Summer being on the horizon seems like a great time to get creative through writing stories themed around holidays. And the magical thing about writing (and reading, for that matter), is that you can experience different places and go on adventures without leaving home – the imagination can soar higher than any plane!
For each activity, we’ve suggested a genre to write in, a setting, a few characters, plus a line of dialogue to spark your story.
Being a writer is a lot like being a detective, or an explorer. So, as you dive into these activities ask lots of questions - through answering those questions, a story will start to take shape before your very eyes! For example: why did the characters go there? Why did he or she do that? What would happen if…? And so on.
Without further ado, it’s time to set sail, take flight, and set off on a writing road-trip. Bon Voyage!
Genre: funny fiction
Setting: theme park
Characters: 10-year old twins, an accident-prone rollercoaster attendant, and a grumpy granddad
Story spark: “Yikes! Granddad is stuck at the top of the rollercoaster!”
If you’re into writing funny fiction, you might also want to read this feature on writing silly stories.
Genre: spooky story
Setting: a campsite in the woods
Characters: a class on a school trip, a nervous teacher with a Labrador, and the campsite manager.
Story spark: “Did you hear that w-w-weird howl?”
Like writing spooky stories? We have a whole feature on that very terrifying topic!
Genre: action adventure
Setting: a mountainous rainforest
Characters: 12-year-old wildlife lover who lives in the forest, a volcano expert, and a flock of parrots.
Story spark: “The volcano professor hasn’t made contact for a day now. Should we send out a search party?”
Genre: anything you like!
Your story title is “Trip of a Lifetime” – it’s up to you where you set your story, who your characters are, and what happens. Pick what your trip of a lifetime would be, who you’d go with, and what you’d do. Then transform that dream holiday into a story.
For more creative inspiration and activities, check out the rest of our Get Creative series.
Joanne Owen is a writer and publishing professional with over twenty years’ experience of the book industry, and the author of a how-to children’s guide to creative writing, You Can Write Awesome Stories. Alongside writing and reviewing books, she hosts writing workshops and is an Editorial Expert for LoveReading.
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