"A thought-provoking, intelligent dystopian thriller"
Set in a flooded future world, Tom Huddleston’s book is a thrilling adventure, in which two young people are caught up in a world of pirates, gangsters, power struggles and corruption. Kara and Joe live in a floating slum on the edge of what is left of London after rising seas have drowned our civilisation. They’ve always been told that the Mariners, gangs who live entirely at sea, are terrorists. But then Joe’s life is saved by a Mariner, who entrusts him with a secret map. It’s a story that poses questions about our future, individual responsibility and the morals of political activism. Timely, thought-provoking, and action-packed.
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I really, really enjoyed this book. The writing was really descriptive and I felt like I was right there with them through the whole adventure!
I have not read any of Tom Huddlestone's books before but I really liked the way he writes. The characters were great and lots of fun with lots of attitude. The pictures he created in my head were really vivid. I could see everything like it was a movie! I liked the pirates and I really liked the strong girl characters.... Read Full Review
If you like Pirates and Battles this book is perfect for you. It gets more exciting as it goes along, so keep reading to find out who ends up with control of the City and Shanties...
This book is set in the future. The seas have risen and technology is rare. Kara and Joe are trying to protect the City and the Shanties from the ruthless Mariner Pirates. There are lots of battles between the Mariners and either MetCo (the City) or the Shore Boys (the Shanties). The story becomes more exciting when the main characters have to escape capture. You want to know what happens next. Who is Nate and will he help the Pirates or Kara and Jo?... Read Full Review
Imagine living underwater and being chased by pirates in submarines!! Flood World is a brilliant adventure tale of good versus evil and it will have you struggling to put it down. Possibly the best book I have read this year. I LOVE it!
The Flood World is a totally unique and riveting fantasy adventure book. I have read a variety of books and love action and adventure but I have never read a book quite like this.
Flood World is a classic tale of good versus evil set in an amazing underwater world.
I can't wait for the next book in the series.... Read Full Review