Budding blossoms, sprouting shoots, gambling lambs, and bouncing bunnies. It’s clear why spring is a marvellous metaphor (and springboard) for creativity. It’s a time when the natural world has well and truly woken up to fizz with energy and life — characteristics that are well worth harnessing to boost creativity.
With that in mind, the following activities are designed to put a spring in the steps of blossoming young writers.
1. Things That Spring
Use these “things that spring” to spark very short stories — tales told in 100 words:
A kangaroo, gazelle or springbok that’s lost its spring and needs help getting it back
A pogo stick that bounces people to another planet
An enchanted yo-yo
A natural spring of magical water
2. Springboard story-starters
Use these story-starters as springboards to write short stories:
“Come quick, Grandad! The seeds we planted yesterday have sprouted into a…”
“When I cracked open my Easter egg, I couldn’t believe my eyes! Inside was a …”
“It was clear something very strange had happened to my pet bunny overnight. For a start, it was…
“On the strike of midnight, the cuckoo clock door sprang open and a genie jumped out”.
3. Walk in the Park
Go for a family walk in the park (or around your garden). As you wander, take note of your surroundings. Look out for interesting plants, creatures and landmarks. Think about the colours, the shapes, the smells, and the feel of things you touch, like the bark of trees, the scent of flowers, the feel of the air of your skin.
When you get home, write up your walk experience, using all your senses, so anyone who reads it will feel as if they were on the walk with you. You could also draw a map of your walk, highlighting some of the things you spotted.
For more creative inspiration and activities, check out the rest of our Get Creative series.
Joanne Owen is a writer and publishing professional with over twenty years’ experience of the book industry, and the author of a how-to children’s guide to creative writing, You Can Write Awesome Stories. Alongside writing and reviewing books, she hosts writing workshops and is an Editorial Expert for LoveReading.
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