't explain the difference between a 'ringbeller' and a 'trogglehumper', or say why witches need 'gruntles' eggs' or suggest a word for the shape of a 'Knid'. This dictionary does all those things. All the words that Roald Dahl invented are here, like 'biffsquiggled' and 'whizzpopping' to remind you what means what, but that is not all. You'll also find out where words came from, rhyming words, synonyms and lots of alternative words for words that are overused.
Oxford Children's Dictionaries are perfect for supporting literacy and learning and this is the world's first Roald Dahl Dictionary from the word experts at Oxford University Press. With real citations from Roald Dahl's children's books and illustrations by Quentin Blake, this is authoritative, engaging and accessible and will inspire and encourage young writers and readers.
Perfect way to introduce a new generation to Matilda and co Radio Times
About Oxford Dictionaries, Susan Rennie, Roald Dahl
Susan Rennie, Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl Susan Rennie has worked on many dictionaries for both children and adults, including the Oxford Primary Dictionary, Oxford Primary Thesaurus, the Oxford English Thesaurus for Schools and the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. She also writes books in Scots for children, and has translated the first Scots edition of Tintin. Susan is currently a Lecturer in English Language at the University of Glasgow where she teaches lexicography and the history of Scots and English.