A beautiful tale of female friendship, The Girls is a tale that follows four young girls as they grow into women. Written by Lauren Ace and Illustrated by Jenny Lovlie, this is a brilliant debut book for readers aged 3+ to 5+ and their parents.
The story begins as four girls meet under an apple tree and form a bond that will last a lifetime. Throughout their lives all of the girls go through their own ups and downs, sharing secrets, dreams and fears with each other. This perfect book shows the friendships as they flourish and the girls grow up.
This books was read and reviewed by one of our Editorial Experts Andrea Reece, who loved the uplifting storyline and beautiful illustrations:
In just 32 pages we get to know the girls really well … we follow the ups and downs of their lives with real interest. The book’s message about the comfort, joy and support friends provide is delivered with real charm and this is a story which will reassure all young readers about what they can achieve and which will inspire them for their futures.
If you want to read Andrea’s full review of Lauren Ace’s debut book, then follow the link to the LoveReading4Kids book page.
The Girls has been published by Caterpillar books, an imprint of Little Tiger Press Group and we included it a one of our Books of the Month in July. The Girls is also one of our Summer Reading Highlights. This charming book is perfect for reading at bedtime, at the weekend. The Girls is also ideal ahead of September, with changes afoot - whether it’s moving classes or starting school, this book has an amazing story, perfect for inspiring and reassuring young readers about what’s ahead and what they can achieve.
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