Celebrate our schools, colleges, teachers and support staff on the annual National Thank a Teacher Day on 19 June 2024.
The Thank a Teacher Campaign is run by The Teaching Awards Trust which was established in 1998 by Lord David Puttnam CBE, to celebrate and recognise excellence in education.
The charity’s mission is to raise the profile of the teaching profession, highlight the positive impact teachers and school leaders have in our society – with pupils, parents and the wider community, and show teachers how much they are valued.
Mary Palmer, CEO of The Teaching Awards Trust, said “The people who support us through education not just the teachers but the support staff too, have such a lasting impact on who we become, they inspire, empower and support so many young lives. Thank a Teacher Day, like Mother’s or Father’s Day, is a chance for us to express our appreciation and recognise the positive impact teachers have on us as individuals and society as a whole.”
You can sign up for this special e-card, find out more about the events for the day and download free resources at thankateacher.co.uk.
We have gathered together a collection of books that feature an inspiring and supportive teacher or school staff member.
From dazzling Mr Suarez in Planet Joy, angelic Miss Honey in Matilda and motivating mentor Coach in Jason Reynold's Run series, these books celebrate the positive influence and life-changing impact that a great teacher brings.
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