It's Be Nice to Your Brother Day and Henry's got the chance to win a Gross DVD if he can be nice to Peter all day. How hard can that be? Henry's about to find out!
Peter's well on the way to winning the school talent contest with his rendition of 'Frere Jacques', ably assisted by his uber manager Horrid Henry. But when Moody Margaret decides she wants a piece of action she turns svengali in a ruthless display of ambition.
When Dad announces that his new job means they're going to have to move house, Henry decides to counter campaign, with not quite the result he was hoping for.
Mum's cookies are a big hit with everyone, including Henry. Now he's just got to figure out how to keep the supplies coming, but Peter wants to be in on the act too.
Henry 's never been much good at tidying up, but as he finds out there are all sorts of way to get things done, especially if you're as clever as Henry.