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When the boys' parents are called away by a family emergency, Doug and his older brother Gordon are left on their own in their Rocky Mountain campsite. The brothers are fighting, though, so it isn't long before Gordon stomps away from the campsite, leaving Doug completely alone. When neither Gordon nor his parents return after three days, 12-year-old Doug fears the worst. He knows Gordon has gone to a high ridge in the Comanche Peak Wilderness-the Fear Place. Will Doug and a newfound friend-a cougar-find his brother, or will Doug's terror of heights prevent a rescue? Newberry Medal-winning author Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is the author of more than eighty children's books. She drew on her own fear of heights to write The Fear Place, which is destined to become a children's adventure classic. The combination of her award-winning, realistic writing style and Ed Sala's well-paced narration is irresistible.
Phyllis Naylor (Author), Ed Sala (Narrator)
Thirteen-year-old Josh McGuire knows an orphaned bear cub he's found will be given to researchers if the game warden tracks it to his dog house. Instead, he runs away with the cub to the mountains, vowing to protect it until hunting laws are changed. But the Montana wilderness is a dangerous place, and saving the cub's life may cost Josh his own. Rescue Josh McGuire has won the International Reading Association Award and Western Writers of America Spur Award. Its popular author Ben Mikaelsen lives in Montana with his wife and Buffy, a 600-pound black bear.
Ben Mikaelsen (Author), Ed Sala (Narrator)
Dynamic author and illustrator Peter Brown creates books that keep young readers enthralled. The Curious Garden is a wonderful tale that will show kids the importance of taking care of the world around us. A young boy named Liam is exploring a dark, gray city when he finds a struggling garden. Every day, Liam waters and takes care of the small plot, and over time it blossoms and spreads to make the entire city green again.
Peter Brown (Author), Christina Moore (Narrator)
Master storyteller Gary Paulsen spins a penetrating and thought-provoking tale of two 14-year-olds: one, a Mexican prostitute; the other, a Texas cheerleader-trapped by a society that puts a high price on youth and beauty.
Gary Paulsen (Author), Alyssa Bresnahan, Graciela Lecube (Narrator)
"It had been a real weird winter. Last fall Mark and me had thought just alike, as one person; now we couldn't even talk." Bryon and Mark aren't related, but they are as close as brothers. Ever since his parents died when he was nine, Mark has lived with Bryon and his mother. Now at 16 they like to reminisce about old times-the fights and pranks at school, smoking and swearing-junk they got into when they were younger. But lately things have been different. Bryon starts spending a lot of time with Cathy, and she makes him feel there are some things worth working for. He grows bored with all the fighting, the dead-end choices of life on the streets. And as Bryon's life takes one direction, Mark's life takes another. When Bryon discovers that Mark is pushing drugs, he faces a choice that could ruin their friendship. S.E. Hinton is the author of The Outsiders, a book she wrote when she was 16. That Was Then, This Is Now is a coming-of-age story set in the 1960s.
S.E. Hinton (Author), Jeff Woodman (Narrator)
All young adults familiar with Robert Cormier's nationally-acclaimed story of peer pressure at an exclusive prep school, The Chocolate War, will want to listen to this book. This brilliant sequel reveals what happens to devious Archie Costello when the students at Trinity School decide to take revenge on him. The school year is almost at an end, and the chocolate sale is past history. But no one at Trinity School can forget The Chocolate War. Devious Archie Costello, commander of the secret school organizationcalled the Virgils, stall has some torturous assignments to hand out before he graduates. In spite of this pleasure, Archie is troubled by his right-hand man, Obie, who has started to move away from the Virgils. Luckily Archie knows his stooges will fix that. But won't Archie be shocked when he discovers the surprise Obie has waiting for him? And there are surprises waiting for others. The time for revenge has come to those boys who secretly suffered the trials of Trinity. The fuse is set for the final explosion. Who will survive?
Robert Cormier (Author), George Guidall (Narrator)
From one of the most thought-provoking writers of young adult fiction comes a bold exploration of hatred, bigotry, and the abuse of power. A masterful portrayal of hatred, prejudice and manipulation that challenges readers to examine how they would behave in the face of evil. Henry meets and befriends Mr. Levine, an elderly Holocaust survivor, who is carving a replica of the village where he lived and which was destroyed in the war. Henry's friendship with Mr. Levine is put to the test when his prejudiced boss, Mr. Hairston, asks Henry to destroy Mr. Levine's village.
Robert Cormier (Author), George Guidall (Narrator)
"I looked over the edge of the ravine to see somebody there, helpless, barely moving. She lifted her head to look at me and I fled, stumbling, back to my room in Mr. Thiel's house. Something had followed me there. Something, somebody, tall and dark, wrapped in a cloak, able to move soundlessly through the house."-from The Callender Papers Jean Wainwright, ward of Wainwright Academy's strict but affectionate headmistress, Miss Constance, was quite unprepared for the strange happenings of that memorable summer, 1894. The school's most generous patron, Mr. Daniel Thiel, had written requesting that a young girl be sent from the school to his home in Marlborough. The lucky girl was to spend the summer sorting through the memorabilia associated with Thiel's late wife Irene, and her wealthy family, the Callenders. Jean, fascinated by the stories her aunt has told her about the flamboyant Callender family, accepts the challenge. But she takes an immediate dislike to her sullen new employer and is certain he is hiding something. Think carefully has been the guiding principle of Jean's upbringing. But is careful thought enough to protect her from the hidden secrets in the Callender Papers?
Cynthia Voigt (Author), Barbara Caruso (Narrator)
A little boy planted a carrot seed. His mother says, "I'm afraid it won't come up." His father and his big brother agree. At first, it seems they're right. But the little boy knows better. So, every day, he pulls up weeds and waters the ground until - one day - just as the little boy knew it would, something very special happens. This is a story with a very special message.A Live Oak Media audio production.
Ruth Krauss (Author), Peter Fernandez (Narrator)
Estas aventuras completamente dramatizadas y verdaderas acerca de niños, demuestran los altos valores morales necesarios para una vida exitosa. Algunos de los valores incluidos en este álbum son: la generosidad, la amabilidad, el sacrificio, la valentía, la perseverancia, la esperanza y la honestidad. ¡Emocionantes, educativas y entretenidas! (These fully-dramatized, true-to-life, character-building adventures about children exemplify the high moral values necessary for successful living. Some of the life lessons included in this album are: generosity, kindness, sacrifice, courage, perseverance, hope, and honesty. Exciting, educational, and entertaining!)
Tu Historia Preferida (Author), Tia Elena, Tio Daniel, Tu Historia Preferida (Narrator)
Estas aventuras totalmente dramatizadas sobre decisiones importantes, demuestran los valores morales necesarios para una vida exitosa. Algunos de los valores incluidos son: la perseverancia, la valentía, el perdón y el amor. ¡Emocionantes, educativas y entretenidas! (These fully-dramatized, true-to-life, character-building adventures about important decisions demonstrate the moral values necessary for successful living. Some of the life lessons included are: perseverance, courage, forgiveness, and love. Exciting, educational, and entertaining!)
Tu Historia Preferida (Author), Tia Elena, Tio Daniel (Narrator)
Estas grabaciones maravillosas y totalmente dramatizadas de individuos que actuaron con perseverancia y valor, son excelentes para escuchar con toda la familia. Disfrutará estas muestras de integridad y determinación ante la adversidad. (These wonderful, fully-dramatized recordings of individuals who acted with perseverance and courage are great listening for the whole family. You'll enjoy these portraits of integrity and determination in the face of adversity.)
Tu Historia Preferida (Author), Tia Elena, Tio Daniel (Narrator)
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