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Through the Looking Glass, the sequel to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, finds Alice in a land when she walks through a mirror into the Looking-Glass House. The land is full of mythological creatures and characters and nursery rhyme characters. Alice makes a guest appearance in a bizarre game of chess with Humpty Dumpty! A charming, witty story!
Lewis Carroll (Author), Cora Mcdonald (Narrator)
Говорим по-английски/ Let's Speak English. Case 4: Making a Product Presentation
Аудиокурс делового английского языка – ваш учитель и гид по вопросам международных бизнес контактов. Вы не только получите представление об английском языке делового этикета. Вас ожидают актуальные бизнес ситуации, увлекательное путешествие в реальный мир
коллектив авторов (Author), вячеслав герасимов, майкл уайтон (Narrator)
Говорим по-английски/ Let's Speak English. Case 3: Conference Organization
Аудиокурс делового английского языка – ваш учитель и гид по вопросам международных бизнес контактов. Вы не только получите представление об английском языке делового этикета. Вас ожидают актуальные бизнес ситуации, увлекательное путешествие в реальный мир
коллектив авторов (Author), Michael Wighton, вячеслав герасимов (Narrator)
Говорим по-английски/ Let's Speak English. Case 2: Company Departments and Managers
Аудиокурс делового английского языка – ваш учитель и гид по вопросам международных бизнес контактов. Вы не только получите представление об английском языке делового этикета. Вас ожидают актуальные бизнес ситуации, увлекательное путешествие в реальный мир
коллектив авторов (Author), Michael Wighton, вячеслав герасимов (Narrator)
Learn how to speak basic Ukrainian: A beginners language guide to speaking conversational Ukrainian
Do you want to learn the basics of speaking Ukrainian? Then this is the book for you. Ukraine is an amazing country with a truly amazing language. This book will help you understand what makes Ukraine unique, who the Ukrainian people are, what is typical for this country and nation and why. However, the main purpose of this book is to give you the opportunity to learn the basics of the Ukrainian language. Its soundness, richness, variety, and syntactic flexibility make Ukrainian one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Through this book you will learn how to greet your friends in Ukrainian, declare your love to your loved one, shop, share your preferences and fears, and also some geography.
Sophie Simone (Author), Olga Gritsaniuk (Narrator)
Rocky the Rescue: A Collection of Happy Travel Tales
As intrepid Rocky travels the world, we learn how people say 'dog' and how dogs 'speak' in many different countries. Did you ever wonder what Mexicans use for a dog bark sound instead of the American 'woof woof?' What about the sounds of Russian, Japanese, South Korean, and Kenyan dogs? Every dog lover will delight in learning how people of all different nations truly love their dogs and the many ways they describe the sound of its bark. Come travel with Rocky on an international learning adventure! Jane Justice Park A consummate ARTivist, Jane enjoys turning every endeavor into an artistic force for good and is especially conscious of harnessing the power of language to infuse the world with hope. As well as being a children's book author, Jane Justice Park is an actress, martial artist, healthy food lover, model, and speaker with diverse film and television credits. Having earned a presidential honor for her charitable community activism, Jane seeks to serve and speak out for the voiceless and oppressed, worldwide. Her book Rocky the Rescue gives 90% to animal rescue organizations. Having overcome great health challenges, Jane now utilizes the insight gained from her healing journey to help others in their journeys toward wholeness. Health advocacy, life coaching, and artistic expression play a big part in her prayerful ministry. She is led by her mission statement: 'Rescue the lost, heal the hurting, speak up for those who cannot.' Her heart, hands, feet, and every aspect of her life are led by this directive. All her books offer special ways to share her Spirit-filled calling to love all, always. Jane is grateful for the most resilient, compassionate, and pure hearted people she gets to call mom, dad, and big brother (Diane, Michael, and Jason Park) as well as those who are dearest friends-like-family who are true gifts from God.
Jane Justice Park (Author), Omar Leyva (Narrator)
Apprendre à connaître et à aimer Allah notre Créateur: Un livre islamique pour enfants ; Initier les
♥ Les enfants représentent une responsabilité confiée aux parents par Allah (Dieu) tout autant qu'un cadeau précieux. Les parents sont responsables de la protection et de l'éducation de leurs enfants. Le jour du jugement dernier, les parents seront tenus responsables de comment ils ont élevé leurs enfants. Une bonne éducation doit s'accompagner tout naturellement de l'enseignement de l'islam et de l'initiation à Allah (Dieu) dès le plus jeune âge, afin que les enfants puissent se forger leur propre perception du monde et des vertus de l'islam. Pour commencer à initier vos enfants à Allah (Dieu), vous pouvez leur lire des histoires et les encourager à lire à leur tour. ★ Apprendre à connaître Allah notre Créateur ★ de la collection Sincere Seeker pour enfants, apprend à vos enfants qui est Allah, notre Créateur et leur présente Ses Attributs d'une manière amusante, intéressante et stimulante. Le but de ce livre est de témoigner de l'amour et de la miséricorde de Dieu à vos enfants afin qu'ils puissent grandir en L'aimant et en étant plus conscients de Sa présence. Ce livre permet également à votre enfant d'apprendre quelques-uns des 99 noms d'Allah. Ce livre sur l'islam pour enfants est également un excellent cadeau pour l'Aïd et un excellent livre pour le Ramadan. Achetez dès maintenant ce merveilleux livre d'histoires islamiques best-seller d'Amazon ! ♥
The Sincere Seeker (Author), Melissa (Narrator)
10-Minuten Diktate für ein effektives & spannendes Rechtschreibtraining - 5. bis 8. Klasse Deutsch G
'Nicht schon wieder ein Diktat!' - auch zu Ihren Schulzeiten hat die Ankündigung eines Rechtschreibtests sicherlich für Stöhnen im Klassenzimmer gesorgt und nun zieht Ihr Nachwuchs beim Gedanken an Doppelkonsonanten ein ähnlich begeistertes Gesicht. Korrekturprogramme hin oder her, gute Rechtschreibung ist auch heute noch das A und O für eine gelungene Bildungskarriere, allerdings wird Ihr Kind heute deutlich unkomplizierter zum Rechtschreibprofi. Denn genau dafür sorgen die unterhaltsamen Diktate in diesem Buch und das Beste: Dank QR-Codes kann Ihr Kind die Texte auch als Audiodatei abspielen lassen und jederzeit selbstständig üben! 'Ss oder ß', groß oder klein, wo gehört das Komma hin und was ist mit dem verflixten stummen h - die Geheimnisse der Rechtschreibung scheinen Kindern oft undurchschaubar und grenzenlos kompliziert. Doch das muss nicht sein! Denn ganz im Gegenteil kennt die deutsche Sprache klare und kinderleichte Regeln, mit denen jeder Schüler ganz einfach lernen kann, sich sicher durch die Gewässer der Rechtschreibung zu navigieren. Dieses Buch präsentiert nun ausgewählte Diktate zu den wichtigsten Übungsfeldern wie Kommasetzung, substantivierte Verben oder Dehnungs-h. Schnelle Erfolgserlebnisse beflügeln zudem die Motivation und begeistern durch rasche Notenverbesserung auch Schreibmuffel. Mit diesen vergnüglichen Diktaten verlieren die Kommaregeln ihren Schrecken und Ihr Kind gewinnt spielend an Sicherheit in der deutschen Rechtschreibung. Ob einzelne Problemfelder angegangen werden, Ihr Kind grundsätzlicher besser im Schreiben werden soll oder es im Unterricht Gelerntes festigen möchtet - die sorgfältig erstellten Texte bringen gezielte und effiziente Verbesserung in allen Bereichen der Rechtschreibkompetenz.
Sebastian Häfner (Author), Mario Kunze (Narrator)
Ballads about Robin Hood King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
The audiobook is intended for the development of listening and reading skills and is addressed to students of grades 6-7 of schools with in-depth study of English, lyceums, gymnasiums, college students and non-linguistic universities, as well as persons studying English independently or under the guidance of a teacher. The audiobook introduces the famous works of English folklore: Ballads about Robin Hood Robin Hood and the Butcher How Robin Hood Escaped from Nottingham Castle ?????????????? ?????-????? ??? ??????? ????? ???????? King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Kilwich and Olwen
Anonymous (Author), Cora Mcdonald (Narrator)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
What happens if you follow a hurrying White Rabbit in a vest? Is it possible to be out of your mind, but in someone else's? Have you ever met a smile without a cat? And why can't you kill time having tea with a March Hare? Amazing answers to amazing questions can be found only in Wonderland, diving after the brave Alice down the rabbit hole, experiencing many exciting adventures and solving a thousand puzzles along the way.
Carroll Lewis (Author), Cora Mcdonald (Narrator)
'The Long-Legged Uncle' is a very famous work by Jean Webster. Who is he, the Long-Legged Uncle? A young college student saw him only once, from behind. He arranged for her to go to college on the condition that she would write letters to him without hope of an answer. And disappeared from her life... Trying to solve the mystery of the Long-Legged Uncle, in fact, a teenage girl opens up the world and her own soul. This touching, humorous work leaves a feeling of freshness and warmth. Webster's easy and accessible language makes the book attractive even for those who are just starting to learn English.
James Webster (Author), Cora Mcdonald (Narrator)
French For Beginners: A step-by-step guide to learn the basics of the French language, build your vo
Ready To Learn The French Language quickly and in a practical way? There’s just something about French that is just utterly sexy. Even if you are just discussing how bad the weather is or just describing the peculiarities of a wooden spoon, saying it in French somehow transforms the mundane into the ethereal. Maybe it’s the passage of air through the nose when pronouncing “Champs Elysées” or the sophisticated accent when ordering “un croissant, s’il vous plaît”, but saying things in French can be a rather magical experience. Why learn French? You may have your own personal reasons for learning this lovely but also complicated language, maybe you’re going for an exchange student program, for a trip to Paris, or to bea able to understand a French movie. There will be a lot of other reasons for you to learn French. This book will help you to your journey in French. Don’t rush through the book. You can start with a lesson a day and then use and practice what you learned immediately. Don’t wait until you get to France to actually start speaking French. Once you get through each lesson, get a friend or just about anybody you can practice French with and start gabbing away. The point of language is that it should be used, not just learned. Here’s some topics covered in this book: ▪ French pronunciation ▪ Verbs ▪ Useful Everyday expressions ▪ Conversations ▪ And much more Get your copy now
Fabien Arnaud (Author), William Vachon (Narrator)
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