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Fred in Pergamon: Auf den Spuren der alten Griechen
Die erste Klassenfahrt! Mit seiner Geschichtslehrerin, Frau Kaufmann, seinen Freunden Yannick und Anna und der gesamten Klasse fährt Fred eine Woche lang in die Türkei. Entlang der türkischen Westküste wollen sie die Hinterlassenschaften der alten Griechen besichtigen. Denn vor über 2.000 Jahren gehörte diese Gegend noch zum antiken Griechenland. Und griechische Städte wie Ephesos, Milet und Pergamon sind bis heute weltberühmt. Wochenlang haben die Schüler sich auf die Reise vorbereitet. Als Fred aber dann endlich auf dem Burgberg von Pergamon neben den Fundamenten des Großen Altars steht, kann er nicht ahnen, dass er bald mitten drin sein wird in der Welt, über die er so viel gelesen hat. Er findet das Bruchstück einer antiken Skulptur: eine geheimnisvolle Fackel... Eine abenteuerliche Reise durch das antike Pergamon nimmt seinen Lauf, auf der Fred einen Weg zurück in seine Welt finden muss.
Birge Tetzner (Author), Dirk Petrick, Eva-Maria Kurz, Harry Kühn, Luise Bose, Michael Berndt-Cananá, Remo Schulze, Thomas Pötzsch, Tino Blazejewski (Narrator)
Fred bei den Wikingern: Jarl Ragnalds Vermächtnis
+++ Überarbeitete Neuauflage mit Andreas Fröhlich als Erzähler, einem neuen Anfangskapitel und erweiterter Klangkulisse +++ Irgendwo an einem Fjord in Dänemark lebte vor vielen, vielen Jahren der Wikingerjunge Ivar. Der Tag, an dem Fred zu ihm kommt, ist für Ivar ein trauriger Tag: Odin hat seinen Vater nach Walhall geholt - und das Dorf hat keinen Anführer mehr. Ivar muss ein schweres Erbe antreten. Wie soll er jemals ein so großer Krieger werden wie sein Vater es war? Fred wird Ivar ein treuer Freund. Doch als der streitsüchtige Jarl Eirik sich rüstet Ivars Dorf anzugreifen, brauchen die beiden schnell einen guten Plan. Fast ein Jahr bleibt Fred bei den Wikingern. Er hört die nordischen Sagas, die Geschichten von Odin, Thor und Loki. Er lernt den Bootsbauer Harald kennen und erfährt von ihm, wie die Wikinger ihre schnellen Langschiffe bauten. Er trifft den grimmigen Knut (den er lieber nicht getroffen hätte) und die Seherin Thorbjörk. Bevor das Jahr vergangen ist, warnt sie ihn, muss er die Wikinger wieder verlassen haben. Sonst wird es ihm nicht mehr gelingen. Rezensionen: 'Ein unvergessliches Jahr verbringt Fred bei Ivar und erlebt diese aufregende Zeit hautnah. Ebenso wie die Zuhörer, die bei diesem sehr aufwändig produzierten Hörspiel mit großartigen Sprechern mittendrin sind! Das Booklet mit den geschichtlichen Hintergründen und einem Glossar rundet das Wikinger-Erlebnis ab!' [Sandra Rudel, Kilifü - Almanach der Kinderliteratur 2014/15] 'Ob es um die Vorstellung von der Entstehung der Welt und die nordischen Götter geht oder um Alltag, Tierhaltung, Schiffsbau und Waffentechnik - in der spannenden Abenteuergeschichte ist viel Wissen kindgerecht verpackt' [Bernhild Vögel, Iceland Review] 'Spannung und viel Wissenswertes auf zwei CDs, die Testkinder sagen: Super!' [Susanna Nieder, Der Tagesspiegel] 'Unbedingt reinhören! Für Wikinger-Fans, groß wie klein, sowieso ein Muss. Beste und eben lehrreiche Unterhaltung für die ganze Familie, ohne dass man auch nur an einer Stelle den Eindruck gewinnt, gerade belehrt zu werden. Und doch geht man gestärkt und gebildet aus der Geschichte am Ende wieder heraus. Super, super toll!' [Konstanze Keller, Leseweis] 'Sehr empfehlenswert' [Arbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendliteratur und Medien, AJuM] Laufzeit ca. 159 Minuten
Birge Tetzner (Author), Andreas Fröhlich, Dirk Petrick, Dominik Bender, Jürgen Thormann, Michael Berndt-Cananá, Nikolas Theilgaard, Regina Gisbertz, Remo Schulze, Sonja Deutsch, Thomas Hollaender, Thomas Pötzsch (Narrator)
Pollen: Darwin's 130-Year Prediction
Junior Library Guild selection How long does it take for science to find an answer to a problem? On January 25, 1862, naturalist Charles Darwin received a box of orchids. One flower, the Madagascar star orchid, fascinated him. It had an 11.5' nectary, the place where flowers make nectar, the sweet liquid that insects and birds eat. How, he wondered, did insects pollinate the orchid? It took 130 years to find the answer. After experiments, he made a prediction. There must be a giant moth with a 11.5' proboscis, a straw-like tongue. Darwin died without ever seeing the moth, which was catalogued by entomologists in in 1903. But still no one had actually observed the moth pollinating the orchid. In 1992, German entomologist, Lutz Thilo Wasserthal, Ph.D. traveled to Madagascar. By then, the moths were rare. He managed to capture two moths and released them in a cage with the orchid. He captured the first photo of the moth pollinating the flower, as Darwin had predicted 130 years before. Backmatter includes information on the moth, the orchid, Charles Darwin, Lutz Wasserthal. Also included is Wasserthal's original photo taken in 1992.
Darcy Pattison (Author), Josiah Bildner (Narrator)
Peacebeam for Kids: Building Self-Esteem
In this first Series of Peacebeams for Kids we take you on a journey that will help you to build self-esteem, practice kindness to yourself and others, learn how to calm yourself with your breath and how to take a different perspective on the difficult emotions we all experience from time to time. Designed to be helpful, soothing and kind these short meditations will help to lift your spirits and warm your heart.
Jane Murray, Karis Lacroix (Author), Jane Murray (Narrator)
Dramatic, lyrical, and beautiful, O Captain, My Captain tells the story of one of America's greatest poets and how he was inspired by one of America's greatest presidents. Whitman and Lincoln shared the national stage in Washington, DC, during the Civil War. Although the two men never met, Whitman often saw Lincoln's carriage on the road. The president was never far from the poet's mind, and Lincoln's "grace under pressure" was something Whitman returned to again and again in his poetry. Whitman witnessed Lincoln's second inauguration and mourned along with America as Lincoln's funeral train wound its way across the landscape to his final resting place. This recording includes the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" and an excerpt from "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd," as well as brief bios of Lincoln and Whitman, a timeline of Civil War events, endnotes, and a bibliography.
Robert Burleigh (Author), Chris Lutkin, David Bendena (Narrator)
A Green Place to Be: The Creation of Central Park
In 1858, New York City was growing so fast that new roads and tall buildings threatened to swallow up the remaining open space. The people needed a green place to be-a park with ponds to row on and paths for wandering through trees and over bridges. When a citywide contest solicited plans for creating a park out of barren swampland, Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmsted put their heads together to create the winning design, and the hard work of making their plans a reality began. By winter, the lake opened for skating. By the next summer, the waterside woodland known as the Ramble opened for all to enjoy. Meanwhile, sculptors, stonemasons, and master gardeners joined in to construct thirty-four unique bridges, along with fountains, pagodas, and band shells, making New York's Central Park a green gift to everyone.
Ashley Benham Yazdani (Author), John Pruden (Narrator)
Untold Stories From F1 During the 1990's
Grand Prix Racing during the 1990's was among one of the best era's of the sport. Not only did you have great F1 drivers & loud F1 engines (like the old V12's) which not only excited fans, but, the sport was full of colourful characters and it was an era before people were afraid of watching their words. This book therefore captures some forgotten, yet fascinating short stories from that time that will make you laugh, cry or even just ponder. They include: Chapter 1 What Do The Most Successful and Worst Car of 1994 Have in Common? Chapter 2 Funny Stories From An F1 Mechanic Chapter 3 Brundle at McLaren Chapter 4 Mansell's 1994 Comeback Chapter 5 Working Within Benetton During the 1990's Chapter 6 Unraced Projects of the 1994 F1 Season & an insight into Pacific Grand Prix racing (written in conjunction with Jasper Heijmans) Chapter 7 Schumacher's Ferrari Controversies Chapter 8 Schumacher's 1994 Ligier Test Chapter 9 Herbert at Benetton Chapter 10 Lehto at Benetton Chapter 11 The Flying Dutchman After 1994 Chapter 12 How the Schumacher v Hill Feud Developed Chapter 13 Paul Tracy's Benetton Test, September 1994 Chapter 14 Memories of Imola 1994 - by Mike Fairholme Chapter 15 Roland Ratzenberger - 25 Years On Chapter 16 Ayrton Senna - His Final Hours Chapter 17 My Opinion on What Caused Ayrton Senna's Crash? Chapter 18 Did a Return to Simpler Cars in 1994 Contribute to the Accidents? Chapter 19 1994 - A Brief Overview of F1's Darkest Season Since 2015 I've been researching all the books, internet sources and magazines (Autosport, F1 News and Motor Sport) covering 1990's F1. Furthermore I've interviewed various key figures employed by Benetton, Ford Electronics and Williams. In addition, I've studied all the on track action from time - simply because I love reliving that era of F1. This book & its short stories listed above are the fruits of all that hard work and research. As a devoted Formula 1 fan, I thought I knew everything about the
Ibrar Malik (Author), Ibrar Malik (Narrator)
Enemy Child: The Story of Norman Mineta, a Boy Imprisoned in a Japanese American Internment Camp Dur
One by one, things that Norm and his Japanese American family took for granted are taken away. In a matter of months they, along with everyone else of Japanese ancestry living on the West Coast, are forced by the government to move to internment camps, leaving everything they have known behind. At the Heart Mountain internment camp in Wyoming, Norm and his family live in one room in a tar paper barracks with no running water. There are lines for the communal bathroom and lines for the mess hall, and they live behind barbed wire and under the scrutiny of armed guards in watchtowers. Meticulously researched and informed by extensive interviews with Norm Mineta himself, this narrative sheds light on a little-known subject of American history. Andrea Warren covers the history of early Asian immigration to the United States and provides historical context for the U.S. government's decision to imprison Japanese Americans alongside a deeply personal account of the sobering effects of that policy.
Andrea Warren (Author), Caroline Mclaughlin (Narrator)
Tu primera novela: Cómo escribir tu bestseller sin ser escritor
Tienes una historia que contar. Y no sabes como llevarla al papel porque nadie te ha enseñado cómo hacerlo... hasta ahora. Me llamo Raimon Samsó, soy autor de 24 libros, y he conseguido 2 premios literarios y he vendido cientos de miles de ejemplares. Este libro te revelará las claves de mi éxito. He resumido lo que aprendí leyendo, hablando con escritores, y practicando lo que aprendía de ellos. Estudié una docena de manuales sobre cómo escribir bien. Me enseñaron muchos recursos prácticos que resumo ahora para ti. Tomé muchos ejemplos de mis maestros, también muchos ejercicios, todo para ti. Con todo ello armé un taller de escritura creativa y este libro. ¡Y acabé enseñando a muchas personas a escribir! Este libro resume mi experiencia tras escribir y publicar 3 novelas e innumerables ensayos. Ahora todos mis secretos están a tu disposición. Vas a leer la clase de material que a mí me habría gustado conocer cuando empecé mi primera novela. Mi promesa para ti: acortarás la curva de aprendizaje y evitarás los errores del principiante. Nos vemos en tu primera firma de ejemplares de tu primer bestseller
Raimon Samsó (Author), Alfonso Sales (Narrator)
Kane (Ultimate Football Heroes) - Collect Them All!
Meet Harry Kane - Ultimate Football Hero. When Harry Kane was released by Arsenal at nine years old for being too small, he had to use all his self-belief to prove that he could make it as a footballer. Now a superstar striker for Tottenham Hotspur and England, his hard work and determination have paid off. Kane is the amazing story of how the boy from North London became the Premier League's most lethal goalscorer. Ultimate Football Heroes is a series of biographies telling the life-stories of the biggest and best footballers in the world and their incredible journeys from childhood fan to super-star professional player. Told in fast-paced, action-packed style with sound effects that transport you straight into the middle of all the exhilarating action of the football pitch, these audiobooks are perfect for the whole family to share and enjoy.
Matt & Tom Oldfield, Matt Oldfield, Tom Oldfield, Ultimate Football Heroes (Author), Joe Jameson (Narrator)
Messi (Ultimate Football Heroes) - Collect Them All!
Meet Messi - Ultimate Football Hero. 'The Barcelona fans were already standing - they had seen the things that Lionel could do with the ball at his feet.' Lionel Messi is a legend - Barcelona's star player and the world's best footballer. But when he was young, he was so small that his friends called him 'Little Leo' and coaches worried he wasn't big enough. Yet through bravery, talent and hard work, he proved them wrong. Messi tells the magical story of how the tiniest boy in South America grew up to become the greatest player on earth. Ultimate Football Heroes is a series of biographies telling the life-stories of the biggest and best footballers in the world and their incredible journeys from childhood fan to super-star professional player. Told in fast-paced, action-packed style with sound effects that transport you straight into the middle of all the exhilarating action of the football pitch, these audiobooks are perfect for the whole family to share and enjoy.
Matt & Tom Oldfield, Matt Oldfield, Tom Oldfield, Ultimate Football Heroes (Author), Joe Jameson (Narrator)
It's unbelievable but true! Born on the same day in the same small, German circus town, young Bram and his elephant, Modoc, had a lifelong friendship that spanned over eight decades. But it was never easy. From the breakup of the circus to the shipwreck in the Indian Ocean that nearly cost them their lives, the bond between the boy and the elephant survived the most unimaginable trials. This true story of their adventures together, and eventual rise to circus stardom in the Ringling Brothers Circus, will be a treasure for animal lovers everywhere.
Ralph Helfer (Author), Pierce Cravens (Narrator)
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