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The pounding of horses' hooves shattered the night's silence. Harriet froze in the shadow of a tree and peered out into the darkness. She barely dared to breathe as three slave catchers came to a halt only a few feet from her hiding place. Had she escaped from danger so many times only to lose her hope of freedom now? At age six the sharp bite of a whip taught Harriet Tubman what it meant to be a slave. The other slaves scoffed when Harriet resolved to escape north someday. Little did they know that this girl would one day lead hundreds of slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Even huge rewards for her capture -- dead or alive -- did not stop Harriet from risking her life again and again in the fight for liberty as the nation spiraled into the Civil War. Whether running from slave hunters, advising generals, or improving condition in war hospitals, remarkable Harriet Tubman would not be satisfied until every person could experience true freedom.
Janet And Geoff Benge (Author), Rebecca Gallagher (Narrator)
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Storybook Life
Laura stared at the black cloud blotting out the sun. The cloud was unlike anything she had ever seen. As it got closer, it made a strange noise, like hail pelting the ground. Suddenly the sky began to rain grasshoppers. The bugs clung to Laura's hair and clothes and peered at her with bulging eyes. Soon they began destroying Papa's crops. From the big woods of Wisconsin to the Indian country of the Great Plains, new adventures and landscapes filled the rich childhood of Laura Ingalls Wilder. On a frontier steeped in both danger and great possibility, Laura would grow up to witness firsthand the rapid transformation of the West as pioneers and covered wagons gave way to farms, towns, and railroads. A pioneer, teacher, farmer's wife, and storyteller, Laura Ingalls Wilder experienced one of the most exciting times in American history -- history that this gifted writer brought to life for millions and preserved for generations to come.
Janet And Geoff Benge (Author), Rebecca Gallagher (Narrator)
Lillian Trasher: The Greatest Wonder in Egypt
"Do you mean to say you have no food for tomorrow?" the Egyptian man sputtered. "Well, yes," Lillian replied. The man exclaimed, "How awful! Will you be able to sleep tonight?" One of the orphan girls laughed out loud and said, "Why, Mama never has any food for tomorrow, and she never loses sleep over it!" "When Lillian Trasher founded Egypt's first orphanage, others thought that a lone American woman with no means of support would surely be killed or starve to death. But Lillian - certain of God's guidance - stood by her earlier promise to Him, 'If ever I can do anything for You, just let me know - and I'll do it.' In the midst of poverty, war, and deadly epidemics, Lillian faced each day with a heart of trust, modeling the life she hoped her children would someday live in their own homes. During fifty tumultuous years, the Mother of the Nile cared for thousands of desperate children, with unwavering faith that God does indeed look after the orphans.
Janet And Geoff Benge (Author), Rebecca Gallagher (Narrator)
When she arrived at a clinic, usually five hundred, sometimes a thousand people were there to greet her. Helen's reputation as the unstoppable Mama Luka had gone before her - she could do more to heal a sick child or baby than all the witch doctors in the area combined. This was the work God had called her to pioneer, and that belief encouraged her. Helen Roseveare served as a medical missionary in the Congo during one of the most chaotic periods in the nation's history. Arriving in 1953, Helen felt God lay on her heart the task of training future nurses to provide desperately needed medical care in the Congo. Helen worked tirelessly as a doctor in the villages and jungles, training medical workers and overseeing the building of hospitals. Gifted with an incredible amount of strength and energy, Helen yearned to see the Congo flourish. Even in the face of violence during the struggle for independence from Belgian colonial rule, Helen refused to give up
Janet And Geoff Benge (Author), Rebecca Gallagher (Narrator)
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