This illustrated storybook contains five stories about the animals of Christmas Wood and is just right for reading at bedtime or in a cosy corner. The animals of the wood are all getting ready for Christmas in their different ways, Tiny Mouse is baking ginger biscuits, Rosie Rabbit is trying to make Christmas cards, and Badger is looking to make new friends. There’s a gentle resolution to each of the stories and the animals are all brought together at the end of the book, when they celebrate Christmas in front of the nativity scene. Warm and reassuring with a cast of very cuddly little characters, it shows how Christmas is always best shared with friends and family. ~ Andrea Reece
Christmas wood is full of animals: Badger, Fidgety Fox, Owl (not Wise Old Owl, just Owl), the Rabbit family, Tiny Mouse, and Robin. It's nearly Christmas and all the animals are getting ready to celebrate - Badger is looking for new friends, Tiny is making (or is that eating...) gingerbread, and Rosie Rabbit just can't get ANY peace and quiet!
Suzy Senior lives and works at the top of a huge hill in South Yorkshire. Her background is in publishing sales, working with lots of lovely bookshops. She loves writing picture books, making things rhyme and eating Jaffa Cakes - ideally all at the same time!
She was shortlisted in the National Literacy Trust and Bloomsbury Children's Book Poetry Prize 2015.