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Jonathan Edwards: America's Genius
Jonathan Edwards was just an ordinary American boy but he was different too. The country he lived in wasn't the America of today - but a new world full of adventure and opportunity. Battles and Tomahawks were just some of the thrilling adventures that his family lived through. But Jonathan also loved the small things in life too. In an age of scientific discovery, Edwards saw God's beauty displayed most perfectly through nature. His journals are filled with drawings of plants, animals, and spiders because he knew that each one of them reflected the creativity of its Creator. His mind was full of questions and he grappled for the answers. Intellectually there were few to beat him. However it wasn't just his amazing intelligence that set him apart from other boys his age - he may have had a thirst for knowledge but he also had a strong desire for the things of God. His genius and abilities teamed up well with his faith and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. One day the country that would become the United States of America would look back at this man of brilliance as a founding influence on their land.
Christian George, Christian Timothy, Christian Timothy George, George (Author), Lyle Blaker (Narrator)
Martin Luther: Reformation Fire
What made an ordinary monk become a catalyst for the Reformation in Europe in the 1500s? What were the reasons lying behind his nailing of 95 theses against the practice of indulgences to the door of the Schlosskirche in Wittenberg in 1517? Why was Martin Luther's life in danger? How did his apparent kidnapping result in the first ever New Testament translated into the German language? Discover how a fresh understanding of the Scriptures not only transformed his own life but had a huge impact upon Europe.
Catherine MacKenzie, Lyle Blaker (Author), Lyle Blaker (Narrator)
Ulrich Zwingli: Shepherd Warrior
By the end of his brief life Ulrich Zwingli would change the religious landscape of his home and the world. It wasn't until the last few years of his life that he became a reformer. He fought for truth and righteousness with his mind and pen, he fought for lost souls to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and at the age of forty-seven, as an army chaplain, he was killed on the battle-field. The Shepherd Warrior, Ulrich Zwingli, fought the good fight.With his last strength he voiced his victory: "They can kill the body but not the soul!"
William Boekestein (Author), Joe Geoffrey, Joe Jeffery (Narrator)
Eric's life brought him to boarding school in England, university in Edinburgh and the fame of Olympic Stardom in Paris. But with that fame came trouble as he struggled to stand up for his Christian faith. Eric's strong belief in keeping the Lord's Day as a day of worship was challenged when his 100 metres race was scheduled for the Sunday. Eric's strength of conviction and his subsequent win in the 400 metres have made him a hero and a role model for many young men and women. But his life was so much more than winning tapes and starters' orders - his whole life was a race for God.
John Keddie (Author), John Keddie, Lyle Blaker (Narrator)
Patrick of Ireland: The Boy Who Forgave
Saint, Slave or Scholar? Patrick of Ireland is known as all three but who is he really? Let K.C. Murdarasi bring to light the real life of this father of the Christian faith. Kidnapped from his home and family as a young boy you would think forgiveness would have been far from his mind. Yet with God's grace Patrick returned to the land of his captivity where he preached the Good News of Jesus Christ to slaves and kings alike and left a legacy of faith that would last for centuries.
K. C. Murdarasi, K.C. Murdarasi (Author), Joe Geoffrey (Narrator)
Gladys Aylward: No Mountain Too High
Many looked on Gladys Aylward's expedition to mainland China as foolhardy and dangerous. It was.On her own, as a single female, she carried her passport and other documents, along with the only money and belongings that she had, in a small briefcase with a teapot and a saucepan tied to the handle.After having purchased her one-way ticket to China, she left the United Kingdom with a single-minded determination to do what God had commanded her. She knew she was meant to go to China - even if no mission was prepared to support her.Unconventional is the only way to describe this journey to the country that would eventually become her home. A theme that would continue throughout her mission work in China where she thwarted authorities, became involved in the Chinese resistance and rescued over 100 children from the invading Japanese army.Written for 9-14 year olds.
Myrna Grant (Author), Ann Richardson (Narrator)
Hudson Taylor: An Adventure Begins
Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of 21 Hudson Taylor left the United Kingdom to sail half way round the world to China. Why did he do this? He did it to tell the Chinese people about the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them a message of hope. This story covers Hudson's childhood and traumatic teenage years as well as his life as a well-known pioneer missionary.
Catherine MacKenzie (Author), Joe Geoffrey (Narrator)
Step into the shoes of Mary, Joseph, the Innkeeper, Elizabeth, the Shepherds, and more as we poetically recount the wonder of the birth of Jesus through the eyes of those who were witness Gabriel "paced the halls of heaven" as he memorized God's message to Mary. He wondered what she would say. The Christmas story unfolds, as never before, through the voices of those who witnessed the Messiah's birth. Listen to Joseph's struggle. Rejoice with Elizabeth and Zachariah. Worship with the magi. Hear the fear in Herod's voice. Receive the blessing of Simeon and Anna. And, like the shepherds, shout for joy!
Nikki Grimes (Author), Full Cast (Narrator)
The Beginner's Bible Heroes of the Bible
Heroes of the Bible is a 5-book treasury featuring the following Old Testament stories: Noah and the Ark, Moses and the King, Queen Esther Helps God's People, David and the Giant, and Daniel and the Lions. Featuring dramatic voices, music, sound effects, Heroes of the Bible will become a favorite to listen to over and over.
Zondervan (Author), Full Cast (Narrator)
Your Magnificent Chooser: Teaching Kids to Make Godly Choices
We all have choices to make every day, even the youngest children. The choices we make play a large part in forming who we grow to be as adults. For kids, those choices can include whether to be obedient or disobedient, to share or be selfish, to have a good attitude or not, and more. John Ortberg addresses the ability to choose in a whimsical way by inviting children to use their magnificent chooser that God gave them to make right choices daily. Parents will love reading this book to their kids, and kids will enjoy the content while learning lessons that will stay with them throughout their lives.
John Ortberg (Author), John Ortberg (Narrator)
"Time is old here. Older than the cracked and scorched earth, older than the scraggly bushes and the dusty road that winds through the desert like a sluggish snake on its way toward the horizon wavering in the heat.I no longer recall for how long I've been here, but I feel just like that snake - forever on my way toward a destination that's just out of view. Only when I look up do I see what my heart longs for. The endlessly blue sky. My visions are blue. My eyes are hungry.The cabin is on the edge of what must once have been a lake. When I step outside and stand on the verandah during the hottest time of day, the air is so hot that it turns everything blurry and wavy, filling the lake with something looking like water once more. Even though that mirage can't quench my thirst for the blue.The clock above the door is broken. Time isn't just old here - it seems to not pass at all.And yet I wait."'Exodus' won second place in the Harland Awards (short fiction contest), a prestigious Dutch award for fantasy and sci-fi stories and novels. It is a story about the end of the world, a lonely teenager desperately trying to leave Earth before it's too late, and her search for redemption. The jury called Exodus a story containing 'a deep and beautiful message'.
Jen Minkman (Author), Rachel Jacobs (Narrator)
The Christmas Story & The Story of the Wisemen
Dramatized Story of the Christmas Story from the New Testament/The Story of the Wisemen from the New Testament.
Laura Van Leeuwen (Author), Dan Rutherford (Narrator)
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