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Inspirada en un caso real, 'Los ojos del alma' es el relato de Edurne, una chica de diecisiete años que tiene un gran futuro como atleta. Lleva tiempo entrenándose para los Juegos Olímpicos, hasta que su sueño se ve truncado al ser diagnosticada con una enfermedad degenerativa que irá robándole la vista, hasta dejarla prácticamente ciega. Junto con la visión también se esfuman sus ilusiones. Pero tras un periodo de depresión, Edurne florece de nuevo cuando le proponen participar en los Juegos Paralímpicos. 'Los ojos del alma' es un tributo a la valentía y el espíritu de superación personal inspirado en la historia de Sandra, una joven promesa del mundo de la natación, relatado con un ritmo ágil y cargado de sentimiento. Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. - Jordi Sierra i Fabra nació en Barcelona el 26 de julio de 1947. Es conocido por su obra como escritor de literatura infantil y juvenil y su trabajo como periodista musical. Su vocación de escritor es clara y firme desde muy temprano: confiesa que dio sus primeros pasos con tan sólo ocho años de edad y a los doce años ya escribió su primera novela larga, de quinientas páginas. Pese a su clara vocación no contaba con la aprobación o el entusiasmo de sus padres, quienes al acabar el bachillerato le obligaron a trabajar en una empresa de construcción durante el día y a estudiar para ser aparejador durante la noche. De su infancia ha dicho que 'fui tres veces reprimido: por mi padre, por el régimen y por la escuela franquista'. Aún así, su determinación y su tenacidad son más fuertes que cualquier obstáculo y sus insistentes cartas semanales a la cadena de radio Cadena Ser le llevaron a convertirse en uno de los fundadores de la revista 'El Gran Musical' en 1968. En 1970 pudo abandonar los estudios para convertirse en comentarista musical, lo que le permitió viajar por todo el mundo con grupos y artistas del momento mientras cubría sus actuaciones y escribir reportajes.
Jordi Sierra I Fabra (Author), Pilar Corral (Narrator)
Sixth-grader Rory’s story of his impossible-to-hide speech challenge and middle-school drama is perfect for fans of Sharon Draper’s Out of My Mind. Rory still can’t say his r’s, but that’s just the beginning of his troubles. First Rory’s ex-best-friend Brent started hanging out with the mean lacrosse kids. But then, a terrible accident takes Brent out of school, and Rory struggles with how to feel. Rory and his new speech teacher put their heads together on Rory’s r’s (as well as a serious love of hard rock and boxing legend Muhammad Ali), but nobody seems to be able to solve the problem of Rory’s complicated feelings about Brent. Brent’s accident left him with a brain injury and he’s struggling. Should Rory stand up for his old friend at school—even after Brent failed to do the same for him?
Nancy Tandon (Author), Matthew Bridges (Narrator)
A quirky, warm and exciting story about family, friendship and time-travel – from legendary author Jean Ure. When twelve-year-old Lily is walking to school one day, a very unusual girl appears out of nowhere! It is 1953 and this stranger is dressed in a green sparkly dress, purple tights with orange swirls and has bright yellow hair sticking up like a dandelion. As quickly as she appears, she disappears again into thin air! Lily rushes to tell her best friends Tara and Geraldine about this strange encounter, and they begin an investigation to solve the mystery. Could it be that the girl is from the future? And what does she want with Lily?
Jean Ure (Author), Beth Eyre (Narrator)
A bilingual picture book that's good enough to eat, featuring a hungry little dinosaur. When a bluebird comes upon a dinosaur who’s down in the dumps, he asks what’s wrong. “¡Tengo hambre!” says the dinosaur. I’m hungry! Does the dinosaur want a banana? “¿Plátano? No.” Fish? “¿Pescado? No, gracias.” Nothing seems to do the trick! What does dinosaur want to eat? This delightful bilingual picture book is about finding just the right food—and just the right friend. Perfect for fans of We Don't Eat Our Classmates and Stegothesaurus.
Angela Dominguez (Author), Cindy Price (Narrator)
El senyor Ueno és professor a la universitat. Un dia, tornant del treball, recull un cadell de gos per a la seva filla. Aviat, la relació entre l'home i l'Hachiko, el gos, es torna especial i propera. El gos l'acompanya fins a l'estació cada matí i l'espera, a la tarda, quan retorna de la universitat. Es crea una relació d'amistat i fidelitat tan forta que sembla que res no la pot trencar. Res, excepte una sola cosa. - Lluís Prats (Terrassa, 1966) és escriptor i professor català. És un autor versàtil que ha tocat molts gèneres i estils: de narrativa per adults a assaig, passant per novel·la infantil, juvenil i llibres educatius. Va estudiar Història de l'Art i ha dedicat part de la seva carrera literària a divulgar-ne. Ha guanyat diversos premis com el Premi Josep Maria Folch i Torres o el premio Strega. La seva obra s'ha traduït a altres llengües com el polonès, l'italià, el vietnamita, el rus, el japonès o el turc, entre d'altres.
Lluis Prats Martinez (Author), Joel Valverde (Narrator)
Nightmares of Weirdwood: A William Shivering Tale
Once best friends, Arthur and Wally find themselves on opposite sides of an epic war. Arthur, now officially a Novitiate of the Wardens of Weirdwood, is tasked with defending the Veil, the border between the real and imaginary realms. But Wally and his brother, Graham, who can see into the future, seek to tear it down and create a new world with magic accessible to all. Meanwhile, the fearsome Eraser seems unstoppable as it destroys entire pocketworlds, all the while tearing Rifts in reality, sowing chaos, and letting wondrous and dangerous Fae creatures run wild. Will Arthur and Wally be able to put aside their differences and work together to defeat the Eraser when it shows up in their city and threatens their home? In this exhilarating final installment of the Thieves of Weirdwood trilogy, the lines between reality and fantasy will forever be broken.
Christian Mckay Heidicker (Author), Christian Mckay Heidicker (Narrator)
Twelve-year-old Violet Crane is an only child in a lonely household who longs to be part of the gregarious family that's just moved in next door. With a mother struggling with anxiety, a father who recently moved out, and no siblings to commiserate with, socially awkward Violet Crane feels like she is starting middle school with less going for herself than that of your average kid. When the rambunctious Walker family moves in next door, Violet can't help but wish she could become a part of their household-everyone and everything seems so normal compared to her own. After she meets them, Violet falls in love with all five Walker siblings and especially with Mrs. Walker, who is nothing like her own mother. Violet and Reggie, the black sheep of the Walker family, find that they have an easy understanding of each other, and it doesn't hurt that they are in the same grade at school. But then Violet overhears a conversation between Reggie and his mother in which she tells him that she doesn't feel like Violet is an appropriate friend. Violet is devastated until she faces a truth-no person, family, or friendship is perfect-and realizes just how lucky she is.
Allison Weiser Strout (Author), Caitlin Davies (Narrator)
Tiger and Tom: And Other Stories for Boys
Are your wanting to be assured that your children are reading stories that are going to convict, inspire and encourage them in their characters for them to make right choices? Tiger and Tom: and Other Stories for Boys, encourage young boys to be raised as men that would stand in stature, wisdom and in favour before God. This wonderful reproduction of the early 1900’s book that showed up in many orphanages in America and is solely a boy book. It tells many stories of several boy’s temptations, failures, and triumphs, and is a must read for all boys.
Various (Author), James Wood (Narrator)
Mamá al rescate: ¡Todas las mamás son supermamás!
¡Una celebración al valor y la entrega de todas las poderosas madres del mundo! Mamá ha recibido una fantástica oferta de trabajo. Para poder aceptarla, tendrá que encontrar al canguro perfecto para cuidar de sus niños. Un anuncio en el periódico debería ser suficiente. Pero cuando empiezan a desfilar todos estos superhéroes, candidatos ideales a ocupar el puesto, y van fallando estrepitosamente uno tras otro, las cosas se complican. ¿Encontrará mamá el canguro que busca?
Raquel Díaz Reguera (Author), Anahí De La Fuente (Narrator)
There's nothing four best friends with a magical spyglass can't handle … well, except maybe a lost dog, a school election, and overprotective parents. Book two of the Spyglass Sisterhood finds Ellie, Rachel, Kiara, and Alyssa back for another adventure. When the spyglass reveals an image of Rachel walking a dog, she knows it's pure fantasy. Her overprotective moms would never let her walk a dog alone, much less own one! To the dismay of her Spyglass Sisters, Rachel would rather avoid the whole thing altogether. However, she can't avoid it for long when a lost dog follows her home. Meanwhile, Kiara has secretly nominated Rachel to run for class president. In order to win, Rachel must find her voice to advocate for the change her classmates deserve—and maybe even the changes at home she deserves. The New York Times bestselling author behind the Gifted series and the Replica books, Marilyn Kaye delivers a story filled with light magic and heart in this first book in the Spyglass Sisterhood series. Each girl will take a turn at the spyglass, confronting fears and sticking up for her peers.
Marilyn Kaye (Author), Jesse Vilinsky (Narrator)
True North Vincent feels lost and uneasy after the fear of a virus closes the border, meaning her mom can’t return home from Canada. With her father working long hours as a nurse helping people who are sick with the virus, she’s left at home with her grandma, who doesn’t have the energy to keep up with True’s adventures, or her older sister, always focused on her phone, or Georgie, her younger brother, whose severe asthma makes him more vulnerable to the virus. True is lonely and sometimes gets angry because she feels forgotten and unheard. True’s mom tries to talk to her by phone, but True refuses; she just wants her mom home in-person, not just her voice. True finds escape and comfort in working on her maps, a skill she learned from her mother who is a cartographer. Not only does it fulfill her remote learning class assignment, but it helps to pass the time in isolation. She also creates an elaborate treasure map for Georgie that spans the entire thick forest beyond her backyard. While exploring, True finds the new kid, Kyler, playing tenderly with a litter of newborn kittens in an old barn. Kyler knocked out Dakota Sullivan’s tooth during a fight and has a reputation of being a bully, so True waits until he’s gone before approaching the kittens. The smallest kitten, the runt of the litter, looks sickly and has been abandoned by the mama cat. True names her Teacup; she knows exactly how it feels to not have a mom around when you need her most. As Teacup’s health worsens, True attempts to nurse the cat back to health by herself. Just when True thinks she and Kyler could be friends over their concern for Teacup, he starts acting strange and doesn’t return her calls. To make matters worse, True’s dad gets sick and must stay at the hospital, and then Georgie gets lost in the forest, and then their elderly neighbor gets the virus. True feels even more scared and alone. Running out of her own fixes and remedies, True reaches out and realizes that her family does care about her and wants to offer support and guidance to help her find her way through the unexpected challenges the virus and life bring.
Gina Linko (Author), Taylor Meskimen (Narrator)
Front door locked, kitchen door locked, living room windows closed. Nobody in the closet, nobody under the beds. Still, Maggie is worried. Ever since she started middle school, she sees injustice and danger everywhere--on the news, in her textbooks, in her own neighborhood. Even her best friend seems to be changing. Maggie believes it is up to her, and only her, to make everything all right. Can she come up with a plan to keep everyone safe? The Best Worst Thing is a perceptive novel about learning the limits of what you can control, and the good--sometimes even best--things that can come of finally letting go.
Kathleen Lane (Author), Emily Lawrence (Narrator)
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