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The Monster Friend: Help children and parents overcome their fears and make friends with their monst
Award Winning Book Series MONSTERS ARE REAL! It's time to stop denying their existence and start getting to know them and why they came to pay you a visit. Whether you're a parent or a child - we all have something we are afraid or scared of which might cause you tension/anxiety or fear in your day to day life. It might be fear of standing in front of a crowd or just being afraid of the dark - the origin of these fears is always the same - fearing the unknown. In this amusing and heroic bedtime tale Mia decides to confront her worst fears - what happens next is truly inspiring and provides both children and parents with REAL practical life tools for facing and conquering their fears! Rated by parents, teachers, psychologists and kids(!) worldwide as one of the best indie children's book series to ever have been published! Here are just a few of the practical tools this Award Winning book series provides: + boost confidence + increase self-esteem + create self motivation + creative thinking + growth mindset + acceptance ...and more ! The Mindful Mia book series is Ideal for children ages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The Monster Friend is the fourth book in Mindful Mia- a series of books that reflect growth mindset, gentle parenting and nurture universal values that inspire and empower kids. This series is perfect for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, first grade and second grade as they advance from early readers to intermediate readers.
Asaf Rozanes (Author), Susan Mcgurl (Narrator)
A Sense of Darkness: Broken Loyalties
Carmen searching for her missing daughter on the border. Her crazy husband blames the migrants for kidnapping his step daughter.
Kristen Howe (Author), Kristen Howe (Narrator)
Much-loved storyteller Karen Kingsbury's Baxter Family books have captured the hearts of millions who have come to think of the Baxter family as their own. Now Karen Kingsbury and her son Tyler Russell tell the childhood stories of the beloved Baxter children—Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Erin, and Luke—to inspire and entertain younger readers. Brooke is the perfect older sister. For that reason, Kari and Ashley work hard to make their parents just as proud of them as they are of Brooke. Each girl has her own talents. Brooke is an excellent student. Kari is a great soccer player. Ashley, a talented artist. And they are always there for each other. But when the news comes that Dr. Baxter is moving the family from Ann Arbor to Bloomington, Indiana, and the Baxters need to leave the only home and friends they've ever known, no one is happy. Saying goodbye is hard but the family still has what's most important—their faith and their love for each other. The first book in the Baxter Family Children series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell tell the story of what it was like to grow up in the Baxter family, the best family ever.
Karen Kingsbury (Author), Rebekkah Ross, Tara Sands (Narrator)
The Dark Lord's power has spread to the mysterious Caves of Mondar. The Seven Sleepers are called to free the people there by teaching them the virtues of honor, dignity, and generosity.
Gilbert Morris (Author), Tim Lundeen (Narrator)
Travel to Pass Lake, Minnesota, with the Sugar Creek Gang. When the Gang arrives, they find themselves in the middle of a mystery. Newspaper reports tell of a kidnapped girl who has not been returned even though the ransom was paid. Will they find the girl and help catch the kidnapper? Join the Sugar Creek Gang on their action-packed trip to Minnesota's lake country, and learn about becoming fishers of men. The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. These classic stories have been inspiring children to grow in their faith for more than five decades. More than three million copies later, children continue to grow up relating to members of the gang as they struggle with the application of their Christian faith to the adventure of life. Now that these stories have been updated for a new generation, you and your child can join in the Sugar Creek excitement.
Paul Hutchens (Author), Aimee Lilly (Narrator)
The Sugar Creek Gang continues to struggle with their new teacher, Mr. Black. They cause some of the trouble for themselves when they build a snowman that looks a lot like him and he stumbles across it. Then someone outside the gang tries to frame the Sugar Creek Gang by putting a board over the chimney at school. Learn important lessons about honesty and respect with the Sugar Creek Gang. The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. These classic stories have been inspiring children to grow in their faith for more than five decades. More than three million copies later, children continue to grow up relating to members of the gang as they struggle with the application of their Christian faith to the adventure of life. Now that these stories have been updated for a new generation, you and your child can join in the Sugar Creek excitement.
Paul Hutchens (Author), Aimee Lilly (Narrator)
Brahmasri Paruthiyur Krishna Sastri a pioneer of Hindu Religious discourses had traveled all over India and had conducted discourses in various subjects spreading the knowledge. He was considered the greatest exponent of the Ramayana in his time whose style is even now revered and emulated. Sastri's life was dedicated to renovating and maintaining temples, building temples for Sri Rama, philanthropy, singing and talking about the glories of the story of Sri Rama thereby inducing bhakti and dharma in his large audiences.
G S Sridhar, G. S. Sridhar (Author), Saraswati (Narrator)
Will Wilder #3: The Amulet of Power
In book three of the series, twelve-year-old Will Wilder is back to protect the town of Perilous Falls after he's given a talisman with a lock of Samson's hair. But a new dark demon will force family secrets to be revealed, friendships to be tested, and Will's strength to be pushed to the limit. Will Wilder yearns to join the Perilous Falls Middle School football team. But he was never big enough or strong enough to make the cut, until he comes in contact with a talisman containing the fabled locks of Samson. But using the Amulet of Power attracts dark forces to Perilous Falls like moths to a flame. Suddenly, hunched creatures are shadowing people around town, graves are being disturbed, the music of a mysterious DJ lulls half of Perilous Falls into a stupor, and to top it all off, Will is convinced that a teammate may be a demon himself! As he tries to identify the demon before it causes untold havoc, Wilder family secrets will be unlocked, the limits of physical strength and the power of friendship are tested--and Will might even score a touchdown or two.
Raymond Arroyo (Author), Raymond Arroyo (Narrator)
Die Hörspiel-Serie 'Emmi' erzählt Mutmachgeschichten speziell für Kindergartenkinder. Emmi ist vier Jahre alt und hat lockige Haare, die ein bisschen zerzaust sind. In der Schäfchengruppe trifft Emmi ihre beste Freundin Lisa und natürlich Ben und seinen besten Freund Max. Emmi hat Jesus lieb. Mit ihm bespricht sie, was am Tag so passiert - und natürlich mit Mama und Papa. Oh weh. Emmi hat plötzlich Fieber und muss zum Kinderarzt. Sie ist richtig mutig, als sie eine Spritze bekommt. Zu Hause erfährt sie, dass Oma und Opa eine Überraschung für sie haben: einen Ausflug zum Ponyhof, sobald Emmi wieder ganz gesund ist. Das Pony Schoko gefällt Emmi so gut, dass sie es am liebsten mit nach Hause nehmen will. Emmi redet mit Gott darüber. Dabei lernt sie, dass Gott am besten weiß, was gut für Emmi ist, auch wenn es nicht immer so kommt, wie sie es sich vorgestellt hat. Die Abenteuer der kleinen Emmi begeistern nicht nur die Kleinen! Wunderbare Mutmach-Geschichten mit christlicher Botschaft für Kinder ab 3 Jahren, lebendig und ansprechend vermittelt.
Bärbel Löffel-Schröder, Emmi - Mutmachgeschichten Für Kinder (Author), Dania König, Luise Bär (Narrator)
Löschen, retten, helfen: Flo, das kleine Feuerwehrauto, ist ein echter Helfer in der Not. Mit dem Feuerwehrmann Bruno lebt Flo in Plätscherbach. Jeden Tag trifft Flo den Krankenwagen Milla und Leopold, das Polizeiauto. Mit ihnen erlebt er viele Abenteuer. So auch, als ein Zug in Plätscherbach entgleist und Pakete mit Spielzeug im ganzen Wald verstreut werden. Jede Folge von 'Flo - Das kleine Feuerwehrauto' enthält drei Geschichten. Sie sind kurz und auf kleine Kinderohren abgestimmt. Dabei wird am Ende jeder Kurzgeschichte eine kindgerechte Brücke zu einer biblischen Geschichte hergestellt. Die drei biblischen Bezüge in dieser Folge: 'David und Saul', 'Hananias und Saphira' und 'Adam und Eva'.
Christian Mörken, Flo Das Kleine Feuerwehrauto (Author), Olaf Baden (Narrator)
Der vergessene Planet: Folge 3
Die Galaxy Kids sind auf der Suche nach einem weiteren Bibelfragment. Dabei gelangen Leo, Zara und Titus zum Planeten Oblivia. Er ist von einem gefährlichen Asteroidenfeld umgeben und angeblich unbewohnt. Warum empfängt die Galaxy Mission plötzlich Notsignale von diesem scheinbar verlassenen Ort? Ein weiteres gefährliches Abenteuer wartet auf die Galaxy Kids. Die Galaxy Kids leben in einer weit entfernten Zukunft. Dort herrscht der Intergalaktische Rat mit eiserner Hand. Die Galaxy Kids Titus, Leo und Zara und ihr Roboter-Hund Filu lasen in einem uralten Manuskript zum ersten Mal von einem Gott, der es gut mit den Menschen meint und die Regeln des Intergalaktischen Rates infrage stellt. Das Manuskript ist eines der Bibelteile, die einst von den Wächtern der Wahrheit an verschiedenen Orten im Universum versteckt wurden. Und es gibt noch weitere solcher Bibel-Manuskripte. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Erzähler: Tom Jacobs / Titus: Jakob Lechner / Leo: Ben Schömig / Zara: Lena Marx / Captain Spark: Ingo Marx / Sergeant Smith: Kai Rinsland / Computer, Jungjong, Marktbesucher: Tobias Schier / Tristan: Jaakoba Görtz / Ritter Ulric: Tobias Schuffenhauer / Der Eiserne Graf: Peter Laupenmühlen Regie: Tobias Schier, Musik: Tobias Schuffenhauer (c) + (P) 2019 Gerth Medien
Thomas Franke (Author), Jakob Lechner, Tom Jacobs (Narrator)
Verschollen in Fernost: 5-Geschwister-Jubiläums-Box
Drei Abenteuer, drei Länder, drei Herausforderungen! Zum 30-jährigen Hörspiel-Jubiläum müssen die 5 Geschwister ihr Können gleich dreimal unter Beweis stellen. Von Tokio nach Kamtschatka bis hin zum Spiegelsee in Nepal müssen sie sich im Großstadtdschungel vor Samurai-Kämpfern und Ninjas retten, nach einem Helikopterabsturz den Weg aus dem Tal des Todes finden und letztlich das höchste Gebirge der Welt erklimmen. Marianne, Esther, Petra, Alexander und Hans-Georg geraten dabei von einem Abenteuer ins nächste und stoßen immer wieder an ihre Grenzen. Nur mit Gottes Hilfe können sie sich ihren übermächtigen Gegnern entgegenstellen. Die Jubiläums-Folge der '5 Geschwister': Spannende Geschichten, Rätsel zum Kombinieren und christliche Werte, die den Charakter stärken.
5 Geschwister, Tobias Schier, Tobias Schuffenhauer (Author), Fabian Stumpf, Lisa Kielbassa, Micha Nietsch, Sarah Stoffers, Tjorven Lauber (Narrator)
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