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Judy Moody y un verano que promete: Si nadie se entromete
¿Podrán Judy Moody y sus amigos convertir un aburrido verano en algo absolutamente diferente? Judy Moody tenía ganas de pasar el mejor verano de su vida. Pero, claro, eso era antes de enterarse de que sus padres se iban a California y su tía se iba a quedar a cargo de ella. Además, tendrá que quedarse con su hermano pequeño, Stink, y cuidar de él. Pero, cuando el verano empezaba a volverse demasiado aburrido, Judy Moody tiene una idea fabulosa: retar a sus amigos a una emocionante carrera en busca del verano más raro y divertido que hayan podido imaginar.
Megan Mcdonald (Author), Maggie Vera (Narrator)
Diary of A Piglin Book1: All Fool's Gold
Something is driving the entire piglin race into extinction… It all started when a mysterious portal spawned in the middle of the Crimson Forest. None of us knew who built it, where it came from, or how it ended up there. It was unlike anything we’ve seen in the Nether before. Little did we know, it would be the beginning of the end – The Armageddon. You see, this portal opened our world to something evil, dark, and monstrous. Something that wants us all dead. Piglins are being brutally killed in silence, burned at the stake, and thrown at the sea of lava. Desperate for protection, the piglins have crowned someone from another world as the savior and ruler of all – someone we call Golden Steve. However, instead of offering security, his reign made things even more complicated and dangerous. Now, I am left with no other choice: I need to get to the bottom of all these mysteries for the sake of our survival. The future of all piglins rest on my shoulders. Can I put a stop to all these chaos before it is too late? Will I be able to rise above the odds and defeat evil? Is life in the Nether World ever going to be the same again? This unofficial Minecraft book is not authorized, endorsed or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or any other person or entity owning or controlling the rights of the Minecraft name, trademark or copyrights. All characters, names, places and other aspects of the game described herein are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. Minecraft®/ /TM & ©2009-2021 Mojang/Notch.
Mini Miner (Author), Richi Worboys (Narrator)
I Turned Into a Minecraft Chicken
‘Cluck! Cluck cluck, cluck.’ Oh, sorry. Sometimes I forget who I’m talking to and I speak in Chicken. But you’re a human. A person. So, I will speak in human. English, to be precise. This is the story of how I turned into a Minecraft chicken. I wish it was a different story. I wish I turned into a Minecraft zombie or enderman or even the Enderdragon. But I didn’t turn into a zombie. I turned into a Minecraft chicken, possibly the most lame creature in all of Minecraftia. Well, that’s what I thought at the beginning. But I have changed my mind about chickens. We can do some pretty cool stuff. And that’s what this story is about. .. This is not an official Minecraft product. It is not approved by or associated with Mojang. It is a work of fan fiction.
Wil Zombie (Author), David Van Der Molen (Narrator)
Judy debe hacer un collage donde explique cómo es ella, el problema es que no forma parte de ningún club. Judy y su amigo Rocky deciden que formarán uno. De la autora de Stink, Megan McDonald. Nuevas aventuras de la intrépida Judy Moody y sus inseparables amigos. ¿Cómo se las ingeniarán Judy Moody y su amigo Rocky para formar un club? ¡Menudos cambios de humor los de Judy Moody! Buen humor, mal humor, un humor de perros sobre todo el día de la vuelta al colegio. Pero cuando el profesor Todd pide a la clase que cada uno haga un collage sobre sí mismo, Judy se lo pasa tan bien que casi se olvida de su mal humor. Durante un mes, tendrá que componer un collage que explique cómo es ella. El único problema es que no pertenece a ningún club. ¿Cómo se las ingeniarán Judy Moody y su amigo Rocky para formar uno?
Megan Mcdonald (Author), Maggie Vera (Narrator)
Superlío en el campamento (El mundo de Clodett 2)
¡HOLA, CLODETTAMIS! No os lo vais a creer: mi equipo ha sido seleccionado para participar en un campeonato... ¡con las mejores gimnastas del país! Pero el grupo de Las Panteras también está en el campamento, y todo se complica cuando oyen la palabra «PREMIO»... Lo habéis adivinado: ¡SUPERLÍO A LA VISTA! ¡BIENVENIDOS A MI MUNDO, CLODETTAMIS!
Clodett (Author), Anahí De La Fuente (Narrator)
Superlío de gemelas (El mundo de Clodett 1)
¡Llega la serie de libros de Clodett! Confirmado, tengo la familia más RARA del universo. Mis padres me van a volver loca un día de estos y mis abuelos parecen de otro mundo, pero lo peor se lo lleva la repelente de mi hermana GEMELA. Ahora tenemos que ir urgentemente a su internado..., en serio ¿qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? Por cierto, se me olvidaba un dato MUY importante: ¡está en Londres! ¡BIENVENIDOS A MI MUNDO, CLODETTAMIS!
Clodett (Author), Anahí De La Fuente (Narrator)
When Candybar shows off in class by eating a 'bug' (raisin) instead of learning the spelling words, Mrs. Bean keeps him after school to study the words. He hatches a plan to bypass any studying, but everything unravels when two mischievous dogs throw his plan into chaos.
Nancy Beaule (Author), Chris Abernathy (Narrator)
Jack and the Fantastical Circus
Virtue? What’s that? And where can I find it? On a trip to see his granddad, ten-year-old Jack falls asleep while his dad explains virtue. Suddenly he wakes up on a Circus Train! Led through each fantastical train car by the Ringleader, Reno, Jack comes face to face with a huge lion, flying flame torches, a silly juggler, daring tightrope walker, and other memorable circus performers who have spent years cultivating a particular virtue for their acts! Jack and the Fantastical Circus shows children that virtue is ultimately found inside of each and every one of us, but it takes practice and dedication to grow them for our different walks of life. Authors Ariel and Michael Tyson explain, 'Virtue is something within you, but it's like a muscle. You have to keep practicing it to help it grow strong. We want to teach kids this by showing them the distinct characters of the book and how they relate to areas where they may need to grow in their own lives.' Jack and the Fantastical Circus will encourage children to explore their imaginations, learn critical lessons, and strive for virtue in themselves. It should also inspire meaningful conversations between parents and children about the importance of virtue.
Ariel Tyson, Michael Tyson (Author), Kevin Gallagher (Narrator)
A Gallery of Children' is A. A. Milne's first published book of prose. It was released after his poetry collection, 'When we were very young', and prior to 'Winnie the Pooh'. With his characteristic blend of nonsense, wit and warmth, Milne offers twelve short stories of childish endeavour and mishap. They will delight and amuse listeners both young and not-so-young.
A. A. Milne (Author), Alan Weyman, Bonnie Trost, Jennifer Fournier, John Burlinson, Lee Ann Howlett, Susan Iannucci (Narrator)
The thrilling sequel to the best-selling middle-grade debut of Autumn 2020 Imogen and Marie return through the door in the tree to a whole new Yaroslav. Miro is king, but hates it. Anneshka is no longer Queen. . . and hates it. When Anneshka hears a prophecy that she will rule the Greatest Kingdom, she seizes Marie, believing her to be key to fulfilling it, and heads over the mountains. Imogen and Miro chase after them, in hot pursuit. But what they find in the lands beyond will change everything again, and see them facing dangers they could never have imagined, both human and otherwise. The Clock of Stars trilogy is a timeless fantasy from the most astonishing new voice in middle grade.
Francesca Gibbons (Author), Imogen Church (Narrator)
A hilarious and heartwarming debut about picky eating, finding your people, and standing proud. In Muffuletta, being good at eating is the key to success. French fries and grilled cheese? Beginner food! Haggis and truffles? Delicacies! After failing a school eating test, picky eater Minerva is placed in the lowest eating track of all: Remedial Eating to Change Habits. RETCH class is full of kids with weird personalities and even weirder food preferences. And to make matters worse, Minerva's best friends, in the Gifted and Gourmet class, no longer speak to her. But soon Minerva finds she is not alone in her pickiness, and forms friendships with her new classmates. And together, they find a way to stand up for themselves-picky and proud!
Stephanie V. W. Lucianovic (Author), Maria Liatis (Narrator)
Holiday mischief abounds in this third book in the middle-grade series that feels like The Secret Life of Pets meets Toy Story. Are the Good Dogs up for a holiday-sized mission? All of the doggy day care friends are excited about the holidays! King, Cleo, and Napoleon can't wait for their eight nights of Hanukkah prezzies, and Hugo, Waffles, and Lulu are ready for cozy Christmases at home. But then surprise visitors interrupt Lulu's shooting schedule, Cleo struggles at an agility contest, and Hugo learns that Waffles, his new puppy sister, is expecting someone called Santadoodle to bring them all presents on Christmas morning. Hugo has never even heard of Santadoodle! Of course, Hugo doesn't want Waffles to be disappointed, so there's only one thing to do-rally his friends for their biggest mission yet! Luckily, these Good Dogs are always up for an adventure!
David Sidorov, Rachel Wenitsky (Author), Rachel Wenitsky (Narrator)
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