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Das Gold des Piraten: 5 Geschwister - Folge 26
Auf den Spuren eines legendären Piraten: Die '5 Geschwister' fahren an die Nordsee, um einem uralten Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen. Kurz zuvor nämlich hat Alexander auf einem Flohmarkt eine alte Schatzkarte entdeckt, die angeblich den Weg zum Piratenschatz von Klaus Störtebeker zeigt. Während ihrer Suche treffen Petra, Alexander, Hans-Georg, Esther und Marianne auf skurrile, merkwürdige und durchaus gefährliche Typen, die sie über ihre eigentlichen Beweggründe im Dunkeln lassen. Als plötzlich große Gefahr droht, hört der Spaß wirklich auf. Die neuen Folgen der '5 Geschwister': Spannende Geschichten, Rätsel zum Kombinieren und christliche Werte, die den Charakter stärken.
Tobias Schier (Author), Fabian Stumpf, Lisa Kielbassa, Micha Nietsch, Sarah Stoffers, Tjorven Lauber (Narrator)
Gefahr auf dem Zwillingsmond: Folge 5
Durch einen Hinweis auf ihrer letzten Mission gelangen die Galaxy Kids auf die Zwillingsmonde Protos und Tritos. Während die Menschen auf Protos im Wohlstand leben, müssen die Bewohner von Tritos ums Überleben kämpfen. Ein Geheimzeichen führt Titus, Leo, Zara und Roboterhund Filu zu Luna, die auf Tritos in einem Arbeiterlager lebt. Als Luna sich in die Hände einer Schlepperbande begibt, beginnt für die Kids ein gefährliches Abenteuer. Die Galaxy Kids leben in einer weit entfernten Zukunft. Dort herrscht der Intergalaktische Rat mit eiserner Hand. Die Galaxy Kids Titus, Leo und Zara und ihr Roboter-Hund Filu lasen in einem uralten Manuskript zum ersten Mal von einem Gott, der es gut mit den Menschen meint und die Regeln des Intergalaktischen Rates infrage stellt. Das Manuskript ist eines der Bibelteile, die einst von den Wächtern der Wahrheit an verschiedenen Orten im Universum versteckt wurden. Und es gibt noch weitere solcher Bibel-Manuskripte.
Thomas Franke (Author), Ben Schömig, Jakob Lechner, Lena Marx, Tom Jacobs (Narrator)
Tell Us About The Holy Spirit, Papa
An opportunity for kids to learn personally Following Jesus is the best choice anyone can ever make. But living for Jesus can be difficult. He expects a lot from us. He wants us to live like he did, and he always did the right thing. But Jesus does not expect us to live for him by our own strength. He sent the Holy Spirit to help us. The Holy Spirit is the best helper you will ever have, because he is God. He is always close to you because he lives in you. In this book you will have a chance to learn what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit. Then you can get to know him even better as you become teammates, living for Jesus. Meet the Holy Spirit as Jesus introduced him to us. Learn the many ways the Spirit helps you to live for Jesus. This is a Bible Study guide, helping you to discover in your own Bible about the Holy Spirit. An encouraging, informative and thorough study about God's Spirit for children.
Tom Mullenix (Author), Lawrence Locke (Narrator)
“Bienaventurados los que lavan sus túnicas para tener derecho al árbol de la vida.” (Apocalipsis 22:
•¿Te gusta crecer a nivel personal, y aprender cosas útiles todos los días? •¿Te interesa conocer como tener una vida mejor al alcanzar la virtud de confiar en Dios cada dia mas? ¡NO BUSQUES MAS! Con la nueva edición de este libro que hemos creado especialmente para ti podras encontrar entre otras cosas lo siguiente: 1. La poderosa sabiduría que Santos como San Agustín, San Juan Crisostomo, Santo Tomas de Aquino, San Anselmo, Santa Teresa de Avila, Santa Maria magdalena de Pazzi, San Doroteo y San Jerónimo aplicaban de manera personal y recomiendan para poder confiar en Dios en cualquier eventualidad, incluso en las enfermedades o persecuciones. 2. Los consejos y amonestaciones que TIENES QUE LEER en donde El Espíritu Santo te enseña a confiar mas en su providencia a través de CONMOVEDORAS palabras de aliento que han sido estudiadas y afectuosamente guardadas y transmitidas de generación en generación a MILLONES DE PERSONAS durante MILES DE AÑOS. Algunos de los Libros Bíblicos citados incluyen: El Evangelio según San Mateo, El Evangelio según San Juan, El Evangelio según San Lucas, El Libro de Job, La Primera Carta del Apóstol y Mártir San Pablo a los Tesalonicenses, La Carta del Apóstol y Mártir San Pablo a los Galatas, Los Hechos de los Apóstoles, El Libro del Profeta Ezequiel, La Primera y Segunda Carta a los Corintios, El Libro de Daniel, El Libro del Profeta Jeremías, El Libro de Tobías, El Libro del Profeta Habacuc, La Carta a los Hebreos, El Apocalipsis del Apostol San Juan y ¡¡MUCHOS MAS!!
San Alfonso Maria De Ligorio (Author), Colaborador Vcrm #5 (Narrator)
A sword and planet adventure with likable characters, heroic deeds, and exotic alien worlds!On a mission to Prosperine, the Alien Corps' Hickory Lace formed a friendship with the alien mystic, Kar-sèr-Sephiryth. Together, they prevented the Bikashi/Pharlaxian coalition from overthrowing Prosperine's government. However, the Pharlaxian leader escaped capture, and now he's inciting the northern clans to war. The G.A. wouldn't be interested, except Sequana has stolen a high-tech symbiotic weapon and, in the wrong hands, could become a serious threat to Earth. Hickory and her team are sent to Prosperine to get it back. If you enjoy the classic scifi stories of Asimov, Herbert, Heinlein, and Anderson, you'll love The Prosperine Series. Author's note: although, Rise of the Erlachi can be enjoyed as a stand-alone audiobook, to get the most from this sword and planet series, it would be best to start with volume 1, The Alien Corps.
Pj Mcdermott (Author), Lisa Negrón (Narrator)
The Berenstain Bears I Can Read Collection 1: Level 1
This audiobook bundle includes four favorite I Can Read! titles from The Berenstain Bears' Living Lights: A Faith Story series: The Berenstain Bears Help the Homeless The spooky old house on 1 Spook Hill would make the perfect homeless shelter for Bear Country. The Good Deed Scouts and Old Tom better get busy with repairs!The Berenstain Bears' Piggy Bank Blessings The Bear cubs like to spend, spend, spend. Will the new piggy bank Mama bought help teach Brother and Sister about saving money?The Berenstain Bears Good Deed Scouts to the Rescue The Good Deed Scouts are on the lookout for someone to help. Whether it's helping a kitten down from a tall tree, helping Mrs. Grizzle with her yard work, or helping a lost cub find his mother, the Good Deed Scouts are dedicated to living by God's example in Bear Country.The Berenstain Bears, Do Not Fear, God Is Near Sister Bear is sometimes afraid of things around her. Can Papa give her the help she needs to stop being afraid and trust in God?
Jan Berenstain, Mike Berenstain, Stan Berenstain (Author), Angela Park (Narrator)
The Berenstain Bears Brother and Sister Bear Favorites: 3 Books in 1
These favorite Brother and Sister Bear stories are wrapped up in this 6-in-1 Berenstain Bears audiobook collection! These stories will remind young listeners of important biblical values and offers essential life lessons. From being kind to others to gossip to having a bad day, and forgiveness to helping others to doing your best, Brother and Sister Bear's relatable adventures and everyday opportunities to learn will inspire listeners young and old. This collection includes: The Berenstain Bears and the Forgiving Tree: When Cousin Fred accidentally damages Brother's brand-new bike, Brother Bear is angry. Can Sister Bear help him see that forgiving his friend is the right thing to do? The Berenstain Bears Get Involved: A storm hits Bear Country, and it might flood! It's up to the Bear family and the rest of the rescue team from the Chapel in the Woods to come together and save their community. The Berenstain Bears and a Job Well Done: Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear need to clean their playhouse, but they'd rather play outside. The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule: Should Sister Bear ignore the new girl at school just because her friends do? Choosing to be kind may not always be the easy choice, but it is always the right one. The Berenstain Bears' Gossip Gang: Talking about others makes Sister feel like she is special, even if what is said might not be true. But when rumors are spread about her, Sister begins to understand just how hurtful gossip can be. The Berenstain Bears Why Do Good Bears Have Bad Days?: Sister and Brother Bear go on a bike ride and fishing trip in the countryside, and things go very wrong. Brother falls into the pond, Sister's fishing rod breaks, and they get caught in the rain on the way home. Why did this bad stuff happen to them? The Berenstain Bears Brother and Sister Bear Favorites: Includes all the Berenstain Bears family and friends who have been beloved by parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren for decadesFeatures kid-friendly, easy-to-remember Scripture versesTeaches valuable life lessonsIs a fun, new collection in the popular Zonderkidz Living Lights: A Faith Story series, which has sold over 8 million copies since 2008
Jan Berenstain, Mike Berenstain (Author), Julia Tracy (Narrator)
My Life as a Broken Bungee Cord
A hot air balloon race! What could be more fun? Then again, we're talking about Wally McDoogle, the world-renowned "Human Catastrophe." My Life as a Broken Bungee Cord keeps listeners on the edge of their seats as one calamity builds upon another until, with his life on the line. Wally learns what it means to FULLY put his trust in God.
Bill Myers (Author), Bill Myers (Narrator)
My Life as Crocodile Junk Food
Chased by thieves through roaring rapids, over a killer waterfall, and into the hands of jungle natives! This isn't exactly what Dad had in mind when he took his son on a mission trip to the South American rain forest. But he should have known better. After all, we are talking about Wally-If-Anything-Can-Go-Wrong-It-Will McDoogle. My Life as Crocodile Junk Food keeps listeners laughing as Wally stumbles into a whole new set of impossible (and man-eating) predicaments … until he finally understands the need and joy of sharing Jesus Christ with others.
Bill Myers (Author), Bill Myers (Narrator)
The weatherman predicted rain. So Nora built an ark. Just like Noah. Well . . . Not just like Noah. Noah welcomed a host of animals two-by-two. Nora's passenger list includes two backyard spiders, a pair of battery-operated monkeys, and a couple of unimpressed cats. Nora also employs her little brother, some dusty wooden boxes, and a sizeable dose of contagious imagination in her distinctive re-creation of the timeless story of Noah's Ark. Charming and inventive, Nora's big voyage, and its stirring conclusion, provide entertainment and inspiration for listeners of all ages.
Eileen Spinelli (Author), Kate Russell (Narrator)
Love Letters from God: Bible Stories
What child does not love to receive mail? What if that child could receive, open, and read their own personal mail from God? Love Letters from God will invite them to do just that! Accompanying each story in this unique children's Bible is a very special and encouraging letter just for them. Written for children ages four to eight, Love Letters from God includes eighteen of the most popular Bible stories-nine from the Old Testament and nine from the New Testament. Following each story, the child will hear their own letter from God. A very special Bible verse entitled "God's Wonderful Words To You" will accompany each story and letter. Much more than a mere memory verse, each carefully chosen promise will be God's very own personal words of love, encouragement, and hope.
Glenys Nellist (Author), Christian Steiner (Narrator)
"God gave each puppy a gift of its own, and PUPS OF THE SPIRIT is how they are known!" Peanut is patient, and Kay is so kind. Each of these nine loveable puppies has a special trait to help them grow closer to God. From love and joy to patience and kindness, children will have fun learning about the fruits of the spirit with these playful and cuddly companions.
Zondervan (Author), Kate Russell (Narrator)
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