Los Tres Chivos
Margaret Hillert
Not Available
Come to School, Dear Dragon
The Cow That Got Her Wish
The Ball Book
Circus Fun
A House for Little Red
The Little Cowboy and the Big Cowboy
Little Puff
The Little Runaway
The Purple Pussycat
The Snow Baby
Up, Up, and Away
What Is It?
Who Goes to School?
The Yellow Boat
Fun Days
I Like Things
Let's Have a Play
Play Ball
What Am I?
The Three Bears
Margaret Hillert's The Three Little Pigs
Margaret Hillert's The Baby Bunny
Margaret Hillert's The Witch Who Went for a Walk
The Little Cookie
Happy Easter, Dear Dragon
I Need You, Dear Dragon
Four Good Friends
I Love You, Dear Dragon
Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon
La galletita
Cuatro buenos amigos
El bebé raro
El niño y los chivos
Los tres cerditos
La casa de galletitas
Los frijoles mágicos
Los tres osos
Yo no, yo no
Cenicienta en el baile
Caperucita Roja
The Birthday Car
Help for Dear Dragon
Friend for Dear Dragon
Let's Go, Dear Dragon
Cinderella at the Ball
Cookie House
Go to Sleep, Dear Dragon
It's Circus Time, Dear Dragon
Not I, Not I
The Three Goats
Away Go the Boats
Tom Thumb
Magic Nutcracker
Take a Walk, Johnny
Witch Who Went for a Walk
Come Play with Me
Happy Birthday, Dear Dragon
Boy & the Goats
Funny Baby
Little Cookie
Little Red Riding Hood
Magic Beans
Three Goats
Ball Book
Birthday Car
Cow That Got Her Wish
House for Little Red
Little Cowboy & the Big Cowboy
Little Runaway
Purple Pussycat
Snow Baby
Up, Up & Away
Yellow Boat
Margaret Hillert's City Fun
Funny Ride
It's Halloween, Dear Dragon