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Yopie is a story of hopes, dreams, and opportunity for growth... There is a multitude of cliches involved in this story. But the one to make mention of!! I would rather be 'lucky' than good. My dad just couldn't get a break. Oh and without humor you got nothin'
Jay Mooney (Author), Jay Mooney (Narrator)
Ages 6-9 She arrived on Halloween Eve, in the Year of Acorns. Benjy named her Tricks. “…excellent tale for young readers.” Kirkus Reviews From award-winning author Darcy Pattison comes a humorous Halloween story with a hard-of-hearing girl who uses ASL (American Sign Language). Mom said, “No pets.” Then, they discover the cat’s owner. Erika has just moved next door to stay with her grandmother while Erika attends the Deaf School. She brought Fluffy, her cat, with her. Fluffy likes to wander the neighborhood and make friends. This delightful Halloween short chapter book is about cats, sign language, and a surprising friendship. It’s perfect for the elementary reader who needs to build confidence in their reading skills. Need a great read-aloud for Halloween? This will delight and entertain the kids, even during this busy holiday. Includes 13 b/w sign language illustrations.
Darcy Pattison (Author), Josiah Bildner (Narrator)
Our Diversity Makes Us Stronger
If you want to teach your child to accept himself and others as they are, then this book about diversity will be your best assistant. It will help your little ones to respect all the differences that make us unique. In this kids’ book, our little hero named Nick will show your children that we all are different in many ways, and everyone is unique—which is great! Nicky is afraid that his friends will not accept him because of his new reading glasses. By talking to his peers on the way to school, he discovers the beauty of diversity and realizes that our diversity is actually our strength. This children’s book contains charming rhymes and will help your children: to accept and celebrate diversity to be kind to those who are different to love themselves the way they are to boost self-confidence Awards & Recognition This social emotional book for kids is a continuation of Nick’s adventures from the “World of Kids’ Emotions” series. Previously released books of the series became Amazon Bestsellers. “This diversity book is one of the best 1st grade reading books I have ever practiced with my 6-year-old girl and 7-year-old boy. This book teaches that it’s okay to be different and helps to cope with the lack of self-confidence.” – Samantha “This preschool book turned out to be perfect for my 4 and 5 years old kindergarten students who simply adore it. It explains the meaning of diversity and inclusion very well and is a wonderful tool for my teaching activities.” – Susan *** Even if you have tried everything, this adorable book will surely encourage your child to be kinder and more confident. It is perfectly suited for toddlers, preschool kids ages 3-5, as well as older ones ages 6-10. So, don't wait, add this amazing book to your cart now and ENJOY!
Elizabeth Cole (Author), Amy Gentry (Narrator)
Oen and Jarred help Dolana establish a new colony on Zeta, the planet selected three hundred years ago to showcase the benefits of collaboration. Previous attempts to settle Zeta were thwarted by The Order, corrupt and evil religious men who craved power and control. Thanks to Oen, Jarred, and their friends, The Order is defeated and removed from power, though not destroyed. But now a new threat appears that is determined to destroy the fledgling colony. The same advanced androids sent to help build the colony suddenly turn destructive. Only with the help of an advanced android sent by Darrik Madron, the head of a rich and powerful family descended from a space pirate , are Oen, Jarred, and the other colonists able to save the colony. The person directing the rogue androids, Councilman Gorm, is a rich scientist from the advanced civilization where Oen and Jarred's daughter lives and works.The two men are close friends with several others from that planet, including the world leader and her mate. Gorm's plans are discovered and he is forced to flee along with some sycophant followers and a team of androids operated by an artificial intelligence. Darrik cuts the flow of funds to Gorm but is not able to capture him. Damaged in a fire fight with Darrik's men and machines, Gorm transfer his consciousness into an android fashioned to look just like him. Now he has unlimited time to plot his domination of the galaxy. Gorm in his new android body now sets his sights on controlling The Order and their many hidden pockets of wealth and information. With caution and secrecy, Gorm replicates the top leadership tiers within The Order, replacing the men with android copies that he controls. When Gorm attempts to capture and replicate Lady Saphora Madron, Darrik extracts details of Gorm's plans from Gorm's secret cloaked base. Soon there is open warfare that leads to the destruction of the Madron mansion and the relocation of Gorm to an obscure planet where The Order has a secret
Rod Mortin (Author), Rod Mortin (Narrator)
Sloth Sees the World / All About Sloths
It's 2-books-in-1! Start with a humorous, factual fiction story about a sloth who decides to leave home and explore the world beyond the rainforest. Then, hear fun facts about nature's slowest mammal!
Susan Rich Brooke (Author), Kevin Connolly (Narrator)
Las 50 frases del Dr. Bob: Co-Fundador de Alcohólicos Anónimos
Robert Holbrook Smith, más conocido como Doctor Bob (8 de agosto de 1879-16 de noviembre de 1950), fue un médico estadounidense que también fuera cofundador de Alcohólicos Anónimos junto al exsoldado Bill Wilson (más conocido este último como 'Bill W').Noviembre representa, para nuestra comunidad, el mes de las tradiciones y de la gratitud; en memoria de nuestro cofundador, Robert Holbrook Smith, el Dr. Bob; quien el 16 de noviembre de 1950, pasó del dolor de esta vida a “un nuevo horizonte”, expresión que él mismo utilizaba cuando se le preguntaba acerca de su visión sobre la muerte; y respondía: “¿Has estado alguna vez en el aeropuerto y has observado a los aviones cuando salen? Durante un rato, ves el avión, y luego ya no lo ves; eso no quiere decir que se haya desintegrado o desaparecido, sólo ha encontrado un nuevo horizonte; esa es la forma en que siento acerca de la muerte. Habré encontrado un nuevo horizonte”. El legado del Dr. Bob es invaluable, sabemos que para Bill W., como él mismo escribía, el aporte del Dr. Bob fue determinante para nuestra comunidad, y fue de éste último de quien aprendió el verdadero significado de la palabra HUMILDAD: “El Dr. Bob fue en esencia una persona más humilde que yo. En algunos aspectos él tuvo una clase de espiritualidad “natural”… Sobre su escritorio, el Dr. Bob tenía una placa definiendo la humildad: “La perpetua tranquilidad del corazón. Es no tener problemas. Es nunca estar enojado o apesadumbrado, irritable o dolorido; no extrañándome de nada de lo que me hacen, sentir que nada se hace en contra mía. Es estar tranquilo cuando nadie me alaba y cuando soy culpado o despreciado, es tener un bendito hogar en mí mismo en donde yo puedo entrar, cerrar la puerta, arrodillarme ante mi Padre en secreto y estar en paz, como en un profundo mar de tranquilidad, cuando todo lo que hay a mi alrededor y cerca de mí aparente ser un problema”.
Oslos Molina (Author), Oslos Molina (Narrator)
Daños a la familia por el alcohólismo
Las familias de los adictos suelen tener serios problemas de comunicación, especialmente respecto a los sentimientos y las emociones. Otra situación frecuente es que los padres utilizan a los hijos para pelear entre sí. Los resultados indican que los hijos de personas alcohólicas tienen mayor predisposición para desarrollar problemas derivados del abuso de sustancias y otros trastornos psicopatológicos, así como mayor tendencia al fracaso escolar, déficit cognitivo y problemas médicos. La mayoría de los hijos de alcohólicos han experimentado cierta forma de abandono o abuso. Un niño en este tipo de familia puede tener una variedad de problemas: Culpabilidad: El niño puede creer que es la causa primordial de que su padre/madre abuse de la bebida.
Oslos Molina (Author), Oslos Molina (Narrator)
Point of View - Wenn du nicht wegschauen kannst (ungekürzt)
Ein bewegendes Hörbuch über die Sucht nach Pornografie: Lucas ist elf Jahre alt, als er das erste Mal online einen Porno guckt. Mit 14 schaut er die Filme bis spät in die Nacht. Er vernachlässigt seine Hobbys, seine Noten rauschen in den Keller. Lucas braucht immer mehr für den Kick. Als ein Virus sowohl sein Handy als auch seinen Laptop lahmlegt, kommt die Sucht jedoch ans Licht. Und zum ersten Mal muss sich Lucas mit seiner Sexualität und seinen Gefühlen auseinandersetzen ... In 'Point of View' beschreibt Patrick Bard eindrücklich, wie sich die Sucht nach Internetpornografie und Cybersex auf junge Menschen auswirkt - auf ihr Gefühlsleben, ihre Sexualität und ihr Frauenbild. Zugleich bietet Bard Gesprächsansätze und macht Betroffenen Mut, sich zu öffnen.
Patrick Bard (Author), Kevin Körber (Narrator)
El alcoholismo es una enfermedad y no un vicio, cuya necesidad o dependencia a la ingesta de bebidas alcohólicas en las personas, genera deterioro en su salud física y mental. No hay síntomas precisos, pero si existen cambios notorios en el comportamiento de la persona en el ámbito laboral y familiar. La intoxicación por alcohol causa problemas de conducta y cambios mentales. Estos pueden incluir comportamiento inadecuado, estados de ánimo inestables, alteración de la capacidad de juicio, dificultad para hablar, problemas de atención o memoria y mala coordinación
Oslos Molina Palacios (Author), Jorge Palacios (Narrator)
A sweet, tender middle-grade story of two boys finding first love with each other over a seaside summer. Jeremy is not excited about the prospect of spending the summer with his dad and his uncle in a seaside cabin in Oregon. It's the first summer after his parents' divorce, and he hasn't exactly been seeking alone time with his dad. He doesn't have a choice, though, so he goes... and on his first day takes a walk on the beach and finds himself intrigued by a boy his age running by. Eventually, he and Runner Boy (Evan) meet -- and what starts out as friendship blooms into something neither boy is expecting... and also something both boys have been secretly hoping for.
Will Taylor (Author), Michael Crouch (Narrator)
The Great Big Slap: Slapping is Unacceptable
Christopher's awful words made Sarah cry many times. She did not understand why he was being so mean to her. At the summer camp parents' night event on stage William, Sarah, brother slaps Christopher. Will William Apologize?
Patrice M Foster (Author), Patrice M Foster (Narrator)
MY SKIN IS LOVELY: The ABCs of Why I Am Powerful, I Am Enough, Super Girl
Welcome to Super Girl Shaya’s guide to her Superpowers! All a parent wants in life is to ensure that their child knows how beautiful and powerful they are, despite how some may treat them. As an author focused on writing empowering self-love stories and uplifting affirmations for black girls My Skin is Lovely will help your child understand that they are beautiful, powerful, and can achieve anything they set their minds to by using positive affirmations with the ABCs. They will learn that they should never hide who they are and that they should feel comfortable, confident, and beautiful in their own skin. Teach your child that they can do anything in life, no matter what their background is, by using this fun, positive book that will ensure your child knows just how wonderful and bright they really are. My Skin is Lovely is a wonderful book for young black girls and will teach them the importance of confidence in a world that may not put an importance on it. My Skin is Lovely children's book is fun, uplifting and will make your little black girls feel empowered. It will be loved by your little princesses.❤️✅ #loveskin On a personal note, I write and produce audiobooks you can enjoy together to ensure your little black Supergirl is not just comfortable with the color of her skin, but confident that her mahogany hue is absolutely stunning! I am following a calling to shift the conversation from a place of embracing inclusion to teaching pride.
Shem Diana Moses (Author), Davina Oriakhi (Narrator)
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