Book Clubs in Schools (BCiS), the only charity that empowers older pupils to run book clubs for younger children, today announced Thursday 1st May as #BookClubsInSchoolsDay. The day was created to mark the charity’s 10th anniversary and to share the many benefits that book clubs bring to children and young people. As well as celebrating the children, teachers, librarians and authors who have been part of their story, BCiS will encourage all schools to get involved in book clubs.

#BookClubsInSchoolsDay Events

Events on the day will include an in-person event with Michael Rosen at Merton Abbey Primary School and live online events featuring authors Tom Palmer and Sita Brahmachari. There will also be a recorded session with author and illustrator David Litchfield.

Founded by parents Alison Palmer and Beth Ginsburg to encourage their own children to read more, BCiS has seen 40,000 children from more than 250 schools nationwide engage with its book clubs across primary, secondary and pupil referral unit (PRU) settings since it started. Not only does BCiS help schools create a reading-for-pleasure culture, but the unique peer-led approach provides many other advantages: book clubs foster communication and leadership skills, boost pupil confidence and well-being, and strengthen school communities.

The Difference School Book Clubs Make

With the National Literacy Trust’s ‘Annual Survey’ (November 2024) showing just 1 in 3 (34.6%) children and young people, enjoying reading in their free time, the work of BCiS is more vital than ever. Research commissioned by BCiS in October 2024, funded by the Mercers’ company and conducted by The Centre for Literacy and Social Justice at The Open University shows the difference school book clubs make with students encouraged to read more, and more widely, as well as feeling more confident as readers. Participant feedback shows 55% of pupils enjoy reading more, 53% feel greater connection to their school community and 91% feel more confident leading a group discussion after taking part in Book Clubs in Schools’ activities.

Sign Up for Free Resources and Online Events

Schools are encouraged to join the #BookClubsInSchoolsDay 10th anniversary celebrations by signing up for the online events and running their own student-led book clubs. Free resources to take part on the day will be available to download from

Authors are invited to support the day by posting ‘Happy #BookClubsInSchoolsDay’ social posts and videos celebrating the ‘Book they’d buy their 10-Year-Old self’.

Alison Palmer, Co-Founder and Director of Books Clubs in Schools says: ‘I am so proud that the book clubs that Beth Ginsburg and I started 10 years ago in one primary school in Wimbledon Park has grown into BCiS today. It all began because we were concerned that our children weren’t choosing to read - something that Beth and I both love to do. Without reading and talking about books, the world is a smaller place. How do you put yourself in someone else’s shoes? How do you learn about the wider world? Books open those doors and create space to dream. We are a small charity, but the impact on young lives has been immeasurable. Having older children lead the Book Clubs is the magic ingredient - it makes it feel ‘not school’. I think 10-year-old me - who always had her nose in a book - would be proud of all we’ve achieved.’

Book Clubs in Schools co-founder Alison Palmer and director Katy Donnelly

#BookClubsInSchoolsDay | @Schoolbookclubs