Shortlisted for the inaugural Klaus Flugge Prize, an important new illustration prize for children's books. How many toys is too many? It’s a question that’s bothers Lulu. She has had her teddy Jupiter since she was a baby and loves him very much, but as she grows up, she’s given more, and more, and more toys to play with. When Christmas comes, Lulu realises she has just too many and takes decisive action! Lulu and Jupiter make appealing central characters, always the focus of our attention despite the busy crowds of toys surrounding them, and there’s a classic feel to the artwork, boosted by the hand-lettered text. Will young readers agree with Lulu that there’s such a thing as too many toys? Maybe! ~ Andrea Reece
Lovereading4kids's expert reviewer, Julia Eccleshare is the Chair of the Judges of the Klaus Flugge Prize, she said: “We asked the judges to consider technique and artistic ability, and they chose also to take into account the illustrators’ skill at characterisation. The discussion was lively and wide ranging and the final shortlist features exciting and extremely talented illustrators. The Klaus Flugge Prize is very important, the only one to recognise new illustrator talent at this crucial early stage in a career and we look forward to watching all six of the shortlisted illustrators develop.”
Intricate comic detail, an energetic style, and hand-lettering that brings classic children’s books to mind make this stand out. The judges feel Deedman has the potential to be an outstanding illustrator, and admired the personality she gives to her book.
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