SEBASTIANO BARCAROLI Born in Rome, where he still lives, Sebastiano founded the two art magazines Stirato Poster Magazine and Bang Art. Since 2009 he has been the driving force behind the film and illustration site He has published Il grande libro dei quiz sul cinema and, with Federica Lippi, Keep Calm e guarda un film and 101 film per ragazze e ragazzi eccezionali, all books that speak of his passion for cinema, including horror movies. He's afraid of zombies and coats on hangers that pretend to be Babau the Bogeyman in the dark. Sebastiano collected information for: harpies, Baba Yaga, banshees, Blob, El Chupacabra, Frankenstein's Monster, Davy Jones, ghosts, gargoyles, ghouls, golems, gremlins, huli jings, kappas, Madremonte, Medusa, Creature of the Black Lagoon, The Mummy, sirens, witches, taniwhas, Invisible Man, werewolves, yetis, zombies.