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Learn the story of Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León and how he shaped the history of both Florida and Puerto Rico during the Age of Exploration in this new book from the #1 New York Times bestselling series. In the early 1500s, Ponce de Leon was one of the most important Spanish military figures in the Caribbean. He made his first voyage across the Atlantic with Christopher Columbus and then, after years of battle with the native Taino, became the first governor of Puerto Rico. Although the story of his search for the Fountain of Youth is entirely fictional, his noteworthy expedition to - and naming of - Florida is one of his greatest legacies.
Meg Belviso, Pam Pollack (Author), Anthony Rey Perez (Narrator)
Nurse, Soldier, Spy: The Story of Sarah Edmonds, a Civil War Hero
When Frank Thompson sees a poster requesting recruits for the new Union army, he is ready and willing to enlist. Except Frank isn’t his real name. In fact, Frank isn’t a man—he is really Sarah Emma Edmonds. At only nineteen years old, Sarah had already been dressing as a man for three years and living on the run in order to escape an arranged marriage. She had tasted freedom, and there was no going back. Eager to fight for the North during the Civil War, Sarah joins a Michigan infantry regiment. She excels as a soldier, and she even takes on the grueling task of nursing the wounded. Because of her heroism, she is asked to become a spy, cross enemy lines, and infiltrate a Confederate camp. For her first mission, Sarah must once again disguise herself and rely on the kindness of slaves to help her do her job. This incredible, true story of a brave young woman who makes an unlikely choice to fight for her country is one that should not be lost to history.
Marissa Moss (Author), Christina Moore (Narrator)
Sie wollten nicht wegsehen - da wagten sie alles! Der 16-jährige Daniel freundet sich mit dem alten Josef Gerlach an. Aber etwas zwischen ihnen bleibt unausgesprochen. Da überlässt ihm der alte Mann sein Tagebuch. Es erzählt, wie Gerlach als 14-Jähriger die HJ verlässt und sich einer Clique anschließt, die sich »Edelweißpiraten« nennt. Ihr Markenzeichen: lange Haare und coole Klamotten. Ihr Motto: Freiheit! Zunächst beginnt alles ganz unpolitisch. Doch als die Lage immer schlimmer wird, planen sie gefährliche Aktionen gegen die Nazis ... Je tiefer Daniel in diese vergangene Welt eintaucht, desto mehr fühlt er sich Gerlach verbunden. Und er erkennt, was die Edelweißpiraten mit ihm und seiner eigenen Geschichte zu tun haben. Mehr zum Autor unter Dort auch Links zu den Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Roman »Edelweißpiraten«.
Dirk Reinhardt (Author), Jutta Seifert, Marco Bauer, Miloš Milovanović (Narrator)
Weltgeschichte in Geschichten - Streifzüge von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
In diesem spannenden Hörbuch begeben wir uns auf eine einmalige Reise durch die Weltgeschichte.Wusstest du, dass Deutschland vor nicht allzu langer Zeit durch eine Mauer getrennt war? Oder dass es Wissenschaftlern in den 90er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts gelungen ist, ein Schaf zu klonen? Alle Hintergründe dazu, welche Auswirkungen die Pest hatte oder wer eigentlich Kolumbus war sowie viele weitere weltgeschichtlichen Ereignisse werden dir in diesem Hörbuch nähergebracht.-
Andreas Venzke, Arnulf Zitelmann, Charlotte Kerner, Dirk Lornsen, Frederik Hetmann, Günther Bentele, Harald Parigger, Ingeborg Bayer, Maria Regina Kaiser, Rainer M. Schröder, Renate Ries, Tanja Kinkel, Volker Ebersbach (Author), Christian Baumann (Narrator)
;A chance encounter behind enemy lines A Risuko prequel short story Mieko is waiting at a rendezvous behind enemy lines. In the rain. Without a hat. The person who comes up the road is the last person she expected to encounter. (A Seasons of the Sword short -- adventure, romance ;
David Kudler (Author), Mandy Abrazarro (Narrator)
Mysteries of the Rubber People: The Olmecs
Deep in the jungle, among the rubber trees, the Olmec people lived thousands of years ago. Did you know they were the first to make chocolate? Did you know they loved to play sports? Did you know they were the first people to harvest latex into rubber? Did you know they believed in shape shifting jaguars and carved huge stone heads? Come meet the Rubber People and learn their ancient secrets! The Olmecs were the first major civilization in ancient Mexico. They are famous for their art and architecture. Their name comes from the Aztec word for “rubber people.” Their original name is just one of the many mysteries of this ancient culture. Come along with us back in time to discover more about these fascinating people. This high-interest text features simple language highlighting the accomplishments of the Olmecs. Perfect for ages 6-10.
Stephanie Hanson (Author), Caleb Hauris (Narrator)
„Insolitul personaj al Anei Dragomir este un martor al Istoriei mari, cu războaiele și marile ei nedreptăți, dar și al istoriei mici, pline de gingășii, promisiuni și ingenuități. Copacul este martorul copilăriei.' Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu, scriitor Copacul nostru s-a născut la data de 17 noiembrie 1558, chiar în ziua în care era încoronată Regina Elizabeth I a Angliei. A învățat despre lumea înconjurătoare și despre cea a oamenilor împreună cu băiețelul care l-a plantat, Thomas, și cu neobișnuita lui prietenă, Rosie. Dar un Copac trăiește mai mult decât oamenii, chiar și decât cei care-l plantează și-l înconjoară cu dragoste, așa că povestea protagonistului nostru se întinde până în straniul an 2020. Acum Copacul este un arbore bătrân, care a cunoscut multe: războaie, povești de iubire, răutate, dar și multă, multă iubire. „E ca în povestioara clasică despre întrecerea stranie la care participă Ahile: oricât de rapid ar fi, răbdarea unei broaște țestoase îl va face să rămână mereu în urmă. Cu un pas, cu o zecime de pas, cu o sutime ș.a.m.d. Sunt lucruri pe care omul nu le poate depăși. Copacul Anei Dragomir e din această categorie: viața lui începe în secolul 16 și ajunge până azi, în plină eră pandemică. Regine proeminente, ca Elizabeth (contemporana lui Shakespeare) sau Victoria (contemporana atâtora...), fapte diverse, invenții tehnice revoluționare, războaie mondiale – toate pălesc în fața longevității înțelepte a acestui Copac. E o bună lecție despre lume și istorie pe care ne-o predă cu farmec o prozatoare aflată, surprinzător, de cealaltă parte a catedrei: în băncile gimnaziului.' Cosmin Ciotloș, critic literar
Ana Dragomir (Author), Victor Rebengiuc (Narrator)
Red Dove, Listen to the Wind is a captivating middle grade historical novel set in the Dakota Territory of the 1890s, against the backdrop of Wounded Knee. It is the tale of a young girl caught between worlds, and the value of empathy. Abandoned by her white father, twelve-year-old Red Dove faces another lean winter with her Lakota family on the Great Plains, now empty of the buffalo that once sustained them. Willful and proud, she is presented with a stark choice: leave her people to live in the white world--or stay, and watch them starve. When she breaks a sacred tradition and eats the fruit of the Dead Man’s Plum Bush, her wise old grandfather gives her a medicine pouch that allows her to enter the thoughts and feelings of others—and truly listen. With it, she confronts the cruelties of the nun who runs the school, and the horrors of the massacre at Wounded Knee. Accompanied by her beloved pony, she begins a journey to find her true place in the world—and learns that her greatest power comes from within herself.
Sonia Antaki (Author), Shelley Baldiga (Narrator)
History Smashers: Pearl Harbor
Myths! Lies! Secrets! Uncover the hidden truth behind the infamous Pearl Harbor attack with beloved educator/author Kate Messner. Perfect for fans of I Survived! and Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a completely unpredictable attack on the U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Right? Well, that's not quite the real deal. Some military experts had suggested that Pearl Harbor was a likely target. There were other warning signs, too, but nobody paid much attention. From the first wave of the Japanese bombers to the United States' internment of thousands of Japanese Americans, acclaimed author Kate Messner smashes history by exploring the little-known truths behind the story of Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Don't miss History Smashers: The Mayflower and Women's Right to Vote
Kate Messner (Author), James Malloch (Narrator)
Blips on a Screen: How Ralph Baer Invented TV Video Gaming and Launched a Worldwide Obsession
An engaging biography based on the incredible true story of a Jewish refugee who pioneered home video games and launched a worldwide obsession. Do you ever wonder how video gaming was invented? What came before your PlayStation or Xbox? This is the story of Ralph Baer, a refugee from Nazi Germany, who used his skills--and a lot of ingenuity and persistence--to make life a little more fun. Television was new when Ralph returned from serving in World War II, but he didn't settle for watching TV. He knew it could be even more fun if you could play with it. He tinkered and tested, got help and rejected, but with perseverance and skill, he made his vision come true! This is the inspiring story of a fearless inventor who made TV video games a reality.
Kate Hannigan (Author), Jamie K. Brown (Narrator)
History Smashers: The Mayflower
Myths! Lies! Secrets! Smash the stories behind famous moments in history and expose the hidden truth. Perfect for fans of I Survived and Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales. In 1620, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and made friends with Wampanoag people who gave them corn. RIGHT? WRONG! It was months before the Pilgrims met any Wampanoag people, and nobody gave anybody corn that day. Did you know that the pilgrims didn't go straight from England to Plymouth? No, they made a stop along the way--and almost stayed forever! Did you know there was a second ship, called the Speedwell, that was too leaky to make the trip? No joke. And just wait until you learn the truth about Plymouth Rock. Acclaimed author Kate Messner smashes history by exploring the little-known details behind the legends of the Mayflower and the first Thanksgiving. 'Kate Messner serves up fun, fast history for kids who want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Absolutely smashing!' --Candace Fleming, award-winning author Don't miss History Smashers: Women's Right to Vote!
Kate Messner (Author), Annette Amelia Oliveira (Narrator)
History Smashers: Women's Right to Vote
Myths! Lies! Secrets! Smash the stories behind famous moments in history and expose the hidden truth. Perfect for fans of I Survived and Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales. In 1920, Susan B. Anthony passed a law that gave voting rights to women in the United States. RIGHT? WRONG! Susan B. Anthony wasn't even alive when the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified. Plus, it takes a lot more than one person to amend the constitution. The truth is, it took millions of women to get that amendment into law. They marched! They picketed! They even went to jail. But in the end, it all came down to a letter from a state representative's mom. No joke. Acclaimed author Kate Messner smashes history by exploring the little-known details behind the fight for women's suffrage. Don't miss History Smashers: The Mayflower!
Kate Messner (Author), Angela Butler (Narrator)
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