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El Profeta es un libro compuesto por 28 fábulas en prosa escritas e Khalil Gibran y publicado originalmente en 1923. Ha sido traducido a más de cien idiomas y se ha convertido en el libro más importante y conocido de Gibran. Al Mustapha es un hombre sabio que va a embarcar hacia su tierra natal. Ha estado exiliado en una isla (ficticia) durante doce años y antes de partir, la gente de la isla le pide que comparta con ellos su conocimiento y sabiduría y le piden consejo sobre cuestiones como el amor, el trabajo o la muerte. Estos relatos son filosóficos, espirituales e inspiradores vitales, tratando temas tan variados como el amor, el matrimonio, la alimentación, la vivienda, la alegría, las leyes... e incluso la religión o la muerte. El profeta es un libro realmente difícil de clasificar, porque no es filosofía ni poesía como tal. En él aparecen tanto reflexiones sobre religiones como el budismo o el cristianismo, pero también sobre filósofos como Nietzsche o Emerson. Narrado en Español Latino Neutro.
Khalil Gibran (Author), Arnulfo De La Fuente (Narrator)
What Does That Mean?: Better Understand Idioms, Phrases, and Sayings | And Discover the Fascinating
They say 'ignorance is bliss,' but there's no reason to 'take a rain check' on learning more about the English language.What does it mean for something to be 'a dime a dozen'? Why on earth would you tell someone to 'break a leg' when wishing them good luck? Idioms and expressions are a part of everyday English, but they aren't always the easiest to figure out. Many of these phrases have meanings that aren't immediately clear, and it can be confusing when they come up in conversations. For instance, 'a blessing in disguise' can easily become 'a blessing in the skies,' which is still less ridiculous than some of the very real idioms you'll find within these pages! Expanding your knowledge of English and the phrases used by native speakers will not only help you speak more confidently, but it will also assist in understanding complicated conversations and stories. In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover: - The meanings and history behind 101 phrases and idioms for every situation - The obscure origins of many sayings and their enduring legacy throughout the years - How to properly use idioms in casual conversation to boost your speaking ability and conversational skills - Example sentences using the phrases so that you can see them in action And much more. Whether you're a native speaker looking to deepen your understanding of these common and not-so-common phrases or are learning English with the goal of speaking naturally and casually, this is the book for you! If you're ready to 'read between the lines' and master the art of the idiom, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.
Cooper The Pooper (Author), Kc Wayman (Narrator)
Por que los perros mueven la cola
Segunda entrega de la exitosa serie de ciencia para niñ@s! Hola, soy Pachi y ¡tengo el récord de hacer preguntas raras! Por suerte mi papá es científico y me las contesta casi todas. Para este episodio, mi selección será: -¿Por qué pican los mosquitos? (grrrr) -¡Por qué hay animales que hibernan! -¿Sienten sed los peces? -¿Por qué los murciélagos salen de noche? Entre otras preguntas igual de geniales (ejem, ejem ) ¡No cambien de canal!
Gabriel León (Author), Consuelo Pizarro, Felipe Waldhorn (Narrator)
Un Poco De Ciencia Y Matemática
La matemática (del latín mathematĭca, y este del griego μαθηματικά, transliterado como mathēmatiká, derivado de μάθημα, tr. máthēma. 'conocimiento') es una ciencia formal que surgió del estudio de las figuras geométricas y la aritmética con números. No existe una definición generalmente aceptada de las matemáticas; hoy en día se suelen describir como una ciencia que utiliza la lógica para examinar las propiedades y los patrones de las estructuras abstractas creadas por las definiciones lógicas. Hoy día, la matemática se usa en todo el mundo como una herramienta esencial en muchos campos, entre los que se encuentran las ciencias naturales, la ciencias aplicadas, las humanidades, la medicina y las ciencias sociales, e incluso disciplinas que, aparentemente, no están vinculadas con ella, como la música (por ejemplo, en cuestiones de resonancia armónica). Las matemáticas aplicadas, rama de la matemática destinada a la aplicación del conocimiento matemático a otros ámbitos, inspiran y hacen uso de los nuevos descubrimientos matemáticos y, en ocasiones, conducen al desarrollo de nuevas disciplinas. Los matemáticos también participan en la matemática pura, sin tener en cuenta la aplicación de esta ciencia, aunque las aplicaciones prácticas de la matemática pura suele ser descubiertas con el paso del tiempo. Espero que el conocimiento que aquí adquieras te resulte muy útil y que ademas puedas compartir el libro con alguien mas gracias.
Onofre Quezada (Author), Anonimo (Narrator)
Coding Interview: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Get Selected in a Coding Interview
Pass any coding interview when you understand the top questions and situations you will face from any employer Have you ever dreamed of getting a high-powered job with a major company to develop their software or even their flagship products? Have you been sitting in front of a computer for years, hacking code and developing awesome applications that people love to use? Did you want to make coding and product development a career but can’t get your foot in the door? Then the following book is for you. For years, people like you have been looking to get their foot into major companies like Google, Facebook, and even Activision or Blizzard with little to no success. The main reason, they fail to pass the coding interview. When applying for these jobs, they don’t want to hire anyone that can’t pass this interview. They don’t want people to get into these positions, tie up deadlines, and mess up years of advancement with poorly written code. For this reason, they will give you what is known as a coding interview to prove that you can play the game with those who are working in the company already. In this book, you will: - Understand what a coder or developer is, and why you would want to be one - Learn about the foundations that most people don’t talk about when getting these job - Gain insight into what employers are looking at before you are even considered for the interview - Learn about what to have before you apply and what to do in the pre-interviews - Have access to many common questions and answers you will be asked in these interviews so you can understand what to expect and how to answer - And so much more! This book is a look into the world of programming and getting a job as a coder. If you are someone who believes that this is the lifestyle for you, then knowing what to do to pass the coding interview is key.
Dylan Christian (Author), Betty Johnston (Narrator)
Knock Knock Jokes For Kids 5-7 Years Old: Squeaky-Clean Family Fun: with Over 500 Funny, Silly and C
Are you looking for a perfect present to please your little comedian?Welcome to one of the best books about jokes you’ll ever find. Congratulations for having such fantastic taste in books, by the way. The jokes in this book aren’t just any jokes. They are the best kind of jokes and the best kind of jokes are the kind where a door is involved. That’s right! The jokes in this book are knock-knock jokes. Knock Knock Jokes For Kids is perfect for: - Children (and adults) who love to have a good laugh - Hours of fun for the whole family - Keeping kids engaged and entertained when you most need it - Making those long car trips more fun, and get a giggle for yourself along the way - Any time you want to laugh and have fun with the special kids in your life - Interacting with children when you can’t play outside! - Reluctant readers to encourage them to read more - Children to improve their memory and creativity - Cheering you up with funny and clean jokes after a hard day We have everything: - Jokes about food, because what’s funnier than food? - Jokes about animals, which isn’t difficult seeing as they’re pretty funny on their own. - Even jokes about something as silly as shoes. Shoes are very silly and it’s easy to make jokes about them. - Bonus Q&A jokes and riddles included! Let’s go knock on some doors! Get this book and join in the fun with the children in your life!
Mary Miler (Author), Ana Radon (Narrator)
La piramide de Maslow: Abram Maslow
La pirámide de Maslow es una teoría sobre las necesidades psicológicas que tenemos las personas y cómo estas influyen en nuestra motivación. Según las investigaciones del psicólogo Abraham Maslow, las personas tenemos cinco necesidades básicas que acaban dictando nuestro comportamiento humano
Oslos Molina (Author), Oslos Molina (Narrator)
15 rasgos de la personalidad egocéntrica: ¿Como saber si soy egocénterico ?
El egocéntrico es aquel que se considera como el centro de todos los intereses, el centro de atención, el centro de todo o el centro del mundo, que cree que sus propias opiniones e intereses son más importantes que las de los demás
Oslos Molina (Author), Oslos Molina (Narrator)
El tercer libro de ciencia para niños del científico Gabriel León. En esta nueva entrega de la serie de ciencia para niños de Gabriel León, Pachi, su papá y el perro Lukás se sumergirán en el mundo de las preguntas raras sobre el Universo. ¿Por qué los planetas son redondos? ¿Por qué titilan las estrellas? ¿Por qué me sigue la Luna cuando camino? ¿Por qué Marte se ve rojo? ¿Por qué la Vía Láctea se llama así? Son algunas de las interrogantes sobre el espacio que serán abordadas con un toque de humor y cotidianeidad.
Gabriel León (Author), Consuelo Pizarro, Felipe Waldhorn (Narrator)
Sambo: An Essential Guide to a Martial Art Similar to Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Wrestling along with Its
A practical guide to understanding Sambo and its various components. Do you want to improve your self-defense skills against someone with a weapon? Why is Sambo one of the most crucial martial arts disciplines to practice? How do you diffuse a tense situation using your Sambo skills? This audiobook primarily focuses on providing a practical and comprehensive understanding of Sambo so you can improve your self-defense techniques. Sambo consists of different elements that range from throws, holds, and movements that you should know. This audiobook helps you learn the basics that can help improve your self-defense skills. Additionally, it provides a basic understanding of Sambo and how it differs from other disciplines in martial arts. It also outlines the benefits and everything you want to know about this kind of martial art. In this audiobook, you will: - Learn the basics of Sambo and its techniques - Learn how to apply the techniques in different situations that require self-defense - Learn different throwing techniques and how to use them safely - Learn various gripping techniques and how to make use of each - Learn the difference between upper and lower body submissions and why each is important - Understand the common mistakes often made by many people when they learn Sambo If you are interested in learning the basics of Sambo and improving your skills, this audiobook will help you. The audiobook provides you with a step-by-step approach to understanding Sambo as an effective martial art that’s ideal for self-defense and general fitness. The instructions provided in this audiobook are easy to follow and are also accompanied by illustrations. So click the “add to cart” button and start your journey to becoming a self-taught master of Sambo today!
Clint Sharp (Author), Ivan Busenius (Narrator)
Discover how a little girl raised on a dairy farm grew up to become the first woman ever to have an exhibition of their entire life's work at the Museum of Modern Art in this addition to the #1 New York Times bestselling Who Was series. Georgia O'Keeffe is famously known for her colorful, large paintings of flowers, but this artist's portfolio expands far beyond Jack-in-the-pulpits. In this book, young readers will learn about O'Keeffe's childhood in Wisconsin and her years as a talented art school teacher. Her years as an artist in both New York and New Mexico, two areas that are heavily represented in her artwork, reveal O'Keeffe's influences. Explore the adventures that inspired O'Keeffe's paintings of skyscrapers, barns, skulls, flowers, and made her into an American art icon of the twentieth century.
Sarah Fabiny (Author), Elaine Wang (Narrator)
In her debut picture book, adapted for audio, professional Indigenous dancer Ria Thundercloud tells the true story of her path to dance and how it helped her take pride in her Native American heritage. At four years old, Ria Thundercloud was brought into the powwow circle, ready to dance in the special jingle dress her mother made for her. As she grew up, she danced with her brothers all over Indian country. Then Ria learned more styles--tap, jazz, ballet--but still loved the expressiveness of Indigenous dance. And despite feeling different as one of the only Native American kids in her school, she always knew she could turn to dance to cheer herself up. Follow along as Ria shares her dance journey--from dreaming of her future to performing as a professional.
Ria Thundercloud (Author), Ria Thundercloud (Narrator)
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