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Robert Bateman: The Boy Who Painted Nature
Celebrated artist Robert Bateman is renowned internationally for bringing the natural ?world to life on the canvas. A naturalist and painter from his youth, Robert has for decades used his recognition to shed light on environmental issues and advocate for animal welfare. Robert Bateman: The Boy Who Painted Nature is the story of how a young child achieved his dream of painting the world around him and became one of Canada's most famous artists. Using Robert's own personal photographs, sketches and artwork, author Margriet Ruurs weaves a simple story of inspiration and encouragement. A story to motivate all the budding artists and naturalists in your life, with proceeds benefiting The Bateman Foundation.
Margriet Ruurs (Author), Christian Down (Narrator)
CINCO CHICOS UNA BANDA MILLONES DE CODERS Audiolibro narrado por Alan. Pocas veces somos testigos del surgimiento de un fenómeno que traspase fronteras, y eso es en lo que Alan, Alonso, Bryan, Freddy y Jos se han convertido al dar vida a CD9. En esta primera parte, Alan nos habla de su vida personal, de su personalidad, de su infancia, de su familia y de su gran amor: su mamá.
Cd9 (Author), Alan, Alan Navarro (Narrator)
CINCO CHICOS UNA BANDA MILLONES DE CODERS Audiolibro narrado por Bryan. Pocas veces somos testigos del surgimiento de un fenómeno que traspase fronteras, y eso es en lo que Alan, Alonso, Bryan, Freddy y Jos se han convertido al dar vida a CD9. En esta primera parte, Bryan nos habla de su vida personal, de su frase favorita, la forma en la que se conocieron sus papás y de su gusto por mirar el cielo.
Cd9 (Author), Bryan, Bryan Mouque (Narrator)
CINCO CHICOS UNA BANDA MILLONES DE CODERS Audiolibro narrado por Alonso. Pocas veces somos testigos del surgimiento de un fenómeno que traspase fronteras, y eso es en lo que Alan, Alonso, Bryan, Freddy y Jos se han convertido al dar vida a CD9. En esta primera parte, Alonso nos habla de su vida personal, de su familia, de sus travesuras en la infancia y hasta de su hábito raro ¿te imaginas cuál es?
Cd9 (Author), Alonso, Alonso Villalpando (Narrator)
Candy Crush Friends Saga Game, APK, IOS, Android, Facebook, Download, Wiki, Levels, Characters, Onli
*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE*Do you want to dominate the game and your opponents?Do you struggle with making resources and cash?Do you want the best items?Would you like to know how to download and install the game?If so, we have got you covered.We will walk you through the game, provide professional strategies and tips, as well as all the secrets in the game.What You'll Discover Inside:- How to Download & Install the Game.- Professional Tips and Strategies. - Cheats and Hacks. - Beat Levels.- Get the High Score.- Beat Opponents.- Choosing Friends.- Get Tons of Powerups!- Secrets, Tips, Cheats, Unlockables, and Tricks Used By Pro Players! - How to Get Tons of Resources. - PLUS MUCH MORE! So, what are you waiting for? Once you grab a copy of our guide, you'll be dominating the game in no time at all! Get your Pro tips now.--> Scroll to the top of the page and click add to cart to purchase instantly Disclaimer: This product is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, certified, or sponsored by the Original Copyright Owner.
Leet Gamer (Author), Video Article (Narrator)
Destiny 2 Forsaken, Game, Exotics, Raids, Supers, Armor, Sets, Achievements, Weapons, Classes, Guide
*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE*Do you want to dominate the game and your opponents?Do you struggle with making resources and cash?Do you want the best items?Would you like to know how to download and install the game?If so, we have got you covered.We will walk you through the game, provide professional strategies and tips, as well as all the secrets in the game.What You'll Discover Inside:- How to Download & Install the Game.- Professional Tips and Strategies. - Spending.- Currencies.- Mods.- Planetary Materials.- Get Tons of XP Fast!- Beating Opponents.- Spawning.- Secrets, Tips, Unlockables, and Tricks Used By Pro Players! - How to Get Tons of Resources. - PLUS MUCH MORE! So, what are you waiting for? Once you grab a copy of our guide, you'll be dominating the game in no time at all! Get your Pro tips now.--> Scroll to the top of the page and click add to cart to purchase instantly Disclaimer: This product is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, certified, or sponsored by the Original Copyright Owner.
Hse Games (Author), John Rl Mcnabb (Narrator)
Mind Hack Your Golf: Improve Your Game
How would you like to take charge of your mind and play your golf on your own terms? While most mental skills books for golf adopt a narrow focus on teaching skills that target performance, this book uses a holistic approach and provides tools to organize your thinking. You will learn to direct your mind with focused purpose to help you achieve your goals. Mind Hack Your Golf explores the 5P's of a great golf mind: 1. Preparation - focuses on building self-awareness as one of the essential key ingredients that will help you to develop the golf champion mindset. 2. Practice - introduces you to mindfulness practices, concentration techniques, self-talk and imagery that helps to build your mental skills tool kit 3. Performance - highlights the stages of skill development and the importance of managing your emotions so you can consistently perform without fail. 4. Pursuit - explores the benefits of positive emotional states and identifies core values that build character while promoting enjoyment and success. 5. Progress - promotes an action-learning approach that encourages you to keep things simple while focusing on specific aspects of practice The tips, tricks, and strategies in this book will provide a solid platform for you to create your own mind mastery. All you have to do is implement the tactics in this book to take your golf game to the next level.
Dr Margaret Potter (Author), Xana Chambers (Narrator)
Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Ghosts
Sam Wu is NOT a scaredy-cat (except he is). When a trip to the Space Museum goes terrifyingly wrong, Sam begins a mission to prove to the school bully, and all of his friends, that he is a fearless space adventurer. A truly laugh-out-loud, voice-led and madcap story of ghost hunting, snakes and mischievous pet cats called Butterbutt.
Katie Tsang, Kevin Tsang (Author), Daniel York Loh (Narrator)
Raising Elephants: Only bull elephants can calm teenage males.
Highlights presents Raising Elephants by Jennifer Berry. A young male elephant leaves his matriarchal pack to 'hang with the big boys.'
Jennifer Berry (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
Read how one artist's memories are carved into stories.
Marty Kaminsky (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
This colorful event is part of the Indian festival of Holi.
Milan Sandhu (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
Climb Your Mountain: Flashbacks
Helen Thayer shares the story of her first mountain-climbing experience.
Helen Thayer (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
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