M.Murpurgo_Sticker-200November 2013 sees a month-long celebration of Michael Morpurgo’s wonderful stories, marking his 70th birthday this year. See all the 30 books in our special section. And don't miss the chance to win lots of his novels including a couple of signed ones in our exclusive competition. Remember

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to come back regularly to see 'the book of the day'. We also have some brilliant reviews of Michael's books from our 'Kids Reader Review Panel'.

Also to mark Armistice Day, in a special event at the National Theatre in London on Sunday 10 November 2013, Michael Morpurgo will be reading his heart-warming short story, The Best Christmas Present in the World and extracts from War Horse.

Click here to find out more information.

To find out more about Michael Morpurgo Month see his Facebook page or the Twitter hashtag #MorpurgoMonth. Or visit wwww.MichaelMorpurgo.com for exclusive videos and downloads and the chance to win signed copies of the books, an iPad and even a school visit from Michael himself!