Over the past decade Calvin Innes has been captivating children's imaginations across the world with his often gross, sometimes spooky and always entertaining drawing and writing. His unique style and vision led him to create My Little Big Town, a publishing company which celebrates weird tales and crazy characters.
As well as illustrating the award winning Gorgeous George series and the upcoming swashbuckling adventure, Pirates Don't Play Cricket, Calvin has also written the Tiny Twisted Tales collection. This series aims to entice reluctant readers with short stories and poems about strange characters, whilst also spreading strong moral messages. The first three books in the popular series, Stuart The Bug Eating Man, Pale Henry and Jenny, are currently available, whilst the fourth, Frankie Steinberg is due out in July.
Calvin is also working on educational books for younger children. His Monster Book Of... series aims at teaching pre-school kids basic colours and numbers through vibrant and memorable characters.
His work has seen him travelling across the country, visiting schools, and teaching thousands of children about drawing and writing. He has featured in many newspapers and magazines, including The Sheffield Star, which said he is 'one of the best in the business' and most recently he appeared on ITV's Daybreak to talk about his work. He is also a member of the Society Of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
Before My Little Big Town, Calvin worked as an illustrator for companies such as The Brownies, Girl Guides, Rainbow Guides, RSPB, Nestle, Cadbury's, Sony, London Zoo, Slush Puppy and even on The Smurfs Movie.
Today his time is spent conjuring up new ideas for characters and stories which will continue to scare, disgust, educate and leave in hysterics even more children who appreciate the weird and wonderful as much as Calvin does.