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Il Dono Della Battaglia (Libro #17 In L’anello Dello Stregone): Digitally narrated using a synthesiz
This recording has been digitally produced by DeepZen Limited, using a synthesized version of an audiobook narrator’s voice under license. DeepZen uses Emotive Speech Technology to create digital narrations that offer a similar listening experience to human narration. “L’ANELLO DELLO STREGONE ha tutti gli ingredienti per un successo immediato: intrighi, complotti, mistero, cavalieri valorosi, storie d’amore che fioriscono e cuori spezzati, inganno e tradimento. Una storia che vi terrà incollati al libro per ore e sarà in grado di riscuotere l’interesse di persone di ogni età. Non può mancare sugli scaffali dei lettori di fantasy.” Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (parlando di Un’impresa da eroi) IL DONO DELLA BATTAGLIA (Libro #17) è il capitolo finale della serie vincitrice d’incassi che inizia con UN’IMPRESA DA EROI (libro #1)! In IL DONO DELLA BATTAGLIA, Thor affronta la più grande e conclusiva sfida addentrandosi sempre più nella Terra del Sangue nel tentativo di salvare Guwayne. Incontrando avversari più potenti di quanto potesse immaginare, Thor si rende presto conto di trovarsi di fronte a un esercito dell’oscurità, un esercito contro il quale i suoi poteri non gli sono di aiuto. Quando viene a sapere che un oggetto sacro potrebbe fornirgli i poteri di cui ha bisogno – un oggetto che gli è stato tenuto segreto per tutto questo tempo – deve imbarcarsi per una ricerca conclusiva per recuperarlo prima che sia troppo tardi, con il destino del mondo in bilico. Gwendolyn mantiene il suo giuramento al re della Dorsale ed entra nella torre confrontandosi con il capo spirituale per imparare i suoi segreti. È scioccata da ciò che viene a sapere e la rivelazione la spinge ad andare da Argon e infine anche dal maestro di Argon, dove apprende il grande segreto di tutto, un segreto che cambierà il destino finale dell’Anello e del suo popolo. Il Crinale si viene a trovare sotto assedio, attaccato da un esercito immenso mai visto prima da occhio umano, e il compito della difesa ricade su Kendrick e gli altri, mentre a Gwendolyn tocca condurre il suo popolo in un ultimo esodo di massa. I fratelli della Legione di Thor affrontano rischi inimmaginabili mentre Angel sta morendo di lebbra. Dario combatte con tutto se stesso, insieme a suo padre, nella capitale dell’Impero fino a che una sorpresa lo lascia devastato e lo spinge, senza niente ormai più da perdere, a richiamare i suoi poteri e scoprire chi è. Erec e Alistair raggiungono Volusia lottando nella risalita del fiume e sono costretti a continuare la loro ricerca di Gwendolyn affrontando inaspettata battaglie. Godfrey capisce che non può più nascondersi dietro l’alcool e che deve finalmente prendere una decisione e diventare l’uomo che vuole. Volusia, circondata dall’intero potere dei Cavalieri del Sette deve mettersi alla prova in quanto dea e scoprire se anche da sola possiede il potere di annientare gli uomini e governare l’Impero. Mentre Argon, ormai nei suoi ultimi giorni, si rende conto che è arrivato il momento di sacrificarsi. Mentre il bene e il male pendono in precario equilibrio un’ultima e definitive battaglia – la più grandiose di tutte – determinerà per sempre il destino dell’Anello. Con la sua sofisticata struttura e caratterizzazione, IL DONO DELLA BATTAGLIA è un racconto epico di amicizia e amore, di rivali e seguaci, di cavalieri e draghi, di intrighi e macchinazioni politiche, di maturazione, di cuori spezzati, di inganno, ambizione e tradimento. È un racconto di onore e coraggio, di fato e destino, di stregoneria. È un fantasy capace di portarci in un mondo che non dimenticheremo mai, in grado di affascinare persone di ogni sesso ed età. IL DONO DELLA BATTAGLIA è il più lungo dei libri della serie con 93.000 parole! Ed è ora disponibile per essere ordinate su Play anche la nuova serie fantasy di Morgan Rice L’ASCESA DEI DRAGHI (
Morgan Rice (Author), Morgan Rice (synthesized Voice) (Narrator)
EmVee didn’t know what to think about this new town her father’s passion for boxing lured them. It was an unlikely location for her to pursue her dream of going semi-pro. Just when she started getting used to the school with gorgeous jocks and strange cheerleaders, the depth of the danger her father’s choices dangled them in front of became clear. EmVee hoped Silas and Kayson will be able to help her uncover the mystery identity of the person who is threatening her family. The question is, will she survive to expose the mystery. Books in the Series: Insatiable Darkness (Book 0) Caged Fire (Book 1) Unbreakable Darkness (Book 1.5) Scepter Of Fire (Book 2) Break The Darkness (Book 2.5) Rebel of Fire (Book 3) Sword of Darkness (Book 3.5) Blade Of Fire (Book 4)
Lm Preston (Author), Arielle Swan (Narrator)
Hero From Yesterday by Robert Silverberg - They were a peaceful people and somehow couldn't stand the thought of executing their only criminal. The answer was to discover a—Hero From Yesterday The day Lugert's criminals gunned down three citizens in a bold broad-daylight robbery, Domnas Karson, Third Speaker of the Council, said, 'I think I've got the answer.' 'Answer? To what?' asked Murgon Darell Fourth Speaker. 'To Lugert,' said Karson. 'The weapon we can use against that throwback who's terrorizing us all.' Darell sighed wearily. 'There is no answer to Lugert, I'm afraid. We're peaceful people; he's a throwback to a more violent age. There's no way to cope with him. Would you want to be the one to shoot him down?' Karson shuddered and said, 'No, not me. Of course not. I'm no more capable of violence than anyone else. But Lugert can be stopped. We can get help.' 'From where?' 'From the past,' said Karson. 'From the ugly crime-ridden world we've evolved out of. Dr. Lorence of the Science Council has developed a time-net which....' 'Of course!' Darell exclaimed. 'Bring a man out of the past! A man who won't be inhibited by our innate hatred of violence, a man who'll be able to deal with Lugert as he deserves!' He rose and strode around the long councilroom in quick, nervous steps. 'Call Lorence, Karson. Get him at work on the project at once. We can't waste any more time. There's no telling when Lugert might....'
Robert Silverberg (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
The Man From Time by Frank Belknap Long - The method by which one man might be pinpointed in the vastness of all Eternity was the problem tackled by the versatile Frank Belknap Long in this story. And as all minds of great perceptiveness know, it would be a simple, human quality he'd find most effective even in solving Time-Space. Daring Moonson, he was called. It was a proud name, a brave name. But what good was a name that rang out like a summons to battle if the man who bore it could not repeat it aloud without fear? Moonson had tried telling himself that a man could conquer fear if he could but once summon the courage to laugh at all the sins that ever were, and do as he damned well pleased. An ancient phrase that—damned well. It went clear back to the Elizabethan Age, and Moonson had tried picturing himself as an Elizabethan man with a ruffle at his throat and a rapier in his clasp, brawling lustily in a tavern. In the Elizabethan Age men had thrown caution to the winds and lived with their whole bodies, not just with their minds alone. Perhaps that was why, even in the year 3689, defiant names still cropped up. Names like Independence Forest and Man, Live Forever! It was not easy for a man to live up to a name like Man, Live Forever! But Moonson was ready to believe that it could be done. There was something in human nature which made a man abandon caution and try to live up to the claims made for him by his parents at birth. It must be bad, Moonson thought. It must be bad if I can't control the trembling of my hands, the pounding of the blood at my temples. I am like a child shut up alone in the dark, hearing rats scurrying in a closet thick with cobwebs and the tapping of a blind man's cane on a deserted street at midnight.
Frank Belknap Long (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Dead America - The Texas Panhandle - Pt. 2
till reeling from the confrontation with the Knights of Dumas, Jackie and the other survivors in Dalhart undertake a risky mission in the hopes of turning the tide in their favor. Dead America - The Second Month series follows survivors from coast to coast as they deal with the threats posed by both the living and the undead.
Derek Slaton (Author), Aaron Smith (Narrator)
Audiolibro narrado en castellano. El fantasma de Canterville cuento escrito por Oscar Wilde y publicado originalmente en 1887. Obra inolvidable y fundamental de la literatura universal; ha sido llevado al cine y el teatro numerosas veces, y se han hecho versiones para televisión y radio. Los Otis una familia norteamericana, compra el antiguo castillo inglés de los Canterville. El anciano dueño les advierte de que en la mansión habita el malvado fantasma de Lord Simón Canterville, que mató a su esposa y cuyo cuerpo desapareció misteriosamente. El fantasma ha acosado a los miembros de la familia desde hace siglos, con el fin de asustarlos o llevarlos a la muerte con sus terribles fechorías. Una vez instalados realizan una vida completamente normal a pesar de los esfuerzos del fantasma por aterrorizar a los inquilinos; ¿Conseguirá el fantasma atemorizar a la familia Otis? Para la edición digital de este libro se ha utilizado el texto de la siguiente edición: Revista Pacífico, 1920, Chile publicada por Wikisource
Oscar Wilde (Author), ® Bseal Voice (Narrator)
...And It Comes Out Here by Lester Del Ray - There is one fact no sane man can quarrel with ... everything has a beginning and an end. But some men aren't sane; thus it isn't always so! No, you're wrong. I'm not your father's ghost, even if I do look a bit like him. But it's a longish story, and you might as well let me in. You will, you know, so why quibble about it? At least, you always have ... or do ... or will. I don't know, verbs get all mixed up. We don't have the right attitude toward tenses for a situation like this. Anyhow, you'll let me in. I did, so you will. Thanks. You think you're crazy, of course, but you'll find out you aren't. It's just that things are a bit confused. And don't look at the machine out there too long—until you get used to it, you'll find it's hard on the eyes, trying to follow where the vanes go. You'll get used to it, of course, but it will take about thirty years. You're wondering whether to give me a drink, as I remember it. Why not? And naturally, since we have the same tastes, you can make the same for me as you're having. Of course we have the same tastes—we're the same person. I'm you thirty years from now, or you're me. I remember just how you feel; I felt the same way when he—that is, of course, I or we—came back to tell me about it, thirty years ago. Here, have one of these. You'll get to like them in a couple more years. And you can look at the revenue stamp date, if you still doubt my story. You'll believe it eventually, though, so it doesn't matter. Right now, you're shocked. It's a real wrench when a man meets himself for the first time. Some kind of telepathy seems to work between two of the same people. You sense things. So I'll simply go ahead talking for half an hour or so, until you get over it. After that you'll come along with me.
Lester Del Rey (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Let's Get Together by Isaac Asimov A kind of peace had endured for a century and people had forgotten what anything else was like. They would scarcely have known how to react had they discovered that a kind of war had finally come. Certainly, Elias Lynn, Chief of the Bureau of Robotics, wasn't sure how he ought to react whenhefinally found out. The Bureau of Robotics was headquartered in Cheyenne, in line with the century-old trend toward decentralization, and Lynn stared dubiously at the young Security officer from Washington who had brought the news. Elias Lynn was a large man, almost charmingly homely, with pale blue eyes that bulged a bit. Men weren't usually comfortable under the stare of those eyes, but the Security officer remained calm. Lynn decided that his first reaction ought to be incredulity. Hell, it was incredulity! He just didn't believe it! He eased himself back in his chair and said, 'How certain is the information?' The Security officer, who had introduced himself as Ralph G. Breckenridge and had presented credentials to match, had the softness of youth about him; full lips, plump cheeks that flushed easily, and guileless eyes. His clothing was out of line with Cheyenne but it suited a universally air-conditioned Washington, where Security, despite everything, was still centered. Breckenridge flushed and said, 'There's no doubt about it.'
Isaac Asimov (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
14 يوم من العزل: مذكرات الحب والكورونا
بيرت يونج يعيش أسعد أيام حياته! لقد اعترف لفتاة أحلامه 'أروى' أنه يحبها، واعترفت له أنها أيضًا تبادله نفس المشاعر! اتفقا على أن يلتقيا في المدرسة غدا! أول موعد غرامي بينهما .. لا يوجد إنسان على وجه الأرض يمكنه أن يمنع بيرت عن هذا اللقاء! ربما ليس إنسانًا … ولكن عطسة؟ عطسة واحدة تقلب حياة بيرت رأسا على عقب، تجبره أمه على أن يبقى في الحجر المنزلي ١٤ يوميا، رغم قناعته الشديدة أنه ليس مصابًا بكورونا!! يشن بيرت الحرب على والديه عقابا لهما على حبسه، ويطلب المساعدة من صديقيه أوكا وإيريك كي يهرب من محبسه ويلتقي بحب حياته أروي! فهل سينجح؟ أستنتظره أروى أم ستقع في حب غيره؟ استمع الآن!
أندرش ياكوبسون, سورين أولسون (Author), Taleb Alrifay, طالب الرفاعي (Narrator)
Day of the Hunters by Isaac Asimov - The little old man had a new slant on the mystery of what happened to the great dinosaurs... It began the same night it ended. It wasn't much. It just bothered me; it still bothers me. You see, Joe Bloch, Ray Manning and I were squatting around our favorite table in the corner bar with an evening on our hands and a mess of chatter to throw it away with. That's just the beginning. Joe Bloch started it by talking about the atomic bomb, and what he thought ought to be done with it, and how who would have though it five years ago. And I said lots of guys thought about it five years ago and wrote stories about it and it was going to be tough on them trying to keep ahead of the newspapers now. Which led to a general palaver on how lots of screwy things might come true and a lot of for-instances were thrown about.
Isaac Asimov (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Monsters That Once Were Men by Robert Silverberg - They were like creatures painted by a drunken artist, ghastly, utterly repulsive caricatures of humanity! Tet, twisted through they were, they were still human... We were en route from Arenack to Delimon XI when some trouble developed in the gyroscopic drive stabilizers, and so we decided to lay over for repairs at the nearest planet. We weren't in any real hurry to get to Delimon XI, because we were flush from our last hauling job, and didn't need cash in a hurry. That's our trade, you see—interstellar hauling. I've been a free-lance transport man for the last twenty-eight years, and I like the work just fine. I carry a crew of eight, charge top rates and get them too, and the work is pleasant if you have the right kind of disposition for it, which I happen to have. But the events of that simple little stopover for stabilizer repairs nearly soured my disposition for good.
Robert Silverberg (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Escape by Paul Ernst - A brief weird tale about the escape of a madman! He had the craziest form of craziness I'd ever seen. Of course, I hasten to add, I hadn't seen much. I'd been through an asylum once before, as now, to get a story for my paper on treatment and condition of State inmates, and that was all. On that former trip I'd witnessed nothing like this; nor had I, till now, on this trip. The man didn't look crazy. So often they don't
Paul Ernst (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
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