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Living a Life Reflecting Christ
Have you ever feel like something is missing in your life? Are you struggling in your journey in your Christian life? Do you believe you have a purpose, destiny, and a call on your life? I believe the missing piece in your life is having a real relationship with your savior, Jesus Christ! Living a Life Reflecting Christ is a journey of my life stories and experiences I went through in my childhood into my adult years. This book talks about all areas of relationship, spiritual and deliverance process, and my journey with learning about God. It reflects on how God is so important in our lives because he made us be a remnant on Earth to others. This book is a tool to bring back the course of salvation in the Body of Christ. This book will allow you to discover a close relationship with Christ. You will begin a journey on drawing near into an intimate place with God. You will get an understanding of knowing your identity in Christ. You will get a revelation of Christ's character and becoming the image and likeness of our Creator. I believe your life will be changed when you discover a real relationship with Christ! You are a new creature in the Kingdom of God!
Janel L Collier (Author), Regina N Sanford (Narrator)
Love Gave: A Story of God’s Greatest Gift
The Greatest Gift God Gave Was Himself From author and spoken word artist Quina Aragon comes this one-of-a-kind poetic picture book for children. Love Gave tells the story of the incarnation and the good news of Jesus Christ in language kids can understand. Children will hear how God created us to be His friends, but because of sin, we were separated from Him. Out of love, God gave us Jesus who died and rose again to solve our sin problem and restore our friendship with God. The final page provides a clear explanation of the gospel and an invitation for children to trust their heart to God and accept His gift of eternal fellowship. This is a book your whole family will enjoy and is sure to become a favorite for years to come.
Quina Aragon (Author), Quina Aragon (Narrator)
Love Made: A Story of God’s Overflowing, Creative Heart
God Made All Things Out of Love The joy of the Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-has existed for all eternity. That indescribable joy bubbled over to make creation. God made so many wonderful things, but we are by far His greatest work of art. Share that precious truth with your little one with this unique children's book celebrating the miracle of God's creation. Boys and girls will learn about God as the Trinity, the Creator, and about how they are made in His image. Beautifully illustrated and lovingly written, Love Made will become a story time favorite for your child or makes a thoughtful gift to give a parent-to-be. Help your child discover that out of all the amazing things love made, the most amazing of all is them.
Quina Aragon (Author), Quina Aragon (Narrator)
Darkness trembles. Achan steps into his role as Crown Prince and prepares for war. But war against whom? Could Esek still be alive? Has Lord Nathak taken Esek's place? Or is the mysterious Hadad the true enemy Achan must confront? Vrell has her own agenda of serving Prince Oren as a healer, but when she is stormed and lost to the Veil, Achan does all he can to bring her back. His conversations with her are strange, though, as if she has no memory of who he is. In a land consumed by Darkness, the fate of Er'Rets hangs in the balance as Achan endeavors to take the throne and end the reign of Darkness.
Jill Williamson (Author), Gillian Bronte Adams (Narrator)
Kreuz - Psalme, Band 5 (ungekürzt)
Die Psalmen gelesen von Jan Primke & Friends. Die Psalmen: Von der Liebe zu Gott, vom Staunen und Zweifeln, vom Bekenntnis, Flehen und Lobpreis bis Lehre, Geschichte und Prophetie. Die Psalmen wurden für eines geschrieben: Um Gott zu loben.
Jan Primke (Author), Florian Clyde, Jan Primke, Johannes Quester, Katja Sallay, Katja Zimmermann, Lisa Boos, Marc Bluhm, Marlen Ulonska, Martha Kindermann, Max Hoffmann, Omid-Paul Eftekhari, Philipp Engelhard (Narrator)
Krone - Psalme, Band 6 (ungekürzt)
Die Psalmen gelesen von Jan Primke & Friends. Die Psalmen: Von der Liebe zu Gott, vom Staunen und Zweifeln, vom Bekenntnis, Flehen und Lobpreis bis Lehre, Geschichte und Prophetie. Die Psalmen wurden für eines geschrieben: Um Gott zu loben.
Jan Primke (Author), Florian Clyde, Jan Primke, Johannes Quester, Katja Sallay, Katja Zimmermann, Lisa Boos, Marc Bluhm, Marlen Ulonska, Martha Kindermann, Max Hoffmann, Omid-Paul Eftekhari, Philipp Engelhard (Narrator)
'نحاول في شهر رمضان أن يشارك معنا أطفالنا في طقوس الصيام. لذلك نحفزهم على الصوم تدريجيًا لفتراتٍ بسيطة إلى أن يندمجوا معنا، ولكن تواجهنا أسئلتهم الصغيرة عن معنى الصيام وجدواه، ولماذا فُرِض؟ يصحبنا أبطال القصة لتمضية تفاصيل يومٍ رمضاني معهم من الفجر حتى المغرب، ليتعرف أطفالنا فوق سن 6 سنوات، على ما يجب أن يفعله أفراد الأسرة في شهر رمضان، تعكس شخصيات الحكاية لأطفالنا نماذج إيجابية لطريقة التصرف في رمضان أثناء الصوم وكيفية استغلال الوقت خلال هذا الشهر الفضيل بالأعمال الصالحة، وكذلك تعلمهم الأنشطة التي يمكنهم القيام بها خلال رمضان. وتؤكد القصة على فضل وضرورة السحور وعدم التكاسل والاستيقاظ قبل الفجر، وحُب سماع الآذان الذي يشق الهدوء السائد. يدعونا الكتاب إلى التحاور مع أطفالنا حول ما يحبون أن يقوموا به لأنفسهم ولغيرهم، وعن رأيهم فيما يرون من حولهم من سلوكيات سواء إيجابية أو سلبية خلال شهر الصيام، والتركيز على أن نكون قدوةً صالحةً لأطفالنا خلال هذا الشهر المبارك وفي كل الأوقات، لنربي أجيالًا قادرة على تحمل المسؤلية والشعور بالآخرين وتحمل مصاعب المستقبل. استمع الآن. '
ميِثاء الخياط (Author), رهام حمدي زيدان (Narrator)
The Dead Sea Squirrels are back! Mike Nawrocki brings his signature humor and storytelling expertise to the newest installment in the beloved series. Merle and Pearl have been squirrelnapped and taken to Israel. Even though Michael, Justin, and Sadie have just started 5th grade, they convince their parents that a trip to Israel will be an educational experience, especially since Michael's mom is a teacher and can help them keep up with their schoolwork. Nazareth is the first stop for Merle and Pearl’s squirrelnapper. The kids are able to track Merle and Pearl to Nazareth, the town where Joseph and Mary lived before the birth of Jesus. Then the squirrels learn that the black-market artifact collector will be moving them to Bethlehem and manage to leave a clue for the kids as to where they are going. Will the kids find Merle and Pearl in time, or will the squirrelnapper get away again?
Mike Nawrocki (Author), Mike Nawrocki (Narrator)
Merle and Pearl meet . . . a talking donkey? Merle and Pearl are still in the clutches of their squirrelnapper. The Gomez family, along with Justin and Sadie, is in hot pursuit. After a wrong turn, they receive a hint from the most unlikely of sources. Meanwhile, Merle and Pearl are having their own adventure, riding a donkey from Bethlehem to Nazareth under the watchful eye of their abductor. As usual, their hijinks bring laughter and a few surprises―this time in the form of new friends who are also animals. And they can talk! Will Merle and Pearl finally be rescued? Everyone learns that with God, all things are possible.
Mike Nawrocki (Author), Mike Nawrocki (Narrator)
La Procesión del Dolor: Tomaron, pues, a Jesús, y le llevaron. Juan 19:16
Sermones Bíblicos | La Procesión del Dolor (Traducido con Referencias Bíblicas)Los padecimientos del Señor Jesucristo relatados de una manera especial, que cambiaría un poco la forma de ver la Crucifixión desde el punto de vista emocional al enfocarse en el destino del alma del pecador además de importantes advertencias y exhortaciones a nuestra vida cristiana.
Sermones Bíblicos (Author), Hermanos En La Fe (Narrator)
Pure America: Eugenics and the Making of Modern Virginia
Between 1927 and 1979, more than 8,000 people were involuntarily sterilized in five hospitals across the state of Virginia. From this plain and terrible fact springs Elizabeth Catte's Pure America, a sweeping, unsparing history of eugenics in Virginia, and by extension the United States. Virginia's twentieth-century eugenics program was not the misguided initiative of well-meaning men of the day, writes Catte, with clarity and ferocity. It was a manifestation of white supremacy. It was a form of employment insurance. It was a means of controlling 'troublesome' women and a philosophy that helped remove poor people from valuable land. It was cruel and it was wrong, and yet today sites where it was practiced like Western State Hospital, in Staunton, Virginia, are rehabilitated as luxury housing, their histories hushed up in the service of capital. As was amply evidenced by her acclaimed 2018 book What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia, Catte has no room for excuses; no patience for equivocation. What does it mean for modern America, she asks here, that such buildings are given the second chance that 8,000 citizens never got? And what possible interventions can be made now, repair their damage?
Elizabeth Catte (Author), Jo Anna Perrin (Narrator)
Bedtime Prayers With Joshua And Anna
Joshua and Anna are twin siblings, who love doing everything together. Join them on there fun routine before bedtime. Saying their prayers before bed is just one of them.
Jeremiah Calvin (Author), Angela Ohlfest (Narrator)
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