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The Most Popular Fairy Tales for Kids: 40 Hours The Most Popular Fairy Tales for Kids
40 Hours The Most Popular Fairy Tales for Kids. We all have a favorite fairy tale story. Learn abut the most popular fairy tales for kids, including Andersen fairy tales, to read for your kids.
Fairy Tales (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Turn of the Screw, The - Henry James
The Turn of the Screw is an 1898 horror novella by Henry James that first appeared in serial format in Collier's Weekly magazine (January 27 – April 16, 1898). In October 1898 it appeared in The Two Magics, a book published by Macmillan in New York City and Heinemann in London. Classified as both gothic fiction and a ghost story, the novella focuses on a governess who, caring for two children at a remote estate, becomes convinced that the grounds are haunted. In the century following its publication, The Turn of the Screw became a cornerstone text of academics who subscribed to New Criticism. The novella has had differing interpretations, often mutually exclusive. Many critics have tried to determine the exact nature of the evil hinted at by the story. However, others have argued that the brilliance of the novella results from its ability to create an intimate sense of confusion and suspense within the reader. The novella has been adapted numerous times in radio drama, film, stage, and television, including a 1950 Broadway play, the 1961 film The Innocents, and a 2020 modern adaptation named The Turning.
Henry James (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
羅爾德・達爾的《了不起的狐狸爸爸》正是這樣的一本書。他認為動物及小動物們所蒙受的不白之冤是人類驕橫自大的一種表現,人類的醜惡、殘暴、兇狠、狡猾、奸詐比動物――無論多麼兇殘的、强大的――都表現得要充分得多得多。假如每一個可愛的孩子在出生以後,首先能看到的是這些優秀的兒童文學作品,那麼他們才能具有與大自然、動物和平共處的優秀品德,並熱愛它們。人應該先學會愛,而不是恨。一個人先對某種動物充滿仇恨,再讓他去學習愛這種動物的本領是何等艱難呀! 博吉斯、邦斯和比恩是你所能遇到的卑鄙、小氣的人,他們憎恨狐狸先生,决定把他全家除掉。於是,這三個人拿著槍,陰險地等在狐狸先生的洞外……但狐狸先生自有對付他們的妙計!於是,一場智慧和力量的較量開始了……三個兇狠貪婪的飼養場主和狐狸一家追捕與反追捕的故事,被羅爾德·達爾用异常輕鬆的筆調講來,讓人讀了愛不釋手。
羅爾德・達爾 (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
像許多著名的兒童文學作品一樣,讓林葛籣蜚聲世界的《長襪子皮皮》寫作的緣起是:她給患病的7歲女兒卡琳講故事。1941年,女作家林葛籣七歲的女兒卡琳因肺炎住在醫院,她守在床邊。女兒每天晚上請媽媽講故事。有一天她實在不知道講什麼好了,就問女兒:“我講什麼好呢?”女兒順口回答:“講長襪子皮皮。”是女兒在這一瞬間想出了這個名字。這個火紅頭髮、力大無窮、好開玩笑、喜歡冒險的小女孩不僅有著穿一隻黑襪子、一隻棕襪子的奇怪嗜好,而且有一個冗長奇怪的全名:皮皮露達·維多利亞·魯爾加迪婭·克魯斯蒙達·埃弗拉伊姆·長襪子。1944年,林葛籣在女兒10歲的時候把皮皮的故事寫了出來作為贈給她的生日禮物。1945年林葛籣將它稍作修改,參加拉米和舍格倫出版公司舉辦的兒童書籍比賽,獲得一等獎。書一出版就獲得巨大成功。關於皮皮的書共有三本,多次再版,成為瑞典有史以來兒童書籍中最暢銷的。現時該書已被譯成30多種文字,總發行量超過1000萬册。 主人公皮皮是個奇怪而有趣的小姑娘。她有一個奇怪的名字:皮皮露達·維多利亞·魯爾加迪婭·克魯斯蒙達·埃弗拉伊姆·長襪子。她滿頭紅發、小辮子翹向兩邊、臉上佈滿雀斑、大嘴巴、牙齒整齊潔白。她脚上穿的長襪子,一隻是棕色的,另一只是黑色的。她的鞋子正好比她的脚大一倍。她力大無比,能輕而易舉地把一匹馬、一頭牛舉過頭頂,能制服身強力壯的小偷和強盜,還降服了倔强的公牛和食人的大鯊魚。她有取之不盡的金幣,常用它買糖果和玩具分送給孩子們。她十分善良,對人熱情、體貼入微。她好開玩笑、喜歡冒險,很淘氣,常想出許許多多奇妙的鬼主意,創造出一個又一個的奇迹……
阿斯特麗德· 林葛蘭 (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Complete Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales & Stories PART 2
Hans Christian Andersen is one of the immortals of world literature. The fairy tales he wrote, such as 'The Snow Queen,' 'The Ugly Duckling,' 'The Red Shoes,' and 'The Nightingale,' are remarkable for their sense of fantasy, power of description, and acute sensitivity, and they are like no others written before or since. Unlike the Brothers Grimm, who collected and retold folklore, Andersen adopted the most ancient literary forms of the fairy tale and the folktale and distilled them into a genre that was uniquely his own.
Hans Christian Andersen (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Complete Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales & Stories PART 1
Complete Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales & Stories PART 1 Hans Christian Andersen is one of the immortals of world literature. The fairy tales he wrote, such as 'The Snow Queen,' 'The Ugly Duckling,' 'The Red Shoes,' and 'The Nightingale,' are remarkable for their sense of fantasy, power of description, and acute sensitivity, and they are like no others written before or since. Unlike the Brothers Grimm, who collected and retold folklore, Andersen adopted the most ancient literary forms of the fairy tale and the folktale and distilled them into a genre that was uniquely his own.
Hans Christian Andersen (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Complete Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales & Stories PART 8
Hans Christian Andersen is one of the immortals of world literature. The fairy tales he wrote, such as 'The Snow Queen,' 'The Ugly Duckling,' 'The Red Shoes,' and 'The Nightingale,' are remarkable for their sense of fantasy, power of description, and acute sensitivity, and they are like no others written before or since. Unlike the Brothers Grimm, who collected and retold folklore, Andersen adopted the most ancient literary forms of the fairy tale and the folktale and distilled them into a genre that was uniquely his own.
Hans Christian Andersen (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Complete Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales & Stories PART 5
Hans Christian Andersen is one of the immortals of world literature. The fairy tales he wrote, such as 'The Snow Queen,' 'The Ugly Duckling,' 'The Red Shoes,' and 'The Nightingale,' are remarkable for their sense of fantasy, power of description, and acute sensitivity, and they are like no others written before or since. Unlike the Brothers Grimm, who collected and retold folklore, Andersen adopted the most ancient literary forms of the fairy tale and the folktale and distilled them into a genre that was uniquely his own.
Hans Christian Andersen (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
柯爾 (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
1812年格林童话第一集出版,包含了86篇童话故事,第二集增加了70个故事,内容不断扩充,格林兄弟生前出版(第七版)的故事集有200则,加上圣徒传说多达210则,再加上补遗就有215则。其中以《灰姑娘》、《玫瑰小姐》、《受骗的青蛙》、《雪白和玫瑰红》、《猫和老鼠交朋友》、《聪明的农家女》、《三兄弟》、《月亮》、《熊皮人》、《石竹》、《白雪公主》、《小红帽》、《睡美人》、《糖果屋》、《青蛙王子》、《渔夫和他的妻子》、《野狼和七只小羊》、《大拇指》、《勇敢的小裁缝》、《不莱梅的城市乐手》、《穿靴子的猫》较为闻名。 《格林童话》内容广泛,体裁多样,除了童话外,还有民间故事、笑话、寓言等。其中故事大致分三类:一是神魔故事,如《灰姑娘》、《白雪公主》、《玫瑰公主》、《青蛙王子》、《小矮人与老鞋匠》、《玻璃瓶中的妖怪》等,这些故事情节曲折、惊险奇异、变幻莫测。二是以动物为主人公的拟人童话,如《猫和老鼠》、《狼与七只小山羊》、《金鸟》等,这些故事中的动物既富有人情,又具有动物特点,生动可爱。三是以日常生活为题材的故事,如《快乐的汉斯》、《三兄弟》等,这些故事中的人物勤劳质朴、幽默可爱。 1812年,这些故事结集成《儿童和家庭童话集》的第一卷,于圣诞节前夕在柏林问世,大受欢迎。此后直到1857年,格林兄弟不断补充故事,并一再修订,共推出七个版次。第七版后来成为在各国流传的原著版本,已译成数十种语言,许多故事都广为流传。 《格林童话》获选为世界文化遗产,被联合国教科文组织称赞为“欧洲和东方童话传统划时代的汇编作品”。 《格林童话》还被加入到联合国教科文组织“世界记忆”项目中。 在中国,至少有100种以上的译本和译改本。在西方基督教国家中,他的销量仅次于《圣经》。
格林兄弟 (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Three Musketeers, The - Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers is the first and best known of a series of six novels -- The Three Musketeers (covering 1625-1628), Twenty Years After (covering 1648-49), The Vicomte de Bragelonne (covering 1660), Ten Years Later (covering 1660-1661), Louise de la Valliere (covering 1661), The Man in the Iron Mask (covering 1661-1673). D'Artagnan, the fourth and most important musketeer is based on an historical figure, who was eventually promoted to commander of the musketeers. You can read about him at Wikipedia. According to Wikipedia: 'Alexandre Dumas, père (French for 'father', akin to 'Senior' in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (1802 — 1870) was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. Many of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte de Bragelonne were serialized. He also wrote plays and magazine articles and was a prolific correspondent.
Alexandre Dumas (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
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