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Kingston and the Echoes of Magic
In the second book in the series, Kingston and his friends must find a way to travel through the Realm to save their world from destruction. Kingston might have saved Echo City but the victory is bittersweet without his pops by his side. The holidays are approaching and if Kingston could have one wish, it would be to have his father, who is trapped in the Realm, come home. But as new problems arise and blackouts blanket the city, Kingston begins to have a persistent feeling of déjà vu, as if he's lived this same day before-and he has. Echo City living up to its name, is caught in a repeating time loop. Maestro, his father's old rival, has found a way to overwrite reality with an alternate timeline where he rules over all. It will be up to Kingston, Too Tall, and V to find a way to enter the Realm and travel back through time to stop Maestro and save Brooklyn before it's erased for good.
Rucker Moses, Theo Gangi (Author), Zeno Robinson (Narrator)
The Magnificent Makers #2: Brain Trouble
BOOM! SNAP! WHIZ! ZAP! The Magnificent Makers series is filled with science, adventure, and characters that listeners will love! A modern-day Magic School Bus for chapter book listeners! This audiobook includes two science activities kids can do at home! These quick educational activities (30 minutes or less) use items you probably already have on hand--or can easily order if needed! Violet and Pablo are best friends who love science! So when they discover a riddle that opens a magic portal in the brain fair at school, they can't wait to check it out! In this adventure, the friends enter the Maker Maze--a magical makerspace--along with a set of twins who are interested in learning all about the brain. The kids can't wait to solve science puzzles . . . if first, they can learn to work together! With the help of a hilarious and odd scientist, the Magnificent Makers embark on out-of-this-world adventures that help them master the science concepts they are learning in school. This series will cover several scientific topics (at an age-appropriate level) ranging from human biology to ecology, while also exploring issues such as managing failure, teamwork, courage, and jealousy. *Includes a downloadable PDF containing the science experiments from the printed book Don't miss any books in this STEM-tastic series! #1: How to Test a Friendship #2: Brain Trouble #3: Riding Sound Waves #4: The Great Germ Hunt #5: Race Through Space
Theanne Griffith (Author), Imani Parks (Narrator)
The Magnificent Makers #3: Riding Sound Waves
Boom! Snap! Whiz! Zap! The Magnificent Makers chapter book series is filled with science, adventure, and characters kids will love! Every audiobook includes two science activities kids can do at home! A modern day Magic School Bus for the chapter book listener! A wacky scientist, Dr. Crisp loves to invite students to the her Maker Maze for a STEM-filled adventure! Just solve a riddle and the portal to the Maze will appear! But there's a catch...if the kids don't complete a challenge fast enough, they can never come back to the Maze! Pablo and Violet are on a field trip to the science museum and today they're paired up with a classmate they don't know very well--Henry. As they enter the Maze and learn about touch, hearing, and vision, Pablo and Violet learn that there's more to Henry and his odd behavior than meets the eye - Henry has a sensory processing disorder. Together they'll learn a little something about feelings (literally!), acceptance, and what makes us special. *Includes a downloadable PDF containing the science experiments from the printed book Don't miss any books in this STEM-tastic series! #1: How to Test a Friendship #2: Brain Trouble #3: Riding Sound Waves #4: The Great Germ Hunt #5: Race Through Space
Theanne Griffith (Author), Giordan Diaz (Narrator)
The Magnificent Makers #4: The Great Germ Hunt
Boom! Snap! Whiz! Zap! The Magnificent Makers chapter book series is filled with science, adventure, and characters kids will love! Every audiobook includes two science activities kids can do at home! This series is a modern day Magic School Bus for the chapter book listener! In class, Violet and Pablo have been learning about the icky world of germs! Violet has been out sick, and is excited she's feeling better... achoo! Well, she's mostly feeling better. She and Pablo are paired up with another classmate, Aria, who is a bit nervous that Violet keeps sneezing. When another riddle appears to transport them back to the Maker Maze--a magical makerspace--to learn all about bacteria, viruses, and fungi, Violet and Pablo find out why Aria is so nervous. Aria's body has more trouble fighting off illnesses than their bodies do. Together they learn all about good and bad germs, and why staying home until you're 100% recovered is really important. *Includes a downloadable PDF containing the science experiments from the printed book Don't miss any books in this STEM-tastic series! #1: How to Test a Friendship #2: Brain Trouble #3: Riding Sound Waves #4: The Great Germ Hunt #5: Race Through Space
Theanne Griffith (Author), Imani Parks (Narrator)
The Complete Collection of 10 Retellings
Sir Michael Morpurgo retells ten of Shakespeare’s best-loved plays in this stunning audio collection in association with the RSC, featuring readings by members of the Royal Shakespeare Company and Michael himself. This collection includes Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Henry V, Twelfth Night, Taming of the Shrew, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest. Translating these iconic plays into thrilling prose, the nation’s favourite storyteller preserves all the imaginative genius and spark of the originals, while bringing a contemporary and vibrant voice to their retelling. The stories are revealed in a fresh, exciting and entertaining way, providing both an entry point for child readers and a fascinating dialogue with the original texts that will intrigue any Shakespeare scholar. Each tale, directed by Hal Chambers and Aaron Parsons, is introduced by Michael and includes incidental music composed by Phil James.
Michael Morpurgo (Author), Alice Blundell, Anne Odeke, Assad Zaman, Avita Jay, Baker Mukasa, Ben Caplan, Colm Gormley, Dyfrig Morris, Georgia Landers, Kemi-Bo Jacobs Et Al., Miles Jupp, Patrick Osborne, Zoe Lambert (Narrator)
Una historia tan desternillante como el mejor Solo en Casa. Carmen y Guillermo son dos bromistas natos, el terror de su clase y de todo su colegio. Sin embargo, pronto van a enfrentarse a un enemigo a su altura: Míster Ideas de Bombero, un ladrón profesional que asaltará su casa junto a sus secuaces. Carmen y Guillermo están a punto de descubrir a quién se le dan mejor las bromas pesadas. Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. - Andreu Martín es un autor español nacido en Barcelona en 1949. Referente absoluto y pilar del género de novela negra en España, ha escrito algunos de los títulos más emblemáticos del panorama hispanohablante en el siglo XX y XXI. Asimismo, ha cultivado la novela infantil y juvenil con series como la del detective adolescente Flanagan. Su obra le ha valido premios como el Hammet, el Nacional de Literatura Juvenil, el Deutsche Krimi Preis en Alemania o La Sonrisa Vertical.
Andreu Martín (Author), Enrique Aparicio (Narrator)
Ahora os contaré la historia de un brujo que se llamaba No porque era todo lo contrario del Mago Sí. Y os contaré la historia de una niña que se llamaba Catalina, que no quería estudiar para bruja y su maestro tenía que castigarla. ¿Queréis conocer la historia de Catalina? Si no queréis que os la cuente, ya podéis dejar de leer e iros a jugar a otra parte. Si queréis conocerla, tendréis que seguir leyendo. Siguen las andanzas del venturoso Mago Sí, que siempre ayuda a los niños a tomar las decisiones más importantes. Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. - Andreu Martín es un autor español nacido en Barcelona en 1949. Referente absoluto y pilar del género de novela negra en España, ha escrito algunos de los títulos más emblemáticos del panorama hispanohablante en el siglo XX y XXI. Asimismo, ha cultivado la novela infantil y juvenil con series como la del detective adolescente Flanagan. Su obra le ha valido premios como el Hammet, el Nacional de Literatura Juvenil, el Deutsche Krimi Preis en Alemania o La Sonrisa Vertical.
Andreu Martín (Author), Cristina Fargas (Narrator)
There once was a time when the sun alone ruled the day, the moon graced the night, and little children were sent to bed before sunset. Then early one dawn, the moon heard sounds of children laughing, and she yearned to see them by daylight. "Certainly not!" snapped the sun. "The day is mine. The night is yours!" But the moon had a clever plan.... Carmen Agra Deedy and Jim LaMarche have brilliantly crafted an original pourquoi tale about finding one's place in the universe.
Carmen Agra Deedy (Author), Carmen Agra Deedy (Narrator)
El perro del señor Gris Marengo
Este cuento te lo contará el Mago Sí en persona, un cuento hecho a medida, expresamente para ti. Habla de ti, de tus padres, y de un perro, o de un perro, de ti y de tus padres, o de tus padres, de un perro y de ti. El Mago Sí vuelve a aparecer en la narrativa infantil de Andreu Martín, dispuesto a ayudar a los más pequeños a tomar decisiones importantes. Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. - Andreu Martín es un autor español nacido en Barcelona en 1949. Referente absoluto y pilar del género de novela negra en España, ha escrito algunos de los títulos más emblemáticos del panorama hispanohablante en el siglo XX y XXI. Asimismo, ha cultivado la novela infantil y juvenil con series como la del detective adolescente Flanagan. Su obra le ha valido premios como el Hammet, el Nacional de Literatura Juvenil, el Deutsche Krimi Preis en Alemania o La Sonrisa Vertical.
Andreu Martín (Author), Cristina Fargas (Narrator)
L'Albert, després de barallar-se amb uns companys de l'institut, s'escapa de dues companyes que el persegueixen en moto i es refugia en una fàbrica. Allà es troba amb un desconegut deforme amb qui estableix una relació especial a fi d'ajudar-lo a descobrir un ésser estrany que aparentment viu al mateix edifici. Res no és el que sembla. Aquesta intensa història d'institut comença de manera trepidant i es converteix en un relat de realisme fantàstic on els límits entre la realitat i la fantasia es desdibuixen en descobrir que l'Albert és el mateix ésser que viu a la fàbrica. Resulta ser un viatge accidentat en forma de thriller a la ment del protagonista que permet fantasiejar i que convida a no apropar-nos a fàbriques abandonades... Tot i així, malgrat sembrar la intranquil·litat, res no és el que sembla. - Àngel Burgas (Figueres, 1965) és escriptor. Pertany al consell de redacció de la revista 'Faristol' especialitzada en literatura infantil i juvenil, i és un dels membres de 'Libres al replà', bloc especialitzat en LIJ. Compagina la literatura per adults amb la literatura per a joves. Ha obtingut guardons com ara el Premi Mercè Rodoreda, el Folch i Torres, el Joaquim Ruyra o el Galera Jóvenes Lectores. Ha fet cursos de narrativa creativa i ha impartit classes al màster de Foment de la lectura a la UB. Actualment és jurat del Premi Mercè Rodoreda de Contes i Narracions, porta els clubs de lectura del Premi Crexells de l'Ateneu Barcelonès. La seva darrera novel·la per a joves, 'Noel et busca' (2012) ha obtingut el premi Crítica Serra d'Or 2013, ha estat seleccionat per a la llista d'honor de l'IBBY i com a finalista al Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil del Ministerio de Cultura espanyol.
Angel Burgas (Author), Joel Valverde (Narrator)
An epic tale of two remarkable girls and the powers they wield Ellie McFadden has intuitive gifts. She can sense what other living things are feeling. She can even talk to animals! Too bad she can't connect with her twin sister, Parker. Parker McFadden has kinetic gifts. She can cause shocks to the earth and produce heat energy that explodes from her body like fire, especially when she is angry. The sisters aren't aware of the legacy they inherited from their mother until, on their twelfth birthday, two mysterious relatives on the Power side whisk them off to an isolated sanctuary called Haven. Ellie immediately adapts to their new routine, but Parker has one impulse: to get back to her normal life of friends and sports, fast. Unlocking Haven's secrets is just the beginning of what Ellie and Parker can do if they choose to work together to harness their abilities. But the sinister force that took their mother has other plans, and if the sisters' fragile relationship succumbs to the Danger, a terrible fate may befall the people they love.
Jessica Benoist, Mariko Tamaki, Melissa Benoist (Author), Jessica Benoist, Melissa Benoist (Narrator)
Un hermoso tributo a la mejor fantasía épica, bien mezclada con unas gotas de ciencia ficción y con unas gotas de una única sensibilidad. La historia nos presenta un mundo dividido por un muro inabarcable. De un lado, una raza de seres avanzados que emplean la tecnología hasta un grado que la hace indistinguible de la magia. Del otro lado del muro, tribus salvajes que viven de la caza e intentan sobrevivir a la intemperie. Entre estas tribus vive Lena, quien conoce las historias del mundo de antaño, antes de que levantasen el muro, por boca de su madre. Sin embargo, el destino de Lena está a punto de cambiar: algo la espera al otro lado del muro. Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. - Monica Pons es una autora española. Apasionada de la literatura juvenil y fantástica, compagina su labor profesional con la redacción tanto de relatos como de novelas de género que le han valido un puesto entre los valores emergentes de la literatura fantástica española.
Mónica Pons (Author), Ana Serrano (Narrator)
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