Browse Religious & Inspirational audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Never in her wildest dreams did nine-year-old Molly believe she could be loved again. Molly’s fed up with the cruel Mr and Mrs Furrows who run the orphanage. She wants out. When a mysterious palace appears outside her bedroom, she thinks ... Now’s my chance. Molly is invited to join the royal family, but there’s a catch. It involves a secret mission and magic tokens. She has only one month to complete her mission and accept the king’s invitation. If she doesn’t, will she ever get another chance to get away from Mr and Mrs Furrows? Join Molly on her adventure and discover the hidden message of the story - secret missions happen every day when you’re a child of God.
Carmen Allen (Author), Carmen Allen (Narrator)
The Jataka Tales chronicle the past lives of The Buddha. The Tales in this Volume 1, retold by Ellen C Babbit are particularly informative and inspiring for children of age 6 and above. Parents and children can enjoy discussing the stories. What is the moral? What do we learn from them?
Ellen C Babbit (Author), Anita Saran (Narrator)
The Jataka Tales which chronicle the past lives of The Buddha are the oldest stories in the world. This second volume of stories retold by Ellen C Babbit is much enjoyed by children as well as parents. The stories lead to discussions about the values that should be the foundation of every child.
Ellen C Babbit (Author), Anita Saran (Narrator)
Drohbriefe in Rio de Janeiro! Urlaub in Brasilien: Die 5 Geschwister reisen nach Rio de Janeiro. Beim Besuch des Cristo Redentor - der monumentalen Christus-Statue, hören sie, dass der zuständige Padre anonyme Drohbriefe auf Deutsch geschickt bekommt. Diese Briefe erhält der Padre allerdings erst, nachdem Marianne, Petra, Hans-Georg, Esther und Alexander aufgetaucht sind. Darin steht, dass ein großes Unglück passieren wird, das die Welt im Fernsehen und auf allen Social-Media-Kanälen miterleben wird. Doch was genau wird passieren - und wann? Die 5 Geschwister stehen einer Aufgabe gegenüber, für die sie offensichtlich ein Wunder brauchen. Die neuen Folgen der '5 Geschwister': Spannende Geschichten, Rätsel zum Kombinieren und christliche Werte, die den Charakter stärken.
5 Geschwister, Tobias Schier (Author), Fabian Stumpf, Lisa Kielbassa, Micha Nietsch, Sarah Stoffers, Tjorven Lauber (Narrator)
Im Garten der Hoffnung: Folge 7
Die Galaxy Kids führt der nächste Hinweis direkt auf den Heimatplaneten von Master Wicked. Auf Negeta gibt es keine Wächter der Wahrheit mehr und als Leo plötzlich gefangen genommen wird setzen Zara und Titus alles daran ihren Freund zu befreien. Währenddessen offenbart Master Wicked Leo ein unglaubliches Geheimnis. Was hat das alles mit seinen Eltern zu tun? Eine riskante Mission für die Galaxy Kids beginnt. Die Galaxy Kids leben in einer weit entfernten Zukunft. Dort herrscht der Intergalaktische Rat mit eiserner Hand. Die Galaxy Kids Titus, Leo und Zara und ihr Roboter-Hund Filu lasen in einem uralten Manuskript zum ersten Mal von einem Gott, der es gut mit den Menschen meint und die Regeln des Intergalaktischen Rates infrage stellt. Das Manuskript ist eines der Bibelteile, die einst von den Wächtern der Wahrheit an verschiedenen Orten im Universum versteckt wurden. Und es gibt noch weitere solcher Bibel-Manuskripte.
Thomas Franke (Author), Tom Jacobs (Narrator)
Löschen, retten, helfen: Flo, das kleine Feuerwehrauto, ist ein echter Helfer in der Not. Mit dem Feuerwehrmann Bruno lebt Flo in Plätscherbach. Jeden Tag trifft Flo den Krankenwagen Milla und Leopold, das Polizeiauto. Mit ihnen erlebt er viele Abenteuer. So auch, als eine Übung der Jugendfeuerwehr schiefläuft und sie eingreifen müssen. Jede Folge von 'Flo - Das kleine Feuerwehrauto' enthält drei Geschichten. Sie sind kurz und auf kleine Kinderohren abgestimmt. Dabei wird am Ende jeder Kurzgeschichte eine kindgerechte Brücke zu einer biblischen Geschichte hergestellt. In der letzten Folge geht es um die drei biblischen Bezüge: 'Die 10 Gebote', 'Kain und Abel' und 'Die Flucht nach Ägypten'
Christian Mörken, Flo Das Kleine Feuerwehrauto (Author), David Lütgenhorst, Laura-Sophie Gypser, Maximilian Gypser, Robert Rausch (Narrator)
Die Spur der Pferdediebe: Englisch lernen mit Leonie
Es steht ein neuer Hengst auf der Green Valley Ranch. Sein Name ist Oregon. Er stammt von einem Hof, auf dem Pferde misshandelt wurden und ist deswegen sehr scheu. Zusammen mit einer Pferdeflüsterin machen sich Leonie, Grace und Tiffy daran, Oregons Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Doch schon wenige Tage später verschwindet Oregon. Als dann ein Pferd auf der Koppel auftaucht, dass ihm zum Verwechseln ähnlich sieht, vermuten Leonie und ihre Freundinnen, dass hier irgendetwas nicht stimmen kann. Diese Leonie-Folge liefert neben einer spannenden Hörspielgeschichte einen ganz besonderen Mehrwert: Kinder bekommen spielerisch Zugang zur englischen Sprache. Dies geschieht durch immer wieder eingestreute englische Dialoge, die inhaltlich auf Deutsch aufgegriffen werden. Nicht zuletzt lernt Leonie auch in dieser Folge wieder einiges über Freundschaft, Ehrlichkeit und den christlichen Glauben.
Christian Mörken (Author), Heiko Grauel (Narrator)
Refresh your soul with this delightful portrayal of all the blessings that flow from the work of Christ. The Blood of the Covenant: 1. It Contains the Good News. 2. It is the Purchase-money for the Church. 3. It is the Atonement. 4. It is the Redemption. 5. It is the bringing nigh. 6. It Contains the Cleansing. 7. It Contains the Peace. 8. It Contains the Pardon. 9. It Contains Justification. 10. It contains that which makes white. 11. It Contains the Sanctifying. 12. It Contains the Power to Conquer. 13. It Contains Our Right of Entrance into the Holiest. 14. It Contains the Seal of the Covenant. 15. It Contains Drink for the Soul. 16. It Contains Life. 17. It Contains Protection. 18. It Contains Separation from the World. 19. It Contains Resurrection. 20. It Contains Condemnation.
Horatius Bonar (Author), Timothy Burke (Narrator)
Glory Girl: Daring to Believe in Your Passion and God's Purpose
God has a purpose for you. But maybe what you're meant to be is still a mystery. So where do you start? Jess Connolly will help you get answers to this question and more, no matter where you are in your journey. Glory Girl will jumpstart your search for purpose. In each meaningful chapter, Jess's wise words will help you: discover the things you are really passionate about, understand your strengths and weaknesses, face your fears, catch the vision, make a plan, and find the confidence you need to make your move-all in the bold belief that God has called you to every step of the journey. Glory Girl helps girls ages 8-12: - Recognize their unique, God-given gifts. - Fight their fears with faith and truth. - Deal with distractions that throw them off course from God's plan for them. - Stop trying to be "the best" at everything and trust that God has a plan for them. - Stop comparing themselves to others. Reflective journaling prompts are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.
Jess Connolly (Author), Jess Connolly (Narrator)
A powerful and heart-breaking novel about three childhood friends living during the Second World War whose fates are closely intertwined, even when their lives take very different courses. For readers of Private Peaceful, The Book Thief and Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl. Three friends. Two sides. One memory. Vienna. 1936. Three young friends - Leo, Elsa and Max - spend a perfect day together, unaware that around them Europe is descending into a growing darkness, and that events soon mean that they will be cruelly ripped apart from each other. With their lives taking them across Europe - to Germany, England, Prague and Poland - will they ever find their way back to each other? Will they want to? ? Inspired by a true story, WHEN THE WORLD WAS OURS is an extraordinary novel that is as powerful as it is heartbreaking, and shows how the bonds of love, family and friendship allow glimmers of hope to flourish, even in the most hopeless of times. 'When The World Was Ours is Liz's masterpiece . . . an instant classic' Anthony McGowan, winner of the 2020 CILIP Carnegie Medal
Liz Kessler (Author), Tom Lawrence, Willow Nash (Narrator)
Bronco and Friends: A Party to Remember
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Heisman Trophy winner, multi-sport athlete, special needs advocate, and positive role model Tim Tebow encourages children to embrace their unique qualities in his first book for children, a winning tale based on his sweet pup, Bronco. Bronco received an invitation to a party, but he can't find the puzzle piece everyone is supposed to bring. During his search, he encounters a variety of friends with their own set of worries: a flightless bird, an allergic goat, and a clumsy bunny. The animals team up to find both Bronco's puzzle piece and the party, arriving to discover that the party is in their honor! This sweet story of animals with different challenges and abilities is core to Tim Tebow's message to fans and friends of any age who have special needs. Getting invited to the party is exciting-but bringing your own particular gifts makes it more fun for everyone. Tim Tebow wants everyone to know that's how God sees them: special, unique, and essential to the party.
Tim Tebow (Author), Tim Tebow (Narrator)
My Tech-Wise Life: Growing Up and Making Choices in a World of Devices
While most of her peers were obsessed with their iPhones, Instagramming and Snapchatting their lives, and glued to streaming TV, nineteen-year-old Amy Crouch was growing up with minimal technology. In My Tech-Wise Life, she and her father, Andy Crouch, share how intentional and controlled use of modern devices, apps, and services has helped her avoid many of the negative experiences of her peers and cultivate positive experiences interacting with the real world. With writing that connects on a teen-to-teen level, Amy and Andy unpack tech temptations-such as the temptation to distract ourselves from any potentially boring or awkward situation, or to stay up-to-date with every notification and trend-and then offer antidotes that lead to more patience, wisdom, honesty, and wonder in life. If you're in high school or college and devices and social media are affecting your friendships and family life, your sense of self-worth, or even how well you think you know yourself, this book will help you reevaluate your relationship with technology-and renew your relationship with the world around you.
Amy Crouch, Andy Crouch (Author), David Cochran Heath, Rachel L. Jacobs (Narrator)
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