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Lecturas en Inglés Para Principiantes: 10 Lecturas Breves Para Niveles A1 A2 Bilingüe Con Textos Tra
¡El inglés es fácil! Un libro con 10 entretenidas lecturas adecuadas para todas las edades.Este es un libro de inglés con textos paralelos para niños y adultos que estén estudiando inglés como segundo idioma. El libro contiene 10 lecturas graduadas para nivel desde principiante a intermedio (beginner A1 - A2 hasta B1), con la particularidad de que se trata de textos modernos e interesantes que capturarán la atención de los lectores de todas las edades. ¿Te preguntas cómo aprender inglés sin desesperarte? ¡Se acabaron las soporíferas lecturas de los antiguos manuales de idiomas! Este manual es adecuado tanto para autodidactas como para su uso en el aula, ya que permite al alumno autoevaluar sus conocimientos usando las soluciones presentadas al final de este volumen. Los textos son adecuados para niveles de A1 a B1, aunque los lectores de niveles más avanzados pueden usarlo también para refrescar su vocabulario. Cuentos para aprender inglés... con una sonrisa. El libro cuenta la historia de Valeria, una niña Española que pasa un año en los EEUU junto a su familia y a su amigo invisible, el duende Luciano. A lo largo de los diez capítulos nos adentraremos en el mundo de Valeria a través de su diario, y disfrutaremos de sus aventuras junto al travieso pero bondadoso elfo Luciano. - Cada capítulo está estructurado de la siguiente manera: - Una breve historia en inglés acerca de Valeria y su duende invisible Luciano; - Vocabulario importante Inglés-Español; - Preguntas de comprensión; - Traducción del texto. Al final del libro el alumno encontrará también una explicación de los conceptos básicos de gramática inglesa (verbos irregulares básicos, preposiciones en inglés que deberías conocer, artículos, y otros conceptos claves).
Evelyn Irving (Author), Anne Marla, Eva Bargues (Narrator)
Spanish Reader Beginner Short Stories: 10 Stories in Spanish for Children & Adults Level A1 to A2
10 Easy and fun short stories in SpanishThis Spanish reader contains 10 short, fun stories about 11-year-old Valeria and her invisible elf, which will help you learn Spanish or refresh your knowledge of the language. Spanish reader level 1: Learn effortlessly! These Spanish short stories for beginners are suitable for children and adults who want to work with an engaging, modern and easy language book. If you are about to travel to Spain, or you are learning Spanish at school, you will enjoy these reader without a doubt! It won’t even feel like learning, but you will soon have a basic command of the language and be able to communicate in day to day situations. These short stories in Spanish are very easy to understand, but they contain the most important vocabulary and grammar for a beginner to intermediate Spanish student. The book tells the story of Valeria, a foreign school girl who is spending a year in the USA with her family and her invisible elf friend, Luciano. Valeria writes a diary during her stay abroad, where she describes her adventures living in a new country with her mischievous but good-hearted elf friend. A Spanish phrasebook, a children’s book in Spanish, and much more: At the end of this book you will be able to: - Communicate confidently in basic daily life situations, - Understand basic spoken Spanish, - Use basic Spanish grammar, - Grow your Spanish vocabulary. The book is divided in ten shorter stories or chapters, which are structured as follows: - A short story in Spanish, - Important Spanish-English vocabulary, - Comprehension questions, English translation of the text (parallel text Spanish – English).
Evelyn Irving (Author), Anne Marla, Eva Bargues (Narrator)
Lydia and the Unicorns and the Lost Easter Bunny: An Easter Bunny Chapter Book for Kids
Lydia and Lucy thought they were about to start a fun Easter egg hunt. But they are about to meet a big surprise: the Easter Bunny has disappeared! No more searching for eggs, this spring we are searching for bunnies!Lydia and Lucy set on a mission to find it with the help of Crystal and Emerald, their Unicorn and Pegasus friends. They will travel to the Land of Magic, meet the evil Sugar WIzard and make friends with the bees.Join them on their Easter Bunny adventure!Lydia and the Unicorns is a series of chapter books for kids, ideal to read as bedtime stories or for children who can read on their own. These chapter books are apt for 1st and 2nd graders, and for older children as well.Enjoy this spring tale featuring Lydia, Lucy and the Unicorns!Other titles in the series:Lydia and the Unicorns Save Christmas.
Evelyn Irving (Author), Anne Marla (Narrator)
Lydia and the Unicorns Save Christmas: A Christmas Chapter Book for Kids
It's Christmas Eve, and sisters Lydia and Lucy have each an impossible wish for Christmas.Lucy wants to meet a real unicorn.Lydia just wants her busy Dad to home back home on Christmas Day.Will their Christmas wishes come true?Meet sisters Lydia and Lucy on their frozen Christmas adventure in the Land of Magic, where they will meet a unicorn, a Pegasus and even Santa Claus and his reindeer! Not only that, there's a very important mission they will have to accomplish if they don't want all the children in the world to remain very disappointed this year...A magical chapter book to read with your children on Christmas Eve! Let Lydia and the Unicorns become a family Christmas classic and enjoy one of the best Christmas chapter books for kids out there with your kids: snow, reindeer, unicorns, magic and of course a happy ending apt for all ages.Lydia and the Unicorns save Christmas is a great bedtime story and an easy and engaging read for lovers of Christmas flavored adventures. Add it to your Christmas bookshelf and read it aloud, cuddle under a warm blanket and watch the snow fall outside. Lydia and Lucy's books are also ideal for beginner readers, but also 2nd graders and up. Merry Christmas!
Evelyn Irving (Author), Anne Marla (Narrator)
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