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Tales From the Tank: Season 1 Episode 2: Meeting Melinda's Father
Telling Melinda he could talk, was his choice. Melinda telling her father that he could talk, wasn't. Trapped in a cup, Teensie has to speak up for himself and demand respect from the people who care for him. A message from Teensie: Being in a tank has its advantages. Primarily, people forget that I’m there. I mean, let’s be realistic for a moment, even when they do remember I’m around, they don’t see me as a threat. I’m just a harmless goldfish. But that’s not my full story. See, I’m more than just a goldfish. I can talk - and the people I talk to can understand me. I live with an amazing family, Melinda and her father, who are doing everything they can do to keep me safe and give me the life I dream about. Melinda has her books, and I have mine. This is my side of the story. In Tales From the Tank you’ll hear about what actually goes on in the Longers' home, and out in the community! Come with me, and let me take you underwater to experience the adventure my way! From Porsche Ray: This short story is Season 1: Episode 1 of Tales From the Tank - short stories that take place within the full-size novels. Season 1 matches up with Book 1 of the MELINDA series, “Melinda and Her Father Go Scuba Diving'. These stories contain bonus content NOT included in the novels, but the storyline does run parallel to what you will see in the larger books. Like all books in the MELINDA series, the content is safe, fun, and absolutely age-appropriate.
Porsche Ray (Author), Mallorie Peters (Narrator)
Dina and Lightbulb find a cleaning station where small fish don't get eaten by predators. They learn the importance of working together to keep everyone healthy.
Grandma Higgs (Author), Grandma Higgs (Narrator)
A secret bully and a chance to bring him to justice. Can Kiara and the Spyglass Sisterhood deliver? Kiara, traditionally a loner, doesn't hesitate to say exactly what's on her mind. But she's found good friends among the Spyglass Sisterhood members who appreciate her keen observations and incredible smarts. When a fellow classmate starts to get bullied online, Kiara is determined not only to find the perpetrator(s), but also to bring them to justice. To do that, she'll need help from her friends and from the Sisterhood's magical spyglass to gather evidence and put the pieces together. The bestselling author behind the Gifted series and the Replica books, Marilyn Kaye delivers a story filled with light magic and heart in this third book in the Spyglass Sisterhood series. Centered on four best friends—Ellie, Kiara, Rachel, and Alyssa—and a magic spyglass that reveals people's feelings, the Spyglass Sisterhood series mixes classic friendship themes with fresh conversations on community and responsibility. Each girl takes a turn at the spyglass, confronting fears and sticking up for her peers.
Marilyn Kaye (Author), Joniece Abbott-Pratt (Narrator)
Tales From the Tank: Season 1 Episode 4: The Flight
The Longers' family have spent weeks with Teensie. They take him out into the community and listen to what he wants to say. The airplane is different. There, he's seen as 'just a pet,' and restricted from viewing the plane's take-off and landing. This doesn't sit well with Teensie. A message from Teensie: Being in a tank has its advantages. Primarily, people forget that I’m there. I mean, let’s be realistic for a moment, even when they do remember I’m around, they don’t see me as a threat. I’m just a harmless goldfish. But that’s not my full story. See, I’m more than just a goldfish. I can talk - and the people I talk to can understand me. I live with an amazing family, Melinda and her father, who are doing everything they can do to keep me safe and give me the life I dream about. Melinda has her books, and I have mine. This is my side of the story. In Tales From the Tank you’ll hear about what actually goes on in the Longers' home, and out in the community! Come with me, and let me take you underwater to experience the adventure my way! From Porsche Ray: This short story is Season 1: Episode 4 of Tales From the Tank - short stories that take place within the full-size novels. Season 1 matches up with Book 1 of the MELINDA series, “Melinda and Her Father Go Scuba Diving'. These stories contain bonus content NOT included in the novels, but the storyline does run parallel to what you will see in the larger books. Like all books in the MELINDA series, the content is safe, fun, and absolutely age-appropriate.
Porsche Ray (Author), Mallorie Peters (Narrator)
Tales From the Tank: Season 1 Episode 3: Fish Out of Water
Swimming is easy for Teensie. Not so much for Melinda and her Father. While they discuss the difficulties they are having with their SCUBA lessons, he must advocate for himself to get out of the plastic baggie and into a proper travel tank. A message from Teensie: Being in a tank has its advantages. Primarily, people forget that I’m there. I mean, let’s be realistic for a moment, even when they do remember I’m around, they don’t see me as a threat. I’m just a harmless goldfish. But that’s not my full story. See, I’m more than just a goldfish. I can talk - and the people I talk to can understand me. I live with an amazing family, Melinda and her father, who are doing everything they can do to keep me safe and give me the life I dream about. Melinda has her books, and I have mine. This is my side of the story. In Tales From the Tank you’ll hear about what actually goes on in the Longers' home, and out in the community! Come with me, and let me take you underwater to experience the adventure my way! From Porsche Ray: This short story is Season 1: Episode 3 of Tales From the Tank - short stories that take place within the full-size novels. Season 1 matches up with Book 1 of the MELINDA series, “Melinda and Her Father Go Scuba Diving'. These stories contain bonus content NOT included in the novels, but the storyline does run parallel to what you will see in the larger books. Like all books in the MELINDA series, the content is safe, fun, and absolutely age-appropriate.
Porsche Ray (Author), Mallorie Peters (Narrator)
« Moi, j'aime pas la danse. Mais Maman adore. Alors tous les mercredis, j'enfile mon tutu. Mais j'aime pas les tutus. Ça gratte et c'est rose. » Des cours ennuyeux au grand écart qui fait mal, la narratrice ne nous épargne rien, jusqu'au spectacle de fin d'année où elle part du mauvais côté et fait le pitre pour le plus grand plaisir du public.
Stéphanie Richard (Author), Maia Gueritte (Narrator)
Princesse Grilda veut un crapaud
Princesse Grilda s'ennuie. Un beau matin, elle quitte son château et, près d'une mare, sympathise avec un gentil crapaud. Pas de chance : alors qu'ils se font un bisou, le crapaud se transforme en prince charmant. Grilda ne s'attendait pas du tout à ça. Elle voulait un ami, pas un mari ! Elle retourne à la mare, et tous les crapauds se changent en princes à leur tour... Jusqu'au petit dernier, qui, alors qu'elle l'embrasse, reste crapaud. Ouf, elle a enfin trouvé un ami, et peut remettre tous les princes à l'eau !
Monsieur Dupont (Author), Maia Gueritte (Narrator)
La nuit tombe, les parents donnent un dernier bisou à leurs enfants : c'est l'heure pour les petits moutons d'entrer en scène, pour aider les enfants à s'endormir. Tous sautillent, sauf Cabrou : il ne sait pas assez bien sauter. Un à un, les enfants ferment les yeux, sauf la petite Lila. Cabrou osera-t-il se lancer pour l'aider à dormir ?
Alix Minime (Author), Julia Faure, Olivier Peigné (Narrator)
Mila est déjà couchée quand une étoile vole jusqu'à elle. Aussi délicate qu'une lumière de bougie, elle lui raconte sa vie dans le ciel, avec les nuages et les comètes. Mais ce que Petit Etoile aimerait réellement, c'est une amie pour qui scintiller dans la nuit. Une histoire courte et tendre pour s'endormir le soir en rêvant, à écouter blotti dans les bras de papa et maman.
Alix Minime (Author), Julia Faure, Julie Pilod, Olivier Peigné (Narrator)
Bouclier, heaume et épée de bois, Papa est prêt à chasser les monstres de la chambre pour que Victor le petit kangourou dorme paisiblement. Rien ne l'arrêtera, ni les piles de chaussettes qui lui tombent sur la tête, ni les coffres à escalader ! Une histoire courte et tendre pour s'endormir le soir en rêvant, à écouter blotti dans les bras de papa et maman.
Alix Minime (Author), Julia Faure, Olivier Peigné (Narrator)
En rentrant de l'école, Alice trouve un drôle d'œuf qu'elle glisse dans son manteau. En arrivant chez elle, elle découvre au fond de sa poche un petit dinosaure. Elle est ravie, tout comme son papa qui a toujours adoré les animaux de compagnie originaux. Attendez que Marie raconte la nouvelle à son ami Victor ! Une histoire pleine d'émotions et de facéties pour découvrir le monde des dinosaures et des animaux de compagnie !
Coralie Saudo (Author), Julia Faure, Julie Pilod, Olivier Peigné (Narrator)
« J'aime PAS être grand. Ni grand dans ma tête, ni en centimètres. Sauf que zut de flûte, je suis un vrai géant ! » À sept ans, Nolan est une véritable asperge. Résultat, pas le droit de pleurnicher ni d'avoir peur sans entendre : « Allons, tu es un grand maintenant. » Et le jour du départ en classe verte, Papa a été formel : pas de doudou !
Stéphanie Richard (Author), Cécile Gatto (Narrator)
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