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Was ist los in der Klasse 6a? Warum muss der Biologielehrer Herr Schatz die Schule verlassen? Welche Rolle spielt der Computer Alex, und wieso spukt es plötzlich beim Hausmeister der Schule? Werden unsere Ampelmännchen auch diesen Fall lösen können?
Erika Immen, Joachim Richert (Author), Gerd Hartig, Jens Kersten, Joachim Richert, Kerstin Draeger, Lutz Schnell, Manfred Wohlers, Peter Von Schulz, Rainer Schmitt, Utz Richter, Volker Bogdan (Narrator)
Familie Lohmann macht mit den Ampelmännchen einen Wochenendausflug zur Insel Grünland. Auf hoher See kommt es jedoch zu einer dramatischen Begegnung mit zwei berüchtigten Ganoven. Wie diese Geschichte ausgeht und was die Ampelmännchen dazu tun, erfahrt ihr in diesem Abenteuer.
Erika Immen, Joachim Richert (Author), Christian Stark, Gaby Blum, Gerhart Hinze, Gottfried Kramer, Horst Stark, Joachim Richert, Klaus-Peter Kaehler, Lothar Zibell, Lutz Schnell, Maria Schulenburg, Michael Weckler, Rainer Schmitt, Ulrike Ritscher, Volker Bogdan (Narrator)
Historias de vuelo. Una obra diferente al resto de la colección, donde el autor ofrece una serie de historias reales, vividas a lo largo de toda una vida profesional. Comenzaremos con el relato de un día entero en la vida de un piloto de línea aérea, y luego conoceremos las historias de éxito de pilotos profesionales desde sus inicios. Historias motivadoras, anécdotas entretenidas, y un relato apasionante de cada momento vivido por sus protagonistas. Espero que lo disfrutes, y que mi voz, te resulte agradable de escuchar. Comencemos. !
Facundo Conforti (Author), Amelia (Narrator)
The Pond of Reflection: The Pearls of Wisdom Series: Stories Inspired by a Biblical Proverb Book 1
What Will You See When You Look into The Pond of Reflection? Content in her father’s wise kingdom, Princess Journee loves life but has one nagging question: Who is she? Yes, she is a mouse and a princess, but who is she really? With her adventurous spirit and her father’s mighty steed to protect her, she goes on a quest to find herself. The adventure takes an interesting turn when she befriends a toad and an owl who tell her about a legendary Pond of Reflection known to reveal one's true identity. But first they must find it, if indeed it exists. Their friendship and appreciation for each other grow as they encounter difficulties along the way, and strange happenings in the ancient Whoami Forest. This adventure story is inspired by the Biblical Proverb 27:19 (NIV) and communicates the moral that identity and self-worth springs from heart and character (our inside-out), thus sincere friendship can happen regardless of how different outward appearance may be (our outside-in). For a fun read with a good moral to the story, why not buy a copy today!
Catherine Ann Russell (Author), Jeffrey Machado (Narrator)
Adventures of Charlie: A 6th Grade Gamer #4
I made the deal, okay? I was getting the hang of things. Winning with my team, I was having a great time playing the game. It was everything I asked for, and more. Then I found the mysterious note. I make one wrong choice, and suddenly I’m on an impossible quest. Someone on my team is going to lose, no matter what. I can’t quit. My friends need me and I won’t let them down. I feel myself becoming loyal, confident, more responsible. I’ll get everyone out, and I have a plan you won’t see coming. -- Adventures of Charlie is a zany, fantasy adventure for children ages 8-12.
Connor Grayson (Author), Gregory Jones (Narrator)
Punguta cu doi bani: Audio in limba romana
Punguta cu doi baniAlbumul contine 3 povesti audio în lectura lui MyBuni dupa basmele lui Ion Creangă. Albumul face parte din seria Povești audio. Cuprins: 1. Punguța cu doi bani; 2. Fata babei și fata moșneagului; 3. Capra cu trei iezi; Narator si editor: MyBuni
Mybuni (Author), Mybuni (Narrator)
Are you up for a thrilling adventure? When twelve year old Joe and his two younger sisters visit Smugglers Cove for the summer holidays, they get caught up in a thrilling adventure that is beyond their wildest imagination. Follow the children as they flee down a river, are chased by ferocious dogs, locked up in an old manor, get lost at sea, expose a spy, and more! This adventure novel is set in 1950's Britain and will suit anyone who enjoys Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys or the Famous Five.
Paul Moxham (Author), Anne-Lise Kadri (Narrator)
Evvel zamana gidelim /Kalbur samanı geçelim/ Yolumuz uzun ama /Kuş olup da göçelim. Varalım dağlar diyarına/ Binelim bir kuş kanadına /Menzilimiz çok ama /Konalım yedi dağa… Çocuk edebiyatının sevilen kalemi Şermin Yaşar Kuş Masalları ile tüm okurlarını gönül dağlarında dolaştırıp iyiliğin, şefkatin, hoşgörünün, sevginin ve barışın şarkısını şakımaya davet ediyor. Çocuklar ve çocukluğuna tutunanlar bu masallar sizin için.
şermin Yaşar (Author), Tilbe Saran (Narrator)
Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für Kinder: Eine Sammlung Fantastischer Abenteuer MIT Einhörnern UND Dinosaur
Wenn Sie möchten, dass Ihre Kinder ruhig schlafen und schöne Träume haben, lesen Sie ihnen die besten Gute-Nacht-Geschichten vor, die dieses Buch zu bieten hat!Was gibt es Besseres als Gute-Nacht-Geschichten? Gute-Nacht-Geschichten schaffen nicht nur eine Bindung zwischen Ihnen und Ihrem Kind, sondern fördern auch seine geistigen Fähigkeiten. Psychologen haben in Studien mit bildgebenden Verfahren des Gehirns nachgewiesen, dass Gute-Nacht-Geschichten die Ängste der Kinder verringern, ihren Geist trainieren und ihre Lese- und Sprachfähigkeiten stärken. In diesem Alter ist es völlig normal, dass sie sich verstellen und sich für Magie interessieren. Dieses Buch ist für Ihren Sohn oder Ihre Tochter geeignet, die zwischen 3 und 10 Jahre alt sind oder sich für Magie interessieren. Es enthält: · Faszinierende Charaktere: In jeder Geschichte gibt es unterschiedliche Charaktere, die alle Kinder fesseln. · Überraschende Handlungen: Da dieses Buch mit Liebe und Sorgfalt von einer Mutter, Mary Miller, geschrieben wurde, sind die Geschichten gut geschrieben und für Kinder geeignet. Ihre Bücher wurden auch in verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt, da die Wirksamkeit ihrer Texte sehr anerkannt ist. Andere Eltern haben erlebt, wie dieses Buch die Beziehung zu ihren Kindern gefördert hat, weil es ihnen geholfen hat, als sie Schwierigkeiten hatten, eine Beziehung aufzubauen. Die vielen magischen Einhörner und Dinosaurier in diesem Buch machen es zu einem Lieblingsbuch, das auch Ihre widerspenstigen Kinder lieben werden! Lassen Sie die Geschichten in dieser Sammlung Ihre Kinder beim Lernen begleiten oder einfach nur zur Unterhaltung haben! Wenn man ihnen diese Geschichten vor dem Schlafengehen erzählt, werden sie sicher angenehme Träume haben und die Nacht durchschlafen. Worauf warten Sie noch?
Mary Miller (Author), Dm Studios (Narrator)
C’è un’imboscata. Siamo all’ultimo atto della seconda guerra mondiale, non per questo il meno crudele, anzi. E siamo in una città che deve crescere molto in fretta, per tenere il passo delle sue grandi fabbriche. Sesto San Giovanni ha bisogno di spazio e con il nuovo quartiere della Rondinella, si brucia gli ultimi campi che la separano da Cinisello. Villa Rachele è uno di questi. Lì nasce Clorindo. Che non è come tutti gli altri bambini. Per almeno due buoni motivi. Il primo, lo scoprirà vivendo, il secondo invece …Cresce Clorindo. E assieme con lui, cresce anche Sesto. Arrivano tante persone, da tante parti. Ogni persona porta con sé, il suo piccolo pezzo di storia. E l’immensa tela che il destino si diverte a ricucire assieme, può anche non piacere, ma quasi mai è banale.
Alessandro Molteni (Author), Alessandro Molteni (Narrator)
Sleep Stories for Adults: 83 Relaxing Stories to Fall Asleep Fast with Daily Guided Meditations to R
Does It takes you a long time to fall asleep? Do you wake up many times during the night? Are you afraid of feeling tired the next day? If so - you’ve recognized yourself in one or more of these situations - you’re in terrible need of bedtime stories for adults. Specifically designed for stressed-out and anxious adults with sleep problems, these relaxing tales automatically melt away your stress once you start listening to them. It’s easy as it sounds. You don't have to struggle to relax and fall asleep. Whatever your favorite genres are (like fantasy, mystery, adventure...), here, you’ll find bread for your teeth: stories that’ll make you 'escape' from reality, forget everyday problems, and finally sleep deeply. In this book, you will: - Find useful tips to relieve stress before going to sleep to help you relax and sleep easier. - Understand what hypnosis is and how it can help you relaxing and realizing what makes you stressed and anxious, to heal and overcome these issues. - Discover how meditation helps you overcome insomnia by improving your sleep quality and minimizing daytime disorder in older adults and chronic insomnia people. - Be amazed by relaxing bedtime stories that will help you find time for quiet sleeping, thanks to the serenity climate they give you. That will allow you to relax, abandoning the agitation that too often disturbs the moment of falling asleep, making it difficult - And lot more! Imagine the warm and relaxing narrator’s voice calming you down, over and over again.... As if you were being lulled by the waves. Until you can no longer move - you’re deeply relaxed, you’re in heaven. Sleep like a baby from tonight, and finally feel recharged. Scroll to the top of the page, select the buy now button, and start sleeping like you deserve!
Corie Herolds (Author), Corie Production (Narrator)
Boss Lively and The Berry County Juvenile Suspects
We were four teens, Timmy, Ronald, Billy and I. This book is fiction. Most authors write about the what and who they are familiar. This novella or short book is about town bent like a junkyard. Yet there came no revolution nor reform to fix the dents. It is full of misadventures of the Police chasing myself. If you are a fan of Stranger Things on Netflix, or movies like Stand By Me or The Outsiders, then I hope you will enjoy these reflections. Time ran slower in the late 70s and early 80s. So did people, so did cognition.
Doc King Cole (Author), Cole Bolchoz (Narrator)
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