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Libro de Enoc: El libro de los vigilantes
Traducido lo mas apegado al manuscrito original de Enoc. Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los libros más enigmáticos y misteriosos que se han escrito jamás; es el libro de Enoc. De los seis libros que componen la obra original de Enoc, el libro de los vigilantes o de los ángeles caídos es uno de los más interesantes y controvertidos, debido a que contiene narraciones más detalladas que las del canon bíblico (Génesis) en cuanto a la rebelión del grupo de ángeles que vinieron a la tierra, y que contaron secretos de los cielos que estaban prohibidos compartir con los humanos, y que más tarde, fueran los que dieron origen a los nephilim.
Enoc H. (Author), Timothy Lab (Narrator)
Through engaging rhyme, pastor and bestselling author Mark Batterson and his daughter encourage young children to discover the joys of both counting their blessings and being a blessing to others. Count your blessings two by two- and bless the world with the blessing of YOU! God's blessings can be found all around us, and even young children can learn to see and appreciate these gifts-from the smell of freshly baked cookies to the joy of climbing a tree! But God doesn't just intend for us to receive blessings; He also wants us to bless others. With whimsical rhyme and delightful illustrations, The Blessing of You helps young children recognize signs of God's generosity and goodness in their everyday lives and encourages them to pass on those blessings by being their own wonderful, God-created selves.
Mark Batterson, Summer Batterson Dailey (Author), Mark Batterson, Summer Batterson Dailey (Narrator)
Living Life with Blinders On: (Living Life as God Intended)
People in general seem to not focus on the most important thing in life. we have a tendency to not care about life after death even though we have been urged to seek first the kingdom of God and his Righteousness. I remember as a fourth grader to find the reason for my existence . I could not accept the fact that I had been created and allowed to live and then exist anymore. My second desire was to become a Dentist so I could help people . I accomplished both. I learned how to receive eternal life and how to share this very important information to others while giving God the Gory for all he has done.
Dr. Julius Mosley Ii (Author), David Piper (Narrator)
Lotta und Luis und die Weihnachtskisten
Iris, die Leiterin des Kindergottesdienstes hat sich in diesem Jahr etwas Besonderes für die Adventszeit ausgedacht: Jedes Kind darf sich eine Szene aus der Weihnachtsgeschichte aussuchen und diese in einer eigenen Kiste darstellen. Luis findet die Sterndeuter klasse und hat schon viele Ideen. Lotta findet die Szene im Stall sehr schön. Aber sie will es für Maria, Josef und Jesus etwas gemütlicher machen als beim ersten Weihnachten … Die Zwillinge Lotta und Luis erleben viel in Gottes bunter Welt und lernen ganz nebenbei biblische Inhalte kennen. Inhalt: Hörgeschichte + Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (Lukas 2,1-20) + Das Lied: 'Viele Tage sind sie schon auf Reisen'. Für den gesprochenen Bibeltext gilt: © 2012 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart; mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Kirsten Brünjes (Author), Philipp Schepmann, Thomas Friebe (Narrator)
Lotta und Luis und das Weihnachtsversprechen
Lotta ist voller Freude: Aylin hat ihr versprochen, sie mit zu ihrer ersten Ballettaufführung zu nehmen. Lotta bekommt die Karte von Mama geschenkt und fiebert diesem Tag entgegen. Luis findet es ungerecht, dass er leer ausgeht. Zum Glück ist Tante Josi da und erzählt von einem ganz besonderen Weihnachtsversprechen. Und dann kommt alles ganz anders … Inhalt: Hörgeschichte + Simeon und Hanna erkennen: Der Retter Israels ist geboren (Lukas 2,25-38) + Das neue 'Lotta-und-Luis-Lied'. Für den gesprochenen Bibeltext gilt: Die Bibel. Übersetzung für Kinder, © 2019 Bibellesebund Verlag; Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart; SCM Verlag, Holzgerlingen
Kirsten Brünjes (Author), Philipp Schepmann (Narrator)
Lotta und Luis bauen die Weihnachtsgeschichte
Die Zwillinge Lotta und Luis sind in der ersten Klasse. In der Adventszeit liest ihre Lehrerin die Weihnachtsgeschichte vor, die alle mit LEGO®-Steinen nachbauen. Nur einer trübt die sonst harmonische Stimmung: Mika, der zum Schutz der Heiligen Familie eine Kanone aufstellt und dann auch noch Lotta mit Schneebällen bewirft. Doch sein Verhalten ändert sich, als die Zwillinge ihn aus dem eisigen See ziehen, in den er eingebrochen ist. Langsam begreift er, dass Jesus gekommen ist, um die Menschen zu retten – mit Liebe, nicht mit Gewalt. Die Zwillinge Lotta und Luis erleben viel in Gottes bunter Welt und lernen ganz nebenbei biblische Inhalte kennen. Inhalt: Hörgeschichte + Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (Lukas 2,1-20) + Das Lied: 'Gottes Herz ist voll mit Liebe'. Für den gesprochenen Bibeltext gilt: © 2012 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart; mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Kirsten Brünjes (Author), Philipp Schepmann, Philipp Scheppmann (Narrator)
Luther und die Macht des Wortes
Er ist eine der wichtigsten und vor allem interessantesten Gestalten unserer Geschichte - zunächst wollte er nur auf Missstände in der Kirche hinweisen, doch ohne es beabsichtigt zu haben, trat er eine Lawine los: Der Mönch Martin Luther spaltete mit seinen Lehren die Christen Westeuropas in zwei Lager. Andreas Venzke erzählt in der Rolle des streitbaren Reformators von dessen Leben als Mönch, von engstirnigen Priestern und aufgeschlossenen Fürsten, von Intrigen und politischen Ränkespielen, von Kriegen und einem Leben auf der Flucht und von seiner festen Überzeugung, den wahren Weg zu Gott gefunden zu haben. So entsteht in diesem Hörbuch ein umfassendes und faszinierendes Bild eines gewöhnlichen Menschen, der mit der Kraft seiner Überzeugung und seiner Worte etwas Außergewöhnliches vollbrachte. Mit vielen Sachinformationen! Für Kinder ab 8 Jahren - und für Erwachsene, die nicht aufgehört haben, neugierig zu sein und die Freude daran haben, sich Geschichten aus der Geschichte erzählen zu lassen.-
Andreas Venzke (Author), Martin Falkman (Narrator)
Getting to Know & Love Islam: A Children's Book Introducing Islam
The love of Allah is already instilled in our children’s hearts, and it is our duty as parents to help nurture and sustain that love. We must teach our children at an early stage what Islam is, who our Creator is, and what the Holy Quran is, so they can develop a strong and loving bond with them, making it easier for them to grow up with a healthy Islamic mindset and lifestyle. Getting to Know & Love Islamchildren’s book aims to introduce the basics of Islam to kids in an easy, fun, and educational way. Every page introduces a vital component of Islam, along with an illustration for your child to better understand & appreciate. This is one of the best Islamic Children's books on Amazon!
The Sincere Seeker Collection (Author), Brad Grochowski (Narrator)
My Favorite Bedtime Stories from The Holy Quran: Teaching Children Stories & Lessons From the Holy Q
Stories of the Coran give us hope and comfort, knowing that people in the past went through similar experiences and struggles that we go through. Stories of the Holy Quran teach us morals and ethics. Stories of the Quran increase our Iman (Faith) in Allah (God), the Glorious. ★★ My Favorite Bedtime Stories from The Holy Quran ★★ aims to share some of the Holy Quran’s beloved stories to our young ones so they can learn more about Allah, the Holy Quran, our beautiful religion of Islam, and some of God’s Messengers and Prophets that He sent down to us to relay His Message. This Islam children’s book comes with delightful, colorful illustrations to help your child understand each story. This goodnight bedtime stories from the Quran features famous stories of various Prophets that are mentioned in the Holy Quran, including Allah Story as well as the story of Prophet Adam, Prophet Joseph, & Prophet Abraham, peace be upon them all, and more, as well as other popular stories, like the story of the young companions of the Cave and the companion of the two gardens. Nothing beats sitting with your child and bonding with them with beneficial and interesting stories from Koran.
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection (Author), Brad Grochowski (Narrator)
Nick and the moonlight animals
Nicholas Cooper lives in the big city. One day he goes to visit his uncle Robert who lives in the country. Uncle Rob promises to go camping with him which is very exciting as Nick has never camped before. But, while camping he hears a lot of different night sounds that he isn’t used to. Uncle Rob explains to him about the moonlight animals that God created. Even though Nick is scared of each sound, he wants to learn to trust Jesus.
Del Carmen (Author), Angus Scott (Narrator)
Roar Like a Lion: 90 Devotions to a Courageous Faith
Kids are wrestling with tough issues these days-peer pressure, purpose, unexpected change or loss, and wondering where their faith fits in with it all. Roar Like a Lion encourages your kids to 'run toward the roar' as they face their fears, knowing that God is with them every step of the way. Pastor and bestselling author Levi Lusko is known for making tough topics accessible while drawing his readers toward a richer spiritual life. In his first children's devotional for ages 6 to 10, Levi tackles real issues our kids face with a lighthearted and approachable tone. Kids are equipped to approach both fun moments and tough times with their hearts set on God's faithfulness with the help of fascinating stories and facts, eye-catching art, Bible verses, prayers, and simple action steps. This 90-day devotional covers highly relevant topics such as: - facing fears about school and friendships - having courage to try something new - handling new challenges, past disappointments, and grief - dealing with peer pressure and bullying - understanding how we each fit into God's great story As a parent and pastor, Levi is able to address real-life situations with compassion, grace, and biblical authenticity. Roar Like a Lion is a great way to spark discussion with your kids on meaningful topics and get them in the habit of reading a biblically-based devotional. Offering practical approaches to faith in everyday life, Roar Like a Lion will inspire your kids to nurture their personal faith in a God strong enough to protect and guide them as they run toward the roar during the challenges in their lives.
Levi Lusko, Tama Fortner (Author), Levi Lusko, Talon David (Narrator)
RBG's Brave & Brilliant Women: 33 Jewish Women to Inspire Everyone
This collection of biographies of brave and brilliant Jewish female role models--selected in collaboration with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and including an introduction written by the iconic Supreme Court justice herself-- provides young people with a roster of inspirational role models, all of whom are Jewish women, who will appeal not only to young people but to people of all ages, and all faiths. The fascinating lives detailed in this collection--more than thirty exemplary female role models--were chosen by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or RBG, as she was lovingly known to her many admirers. Working with her friend, journalist Nadine Epstein, RBG selected these trailblazers, all of whom are women and Jewish, who chose not to settle for the rules and beliefs of their time. They did not accept what the world told them they should be. Like RBG, they dreamed big, worked hard, and forged their own paths to become who they deserved to be. Future generations will benefit from each and every one of the courageous actions and triumphs of the women profiled here. Real Wonder Women, the passion project of Justice Ginsburg in the last year of her life, will inspire readers to think about who they want to become and to make it happen, just like RBG.
Nadine Epstein (Author), Nadine Epstein, Tovah Feldshuh (Narrator)
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