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What is needed to set up a lemonade stand? Count all the things that are needed! This beautifully illustrated reader develops children’s oral language skills as they describe what is happening in each picture. They will also practice counting to ten as they count the things that are required for a lemonade stand.
Dani Neiley (Author), Teacher Created Materials (Narrator)
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Alles über Flugzeuge
Sonja, Finn und Julie freuen sich schon auf ihren Flug in den Urlaub. Vor dem Abflug erklärt ihnen der Lotse Holger im Tower, wie der Verkehr in der Luft funktioniert und wie Fliegen umweltfreundlicher werden kann. Der Ramp Agent Thomas berichtet davon, wie das Flugzeug auf den Flug vorbereitet wird und Kapitän Schwarz und seine Crew begrüßen die drei schließlich an Bord. Aber wie fliegt eigentlich so ein großes Flugzeug? Mit einfachen Experimenten zum Mitmachen bleibt am Ende keine Frage offen. Authentische Geräusche, viel Musik und das Eröffnungslied von Ulrich Maske machen das Ganze zum spannenden Hörspielerlebnis nach dem Motto 'Ich bin ganz Ohr!'. Die gleichnamige Buchausgabe von Wolfgang Metzger und Andrea Erne ist im Ravensburger Buchverlag erschienen.
Andrea Erne, Wolfgang Metzger (Author), Various Artists (Narrator)
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Wir entdecken Feste und Bräuche
Die Kinder Lotta und Levi basteln für Sonja einen Kalender, der sie durch das ganze Jahr mit all seinen Festen und Feiertagen begleitet. Gemeinsam lernen sie Neujahrsbräuche aus aller Welt kennen, begrüßen den Frühling beim Osterfeuer, feiern zusammen die Sommersonnenwende, basteln eine Kürbislaterne zu Halloween und besuchen den Weihnachtsmarkt. Aber sie entdecken auch Feste aus anderen Kulturen wie das muslimische Zuckerfest und das skandinavische Luciafest. Und schon beginnt ein neues Jahr voller Feste! Authentische Geräusche, viel Musik und das Eröffnungslied von Ulrich Maske machen das Ganze zum spannenden Hörspielerlebnis nach dem Motto 'Ich bin ganz Ohr!'. Die gleichnamige Buchausgabe von Susanne Szesny und Andrea Erne ist im Ravensburger Buchverlag erschienen.
Andrea Erne, Susanne Szesny (Author), Various Artists (Narrator)
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? ProfiWissen. Weltraum
Für Ben steht fest: Er möchte später einmal Astronaut werden. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden Jette, Finn und Lilli darf er die Ferien in einem Spacecamp für Kinder verbringen! Dort erfahren die WissensProfis alles über unser Sonnensystem, über Planeten, Sterne und außerirdisches Leben in anderen Galaxien. Sie sind bei Raumfahrt-Experimenten dabei und finden heraus, wie man als Mensch ins Weltall reisen kann. Umfassendes Sachwissen, authentische Geräusche, viel Musik und das Eröffnungslied 'Was wollt ihr wissen?' sorgen für ein spannendes HörErlebnis. Das Hörspiel basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Buch von Stefan Greschick und Jochen Windecker aus dem Ravensburger Buchverlag.
Stefan Greschik (Author), Various Artists (Narrator)
Penguin presents the audio edition of Minecraft: The Lost Journals, read by Emily Schaffer. The brand-new official Minecraft novel is a journey into the unknown! When a young girl teams up with her friend to find the boy's missing uncle, they must leave the safety of the Overworld behind. Alison and Max must team up to find his missing uncle Nicholas. Using the journal his beloved uncle left as a guide, the duo hurtle headlong into a treacherous and unknown landscape called the Nether. There, they meet a strange girl named Freya and her woefully unheroic dog, Bunny Biter, who agree to help them in their quest. The group must take on dangerous new foes and unravel the cryptic journal to find Nicholas and reunite this fractured family.
Mur Lafferty (Author), Emily Schaffer (Narrator)
RV Camping: A Beginners and Advanced Practical Guide to Enjoy RV Lifestyle, Boondocking Adventures,
Are you tired of living in the same place all the time? Do you want to know how to visit the most beautiful places and live the best experiences of your life with your RV?Did you know that more and more people are deciding to embrace a new way of life, to go on holiday, or even to enjoy their retirement?The world of RV is amazing, often not very well known, but it is able to give you back that freedom that you have always sought. Every night you can decide to fall asleep under a starry sky and every morning you can wake up in the most unspoiled nature. Until a few years ago, camping, boondocking, and RV living were only practiced by experts, or by people with a lot of money who did not need to work, but today it is no longer so. This guide is aimed both at beginners, who want to introduce themselves to the world of RV, and experts, who will certainly find useful tips and cues to improve their outdoor experience. - Chapter 1 addresses buying a rig; - Chapter 2 brings attention to the technical side RVing; - Chapter 3 supplies a thorough discussion on the equipment you are going to need; - Chapter 4 turns your attention to your voyage; - Chapter 5 serves up the meat-and-potatoes of the lifestyle: day-to-day RVing; - Chapter 6 draws attention to the last step of setting out: planning the trip itself. Whether you want to live in an RV or simply have a holiday with your family, your children, or your friends, experiencing a sense of freedom that you have never experienced in your life, this practical guide is definitely for you!
James Heberd (Author), Derik Hendrickson (Narrator)
From writer Stacy McAnulty and illustrator Stevie Lewis, Moon! Earth's Best Friend is a light-hearted nonfiction audiobook about the formation and history of the moon-told from the perspective of the moon itself. Meet Moon! She's more than just a rock-she's Earth's rock, her best friend she can always count on. Moon never turns her back on her friend (literally: she's always facing Earth with the same side!). These two will stick together forever. With characteristic humor and charm, Stacy McAnulty channels the voice of Moon in this next celestial 'autobiography' in the Our Universe series.
Stacy Mcanulty (Author), Taylor Meskimen (Narrator)
Dragons Race in the Water and Other Real Chinese Stories
China! Natasha Yim tells of her experiences of watching dragon races in Hong Kong. Discover the art of a handwriting technique called calligraphy. How is silk made? Discover the women who make silk by hand in Hotan, China. Learn how people in China honor their loved ones who have gone before them. Stories by Natasha Yim, Linda Petrucelli, Gary Hoff, Josanne LaValley, and Christine Liu Perkins.
Highlights For Children (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
Dueling Dinosaurs and Other Real Dino Stories
Real dinosaurs! Read about Triceratops' horns and their purpose. Did you know that there are animals alive today that move similarly to dinosaurs? Sometimes museums display copies of dinosaur fossils instead of the real thing. Learn how the Smithsonian made an exact copy of a dinosaur skeleton. A dinosaur fan's dreams came true as he watched a dinosaur skeleton being rebuilt. Stories by Sharon Pochron, Cheryl M. Reifsnyder, Ph.D., Suzanne McIntire, and Don Lessem, Dinosaur Editor.
Highlights For Children (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
The Earth Breathed Fire and Other Real Volcano Stories
Hot magma! Learn all about volcanoes from how they're formed, to what happens when they finally blow their tops! Hear about how scientists who study volcanoes get close enough to do their jobs. Stories by Nancy Marie Brown, Megan Clements, Chris Dietel, and Highlights for Children.
Highlights For Children (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
Flying Galaxies and Other Real Galactic Stories
Swirling galaxies! Scientists and astronomers have determined that there are other galaxies just like ours, and have even calculated how old they are. Learn about how scientists determined that our galaxy is a giant swirling pinwheel of stars. Stories by Ken Croswell Ph.D., Tony Helies, and Highlights for Children.
Highlights For Children (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
Going to the Pool and Other Swimming Stories
Dive in! Tex and Indi head to the pool for their swimming lesson but worry that they forgot how to swim over the past year. Roy works hard in swimming class. A young girl believes she can swim across an inlet, but gets into trouble when the tide begins to carry her out to sea! A dolphin learns how to swim with a prosthetic tail, and Olympic champion, Janet Evans tells about how she faced her fears and won swimming competitions against strong opponents. Stories by Lissa Rovetch, Arlene Mark, Jillian Sullivan, Sharon Teper, and Janet Evans.
Highlights For Children (Author), Highlights For Children (Narrator)
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