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”För länge sen i fattigdomens dagar, då fanns fattigstugan, en i var socken. Där bodde alla socknens stackare, de gamla som inte orkade arbeta mer, de utfattiga och sjuka och förvärkta, halvstollarna och de ensamma barnen som ingen ville ta vård om, alla samlades de till den suckarnas ort som var fattigstugan.” Läs sagan om den föräldralösa Malin som hamnar på fattighuset i Norka socken.
Astrid Lindgren (Author), Astrid Lindgren (Narrator)
Pojken Nils ligger sjuk hemma i den ensliga torpet Eka. I feberdrömmarna hör han Kung Magnus ropa på hans hjälp, fängslad som han är av den grymme Hertigen och nu ställd inför döden. Nils förvandlas till Junker Nils, dröm till verklighet eller något däremellan.
Astrid Lindgren (Author), Astrid Lindgren (Narrator)
”Jag minns min drake. Jag glömmer aldrig den där morgonen i april, då jag såg honom första gången.” Den rundnätta suggan föder tio smågrisar och en Drake med röda ögon. Och sedan växer han upp där, tillsammans med de andra grisarna. De båda syskonen matar honom med överblivna ljusstumpar och snören. Men han verkar aldrig helt lycklig…
Astrid Lindgren (Author), Astrid Lindgren (Narrator)
De små, små barnen Peter och Petra vill så gärna gå i skolan. En dag knackar de på dörren i nybörjarklassen i Gustaf Vasa skola, nära Vasaparken, där de bor under en stor gran. De får varsin liten, liten bänk och de blir bästisar med pojken Gunnar. När han hälsar på dem i parken visar de sina skridskokonster.
Astrid Lindgren (Author), Astrid Lindgren (Narrator)
Jag ska aldrig glömma när herr Liljonkvast hämtade mig första gången. Det knackade på rutan. En mycket liten herre i rutig kostym och hög hatt kom in genom fönstret. ”Mitt namn är herr Liljonkvast”, sa han, ”jag trippar omkring lite varstans på fönsterblecken för att se om det inte finns några barn som vill följa med till Skymningslandet. Kanske du vill det?” Om jag vill!
Astrid Lindgren (Author), Astrid Lindgren (Narrator)
Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move
Alexander's dad has a new job a thousand miles away, so now his family has to move. Alexander would rather have poison ivy. Maybe he could live with the Baldwins and their dog. He's always wanted a dog. How can he leave Rachel, his favorite baby-sitter, who taught him to stand on his head and whistle with two fingers (but not at the same time)? And his best friend Paul, who's like a brother, except that he doesn't call Alexander "puke-face" like his real brother does? Just as Alexander is ready to hide from his parents, Dad decides that a boy might need a dog to make the move easier. And Mom says he can call Paul long distance. He's already memorized the number. Johnny Heller's interpretation of this popular best-seller is a fun listening experience for children of all ages. Judith Viorst's remarkable empathy for children shines brilliantly once again.
Judith Viorst (Author), Johnny Heller (Narrator)
Once again Douglas Fairchild is starting a new school in Washington, D.C. The teachers in the private schools he has attended didn't understand him-maybe because he is from Pefkakia. Now he will make a fresh start in sixth grade at Thaddeus G. Little, a public middle school. After telling the bus driver how to drive and refusing to do his homework, Doug finds himself in the worst possible situation. He must join the after hours discussion group for misfits, better known as the Twinkie Squad. Everyone has always made fun of the Twinkies, but Doug is about to change all that. Award-winning author Gordon Korman captures a growing audience of readers with his entertaining books about the problems young adults encounter. His hilarious The Twinkie Squad is guaranteed to keep readers laughing out loud as Doug learns to accept his new classmates and most of all, himself. The spirited young man and his colorful classmates burst from the pages with L.J. Ganser's vivid narration.
Gordon Korman (Author), L.J. Ganser (Narrator)
Thirteen-year-old Mic Parsons is surrounded by weird people. He has a deaf and blind sister who clunks noisily around the house. And Vern Chortle has moved onto his street. A truly strange kid who wears outrageous socks and a beeper watch, Verne has decided Mic should be his best friend. Mic has a bigger problem, though. He's got to pass math, or his parents won't let him try out for the baseball team. Between his odd sister and the even odder Vern, Mic wonders how he can concentrate on page after page of dreaded fraction problems. Will he ever make it onto the baseball diamond? Lynn E. McElfresh uses her experiences working with deaf children to paint a realistic and touching picture of Mic's dilemma. As Mic gets help in math from an unexpected source, he will also learn about tolerance and change. Johnny Heller's expressive voice adds just the right touch to this captivating unabridged recording.
Lynn McElfresh (Author), Johnny Heller (Narrator)
"I think," said Nicey, "that Christmas is the most magic time of all the year, not just for the pretty things you get, but for the feeling inside you of what a good place the world is to live in. I should know, for I have seen one hundred and ten Christmases!" Nicey Melinda and Sethany Ann are two very old, but very well loved dolls. This time of year, the dolls are busy planning their yearly Christmas dinner party-with a little help from the two little girls they live with. The girls bundle Nicey and Sethany up to go to the woods for their Christmas tree. After they all decorate the tree with silver nutmegs and golden pears, there is much baking to be done for the party. Oh what a lovely Christmas they will have! Tasha Tudor's delightfully nostalgic story conveys the charm of holiday traditions. With Davina Porter's warm narration, you will experience all the magic of an old fashioned Christmas.
Tasha Tudor (Author), Davina Porter (Narrator)
Peter England, Una Stubbs and Crawford Logan star in this BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation of Philippa Pearce’s enchanting time-slip tale. When his brother catches measles, Tom is sent away to stay with his Aunt Gwen and Uncle Alan, and is thoroughly fed up about it. What a boring summer it’s going to be! But tedium turns to adventure when, lying in bed one night, he hears the old grandfather clock in the hall strike thirteen. What can it mean? As Tom creeps downstairs and opens the door, he finds a beautiful garden, and glimpses a girl in old-fashioned clothing. As he revisits the garden over the next few nights, he watches the seasons change from spring to autumn, and children come and go. But no-one seems to see him – until he meets Hatty, and the two become firm friends. With his new playmate, Tom embarks on the adventure of a lifetime... This magical drama stars Peter England as Tom, with Una Stubbs as Aunt Gwen and Crawford Logan as Uncle Alan. The wonder and excitement of much-loved children’s classics lives on in BBC Radio’s acclaimed full-cast dramatisations, complete with evocative music and sound effects.
Philippa Pearce (Author), Crawford Logan, Peter England, Una Stubbs (Narrator)
Song Lee and the I Hate You Notes
Everyone in Mrs. Mackle's class knows that Horrible Harry likes to do horrible things. That's how he got his nickname. He likes gross things, too, like the dead flies Song Lee brought in to feed the class water frog. But when someone sends Song Lee two "I hate you" notes, no one thinks of Harry. He wouldn't send such mean notes to the nicest person in the class. All the students wonder who wrote them-and what Song Lee is going to do. Beginning readers love each visit to Horrible Harry's classroom, where there are always interesting new things to see and hear. This time, Song Lee is preparing a big surprise, too. Johnny Heller's exuberant narration captures all the energy of this popular series. School Library Journal comments on one of the Horrible Harry books: "Another perfect chapter book for transitional readers."
Suzy Kline (Author), Johnny Heller (Narrator)
Greater Dunitsa is the most wonderful place on earth. At least that's what the town leaders think. If only they didn't have to put up with young Rizka, the free-spirited gypsy girl. Ever since her mother died and her father moved on, she has lived with her cat Pesto in a cart just outside town. Rizka walks around Greater Dunitsa in her ragbag clothes, playing sharp-witted tricks on deserving rogues. The leaders are convinced she is bad for business. The day the chief councilor finds his roast chicken in Pesto's hungry jaws is too much for the frustrated man. He hatches a fail-safe plan to get rid of the sassy gypsy girl and her troublesome pet. But he doesn't plan on Rizka's brains or is it brasiness? Wherever there is trouble, Rizka is there, offering her own hilarious solutions. Award-winning children's author Lloyd Alexander packs this entertaining tale with fun-filled farce and and elegant comedy. Narrator Ron Keith's sunny interpretation celebrates all the good natured high jinks and warm-hearted surprises.
Lloyd Alexander (Author), Ron Keith (Narrator)
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