The MIT Press and Walker Books have embarked on a pioneering publishing project to share the expertise and creativity of both organizations to bring engaging and ambitious books to children and YA readers.
The collection of nonfiction and fiction books cover important STEAM topics ranging from planetary science to the Internet and the environment.
The first books in this excting new imprint include:
Ada and the Galaxies, a picture book by Alan Lightman, a professor of the practice of the humanities at MIT who is perhaps best known for his internationally best-selling novel Einstein’s Dreams, and co-author Olga Pastuchiv, illustrated by Susanna Chapman
MIT App Inventor, a practical guide to app coding for middle-grade readers, by Hal Abelson, Class of 1922 Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and a founding director of Creative Commons and of the Free Software Foundation.
I'm a Neutrino: Tiny Particles in a Big Universe written by Dr. Eve M. Vavagiakis, a space enthusiast since childhood, she now works in experimental cosmology as part of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, CCAT-prime, CMB-S4, and Simons Observatory collaborations to build instrumentation and study the oldest light in the universe.
Through this new imprint, Walker Books and the MIT Press will bring innovative titles written by world experts, to connect young people with engaging and ambitious STEAM books. Further titles will be published throughout the year on a range of subjects including How to Spacewalk, Playtime Engineering and The Hanmoji Handbook.

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