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Jack Staples and the Poet's Storm
"Fear is an imagined mountain. Believe it is real and climb the mountain if you wish, or you can step through it and lay hold of your destiny." - Mrs. Dumphry Our world is more fantastical than we dare imagine . . . filled with both unbelievable beauty and horrific evil. Just ask Jack Staples and Alexia Dreager. They're at the epicenter of the conflict that's been raging since before time began. Their birth and destiny have long been prophesied - but things aren't going as planned. In this epic conclusion to the trilogy, Jack and Alexia must make an impossible choice during their final battle against the Assassin - one that could alter time itself and the fate of the world.
Joel N. Clark, Mark Batterson (Author), Joel N. Clark (Narrator)
Der entflohene Gefangene: Folge 12
Es ist eine laue Sommernacht als Leonie hört, wie sich jemand am Stall zu schaffen macht. Ein Pferdedieb! Obwohl Leonie sofort mit Dr. Hamilton die Verfolgung aufnimmt, kann der Dieb im Dunkeln entkommen. Leonie braucht Abstand und unternimmt mit Silvercloud einen Ausritt. Am Bach trifft sie auf den Pferdedieb: ein entlaufener Sträfling, der ihr erzählt, dass er unschuldig ins Gefängnis geworfen wurde. Ob er die Wahrheit sagt? Jetzt ist Leonie und ihre Kombinationsgabe gefragt - und die Hilfe ihrer Freundinnen.
Christian Mörken (Author), Bodo Henkel, Charlotte Uhlig, Heiko Grauel, Liz Korndörfer, Winnie Brandes (Narrator)
Im unterirdischen Labyrinth (5 Geschwister 14): Kinder-Hörspiel
Lieblings-Onkel Klaus hat die fünf Geschwister Marianne, Petra, Hans-Georg, Esther und Alexander eingeladen, im Erzgebirge ein paar ruhige Tage zu verbringen. Doch dazu kommt es nicht. Kurz nach ihrer Ankunft in Deutschneudorf hören die '5 Geschwister' von dem seit langem verschollenen Bernsteinzimmer: das achte Weltwunder! Alexander und Hans-Georg wittern ein spannendes Abenteuer. Die Schwestern sind nicht begeistert. Doch egal, ob sie sich auf die Suche nach dem Bernsteinzimmer machen oder nicht - sie werden das Gefühl nicht los, dass sie hier nicht erwünscht sind. Eine Motorrad-Gang beschattet sie. Auf einmal haben sie drei drängende Fragen - und für die Lösung des Rätsels sieht es zappenduster aus. Die neuen Folgen der '5 Geschwister': Spannende Geschichten, Rätsel zum Kombinieren und christliche Werte, die den Charakter stärken. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Marianne: Tjorven Lauber / Petra: Sarah Stoffers / Hans-Georg: Fabian Stumpf / Esther: Lisa Kielbassa / Alexander: Micha Nietsch / Onkel Klaus: Ingo Marx / Motorradrocker: Heiko Brattig, Mike Appel / Bergführerin: Justine Seewald Regie: Tobias Schier, Musik: Tobias Schuffenhauer (c) + (P) 2015 Gerth Medien
Tobias Schier, Tobias Schuffenhauer (Author), Fabian Stumpf, Lisa Kielbassa, Micha Nietsch, Sarah Stoffers, Tjorven Lauber (Narrator)
Die Kinderbibel: Die 50 schönsten Bibelgeschichten für Kinder: Das Alte Testament
Das Alte Testament in 50 kurzen Geschichten: Intro Ansage, Die Erschaffung der Welt, Der Garten Eden, Der Verlust des Paradieses, Kain und Abel, Die Sintflut, Der Turmbau zu Babel, Die Berufung Abrahams und der Auszug nach Kanaan, Abraham und Sara in Ägypten, Abraham und Lot, Gottes Bund mit Abraham, Eine gute Nachricht, Isaaks Geburt und Abrahams Prüfung, Eine Frau für Isaak, Esau und Jakob, Jakobs Segnung, Der Traum, Jakob in Haran, Jakobs Rückkehr, Josef träumt, Sklaverei in Ägypten, Der Traumdeuter, Josefs Aufstieg, Josefs Brüder, Josef trifft Benjamin, Die List mit dem silbernen Becher, Jakobs letzte Reise, Die Unterdrückung in Ägypten, Moses' Geburt, Die Flucht, Die Berufung, Rückkehr nach Ägypten, Die Plagen, Auszug aus Ägypten, Durchzug durch das Schilfmeer, In der Wüste, Jitros Rat, Der Berg Sinai, Die zehn Gebote, Das goldene Kalb, Moses Zweifel, Samuel, Saul und David, David und Goliath, Davids Flucht, König Salomo, Elija, Elija und die Priester, Daniel in der Löwengrube, Jona und der Wal, Jona in Ninive.
Nina Reymann (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers: Prayers for Bedtime and Every Time of Day!
Parents can do so many things for their children. We can tie their shoes so they don't trip and fall. We can make sure they have warm clothes and full tummies. We can even help them tackle some of the mysteries of higher math. But the most important thing we can do is teach them to pray. Childhood is the best window for learning prayer. We can teach them to talk to God about everything, anything, anytime, and all the time. We can't promise an easy life, but we can equip them to face life. We can't be with them always, but God can. Written for playtime and bedtime, happy times and fearful times, and all times in between, the Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers is a wonderful collection of classic children's prayers and new prayers by best-selling author Max Lucado and his wife, Denalyn. These prayers will help your child see that God is always there for them, ready to listen, guide, comfort, and love. Because you can't stop every scrape, heal every broken heart, or banish every bully, but you can teach your child to pray.
Denalyn Lucado, Max Lucado (Author), Kathy Garver (Narrator)
Bonhoeffer (Student Edition): Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy In his New York Times bestseller Bonhoeffer,author Eric Metaxas presents the fullest account of Bonhoeffer's heart-wrenching 1939 decision to leave the safe haven of America for Hitler's Germany. Now abridged and adapted in student-friendly language, Bonhoeffer, Student Edition tells the story of one of Christianity’s most courageous heroes. The student edition will share Bonhoeffer’s inspirational testimony with children in a compelling and relatable way. Young readers will enjoy learning about the fascinating life of the man who had the courage to follow his convictions into Nazi Germany and stand up for others because of his radical faith.
Eric Metaxas (Author), Stu Gray (Narrator)
Jennie McGrady’s enthusiasm for the new school year is extinguished when the culturally diverse Trinity Center, home to her church and school, is destroyed by fire. Rumors abound that a racist organization is behind the tragedy, but Jennie is more concerned about the one person who was critically injured: family friend Michael Rhodes. Jared Reinhardt has been in counseling with Michael, trying to break free of a neo-Nazi group—or so he claims. Jennie would like to believe him, but then she spots Jared slipping away from the scene of the fire. Carlos Hernandez was present when the fire broke out and hasn’t spoken a word since. His father, the church janitor, is a prime suspect, and Jennie is convinced the boy’s silence stems from fear. Is he protecting his father, or has someone threatened to hurt him if he tells the truth? Jennie smells foul play among the remains.
Patricia H. Rushford (Author), Rachel Dulude (Narrator)
A controversial move sets off a dangerous feud. Jennie McGrady’s Labor Day weekend promises relaxation and fun when she visits a fur farm run by family acquaintances. Jennie’s anticipation of the trip grows when she learns Scott Chambers, an old friend, has taken a job at the farm. But on her first night there, the mink are released from a neighboring farm, and Jennie fears the sometimes-volatile Scott may be behind it. Scott’s participation in extreme animal rights activities is in the past—or so he claims. Jennie wants to believe him, but his arrival just before the mink release seems more than coincidence. And when Bob Sutherland, the affected farmer, goes missing, suspicion falls on Scott. Aleshia Sutherland makes no secret of her involvement with the radical Animal Rights Movement and has been kicked out of her parents’ home because of it. Does she despise her father’s line of work so much that she would hurt him? Can Jennie look beyond her personal feelings to find the truth?
Patricia H. Rushford (Author), Rachel Dulude (Narrator)
This is an audiobook that is sure to bring families together. Bill Vincent is the author of Children Stories, and he has put this story book together with action, drama, imagination, and so much more. These stories are meant to share the truths of God's word to children without boring them; stories that a child can relate to. These are fairytale type stories, realistic situation stories, fantasy, and a few other genres as well! All the stories are Christian-based and aimed to put a smile on those children we love. This will sure get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this book. Some Christians will cringe when they see witchcraft and wizards. I tell you this world has consumed itself with Harry Potter and witchcraft. These stories that name witchcraft and wizards will have another side to the stories. The stories have Jesus over taking these spiritual battles. It is time for the children of America and the world to know the real difference between good and evil.
Bill Vincent (Author), Tina Marie Shuster (Narrator)
Duck Commander Devotions for Kids
The first devotional for kids by the Robertson family of Duck Dynasty fame! With the Robertson clan’s flair for down-home wisdom and their wholesome family values, this devotional reveals the heart and faith of this much-loved family from A&E’s hit show Duck Dynasty. The more than 6-million moms, dads, and little ones who are loyal fans of the Duck Dynasty family will love this collection of inspirational messages. Each devotion contains a brief message, an anecdotal story from America’s favorite family, a passage from Scripture, a prayer, and a Duck Commander in Action. Not only are the messages motivational, but they are also mixed with the characters’ trademark wit and revelations from their personal faith journeys. An ideal companion product for Duck Dynasty fans, outdoor enthusiasts, and those who want to grow in their faith, Duck Commander Devotions for Kids is certain to inspire little ones in their faith journey.
Chrys Howard, Korie Robertson (Author), Gabe Wicks (Narrator)
Jennie McGrady’s summer has just settled back into a comfortable lull when her chemistry teacher, Tom Mancini, turns up dead from a drug overdose in his lab at Trinity High School. A suicide note seems to close the case, but Jennie smells foul play—especially since a series of break-ins had been reported at the school—and her sleuthing uncovers some unsettling information. The hard part comes when she must convince police to investigate without implicating herself in the crime.
Patricia H. Rushford (Author), Rachel Dulude (Narrator)
You Have a Brain: A Teen's Guide to T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G.
Throughout his life, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson has needed to overcome many obstacles: His father leaving the family; being considered stupid by his classmates in grade school; growing up in inner-city Detroit; and having a violent temper. But Dr. Carson didn't let his circumstances control him, and instead discovered eight principles that helped shape his future. In You Have a Brain: A Teen’s Guide to Think Big, Dr. Carson unpacks the eight important parts of Thinking Big—Talent, Honesty, Integrity, being Nice, Knowledge, Books, In-Depth learning, and God—and presents the stories of people who demonstrated those things in his life. By applying the idea of T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G. to your life, and by looking at those around you as well, you too can overcome obstacles and work toward achieving your dreams. Includes discussion questions at the back of the book.
Ben Carson, Ben Carson M.D., Ben Carson, M.D., Gregg Lewis, M.D. Carson (Author), Dan Jan Miller, Dan John Miller, Dan Miller (Narrator)
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