Music, rhythm, and cool melodies help kids master and review strategies for division.
Includes songs that teach how to make a "fact family" and to "think multiplication" when computing division facts. Learn divisors and quotients for the facts 0-9.
A Twin Sisters audio production.
Make learning multiplication strategies cool and fun with these authentic rap and hip hop style songs. Comprehend the "Just Think Of Doubles" concept, the "Order Property" strategy and more. This award-winning album includes drills for facts 0-12 both with and without the answers.
Dance, sing, wiggle, and learn with a child! Give kids permission to be silly with this collection of new and traditional children's songs.
A Twin Sisters audio production.
Quiet vocal arrangements of traditional children's songs encourage rest, relaxation. Wonderful background music for bringing order to the busy preschool and kindergarten classroom!
A Twin Sisters audio production.
Alphabet, counting, colors, shapes, manners, and more! Upbeat songs with rhyming and repetitive lyrics have even the youngest preschool kids learning these basic skills in almost no time at all.
This album makes learning fun for kids!
Alphabet, counting, colors, shapes, manners, and more! Upbeat songs with rhyming and repetitive lyrics have even the youngest preschool kids learning these basic skills in almost no time at all.