Joe Brady collaborated with Linda to bring Tosh’s story to life as a comic in The Phoenix first, and now as a book. Other than Tosh’s Island, Joe has written a number of Phoenix comics including No Country (with Patrice Aggs) and Claire: Justice Ninja (with Kate Ashwin and Abby Bulmer). Joe loves working on stories that have a nugget of truth at their heart, and being allowed to share in Linda’s life story has been such an honour.
Some of the things that have happened to the “real” Tosh:
Picking flowers one summer in Finland, Sussex University for two degrees, teaching, learning, writing, telling stories, reading, selling ice creams and setting up a bookstall in a theatre. Learning to drive in a blue Mini named Mabel. Oh, and once sharing a lift with a Beefeater at a conference in the Tower of London…
And lots more, but most of all, talking and listening and sharing, having fun with the many friends along the way…